Watch Joe Biden’s full speech to Congress

Just days before his 100th day in office, President Joe Biden pushed an ambitious economic plan during his first prime-time address to Congress.

#CNN #News #Biden

Watch Joe Biden's full speech to Congress


    1. @Dog Poo Fairy Not true! They SUPPORTED ANTIFA and BLM. (oh, wait.. you said “the violence”.. yea, there was lots of violence.. yipee!!)

    2. 100 day since you fraud an election in usa u stole to those real Americans the right to vote this a fraud fake president. Just look at this video at minute 1.28.00 and tell me if they did this 15 year ago how come they not gonna do it this time and remember they didn’t let none see the machine codes etc even they sabotage the hearing on Jan 6 by staging a coup what psychopaths we have in power by fraud. Bidden is a fraud president we all no it. Remember the machines did just that* look and tell me if that ingenier if not beein onest to the judge on this —> ,1.28.00.

    3. I rather get my nails pulled out with pliers than listen to the evil fake president you continue to prop up. I just cam to check out comments!. I love my people.

    1. @James Smith I’m not going to argue about the end times your soul is more important! Get right with God.

    1. @3lement2010 The basement sadists are full time on that. Gotta feel better about themselves… somehow.

    2. @Elliott bluemedsea No, Means there’s more conservatives that want to troll and do nothing all day but refresh their feed instead of doing something better. Also, 81 million > 74 million.

    1. “ my name is JoeBomba and I approve this message… wha… what do you mean I’m not Obama? I’m not? Then you ain’t black “

  1. CNN’s commentary on the president’s speech and Senator Tim Scott’s response is shameful as usual. We need to come together and THEY are stirring the pot to keep the argument going so they can sell more advertising. Wake up America! You are being played.

  2. I feel a lot more educated watching this video. I now realize I need to check myself into a mental hospital. Thanks Joe!

  3. The collective groan that was heard in Biden’s speech was from all the tots in the country who heard they would have to start school at 4 years old instead of 6.

  4. Sniffy Biden’s brain is like a web browser. 19 tabs are open, 17 are frozen, and he has no idea where the music’s coming from

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