Jeff Bezos and the Blue Orbit crew are seen floating in zero gravity during their space flight in video released that was filmed within the New Shepard capsule.
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Watch: Jeff Bezos, Crew Float In Zero Gravity During Space Flight
Hey Bezos, I’m still waiting for my package while you float in space.
Wally Funk finally getting this opportunity is amazing.. !
I really have to say that Bezos does a masterful human impression.
Just a bit more realistic than the ZuckerBot.
Lex Luthor and the Legion of Doom.
Okay I’m signing up for Amazon prime now I didn’t realize it was that much fun
[awkward astronaut butt]
“Who wants a Skittle??”
[more astronaut butt]
That’s some classy stuff right there.
If I had $200 billion dollars I wouldn`t have to be in space to float.
“I once tossed a skittle into the richest man in the world’s mouth while in space.”
those words can only be said by one person on the planet lolol.
And spread eagle upside down in front of him
@quest 77051 for a little whe it was no one ON the planet that had done that, not until they landed. It was the only person in the entire Universe!

I hope you smiled today, if you did, please pass it forward!
@Minoru Mineta Bruh
Elon is richest
So, how does the earth look from space? Did it change you in a profound way? I don’t know, we were too busy spinning and throwing skitters.
My thoughts exactly
I mean, he effectively owns a fair portion of it. I don’t think he cares anymore.
My same thought too.
There’s a reason
@iamthedole you mean a reason why they didn’t look much or something else?
The rich are planning to escape dying planet earth, leaving hoi polloi behind
Escape to where?
not trying to be that guy. but, I wouldn’t be able to take my eyes off the earth if I were there…
I was gonna say the same! That view I wouldn’t turn around for anything.
At least be looking at the stars and all. You want zero gravity get in the Vomit comet plane.
760 million US tax dollars went to blue origin. They haven’t produced a rocket capable of orbit.
But Jeff is having Fun and that’s all that matters
@ilebillybobjoe i’m sorry but thats not why the bidget for the military is higher than nasa’s.
@Iceayy oh no I was saying why some people want more on the military budget.
@Iceayy what, I don’t think you understand me
@ilebillybobjoe how is that relevant at all
@ilebillybobjoe can you clarify on why talking about increasing the military budget is at all relevant to nasa’s being lower?
It’s bonkers that these people were more occupied with 0-G than looking out at our f-ing planets surface.
It’s because all of this is bs. You really think that old woman let alone any of those people could withstand the g forces to survive this?
@Dirty Sinatra
@Dirty Sinatra she’s a former astronaut pretty sure so yes
@Dirty Sinatra your parent’s were clearly related!
@Danol Dam she was never part of nasa back then.
tumbling around in zero gravity they missed the beauty of the view of the earth from space
I like Jeff’s platform shoes, guess money cant buy self confidence
If anything, that woman was the only one who deserved to be there based on her credentials.
really? spinning over and over again. i would have stuck my face on those windows admiring the gem we live on.
but yeah stuff me with skittles.
Their childhood dream was actually to throw skittles in zero gravity.

Looks like about as organised/comfortable as a Spirit Airlines flight (but at a higher altitude).
This is the most amazing stupid moment I had ever watched in my life entire and the most expensive in the middle of a pandemic and millions are dying and 28 million, One person just burns fuel to fart in Space.. bravo Jeffy you are the 2nd for the first time.
In other news, Bezos learned nothing and still believes he deserves more than everybody.