Rachel Maddow, Joy Reid, and Nicolle Wallace discuss how Republicans will react to the growing power of Black Democratic voters, and how the manufactured crisis that Donald Trump created with his vote fraud lies will be used as to justify new vote suppression tactics that serve Republican ends. Aired on 01/06/2021.
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#Trump #SuppressionRules #MSNBC
Watch For Republicans To Use Trump Vote Fraud Lies To Push Vote Suppression Rules | Rachel Maddow
Kornacki live cam is the best
That’s exactly right! Voter suppression is going to be ramped up. Even though there has been NO VOTER fraud, They’re going to spin it!
Truth and Decency won over Lies , Bigotry and Criminality.
@William H only most logical people can.
@William H And reorganizing the police so they can become the peace makers like they used to be instead of a soldier trying to control hostiles .
@Jay Roy Sims I am glad to hear that, brother .
@Jay Roy Sims you mean a women?
@franklin mentality “Good ol’ women”, then.
They’ve already started. No surprise there.
purdue has already said he will go to the courts, republicans are sore losers, but the democrats, in future, need to be just as ruthless as republicans
Lololol! I was saying, “They didn’t get the candy/their seat (and that’s when the TANTRUM STARTED coupled with Bullying)! Epic in American History”!
Trump could wear two pubescent boys as “puppets” and supporters would insists his hands were just cold.
thats jim jordan, trump likes 14 year old girls
@plasticpaddy Gym Jordan
Yes., He could sodomize them 60 times each and he could get away with it.
Commit sedition, go straight to prison. Don’t pass go, don’t collect $600. Or was it $200? Or was it millions?
Toh wow
@outdoor fun bot
@doppler Typical leftist. Go running for a safe space when confronted with facts.
Good one, lol

@outdoor fun
You do realize you just called yourself a liberal, right? By your own standards. Because people like you have been running from the facts and the truth for decades.
Voter suppression is treason. Hold them accountable.
They don’t want voter suppression, they want clean, legitimate elections with strict laws that only allow citizens the right to vote. This China controlled media is misconstruing the truth and so many Americans are falling for it.
@MARCUS BRAGA ‘…that only allow WHITE citizens the right to vote’
There, fixed that for you.
@Andrea Bratcher take em down..the Dems..take em down..
burning ballots and fake polls to voter suprression is treason
Thank you Georgia and all American patriots who put Country over party.
@outdoor fun Right, no American would disagree with you that Democrats are American Patriots.
But to your point, Trump is beholden to Russia and China, and Trump supporters are communists.
@outdoor fun It must be a very sad life to always be on the wrong side, to discover you’ve been standing against America, to discover you’ve been mislead and you are just now starting to dip your toes into reality and fact. I will pray for you my friend.
Nobody voting blue or red is putting party over country
@William Springer … yeah, complaining online about it and not voting is better for the country. My eye roll is not strong enough for your comment.

No, this is not normal. The GOP is corrupt and will do anything to retain power.
@Harry Trente Tell Georgia that. You don’t know anything about black people why they vote the way they do.
Georgia finished off the Republican fascist party.
Yup only republicans are corrupt democrats are never…
@YouVikeThat? Right on Youvee.
They have been this way for years it’s just that now they are including white people.
Anyone else thinks Mitch is sobbing uncontrollably right about now?
republicans dont have tear ducts stop spreading lies msl
He his because the only thing he cares about got knocked down a peg. HIM. Bye Q!
MSL I imagine Trump’s stress level is painfully high, his blood pressure must be through the roof. MORE! MORE!
@Simon Ainscough Got me!
I can only hope
This is Donald Trump Republican party drinking a Kool-Aid not understanding thank you
Jim Jones syndrome…
You’re so right and it’s so tragic. I don’t know how these people managed to be brainwashed. I suspect it began with willing misunderstanding however, it’s standard Cult Operating Procedures and I don’t know how we’ll get them back.
“… So I said to my people, ‘Slow the voting down, please.’”
― Dennis the Menace
Send Stacie Adams to Texas next … Texas is close now.
@Gnirol Namlerf Excellent thinking. I plan to keep voting for change in Texas.
@Cindy Pomerleau Regretably the DNC, et al, are with the repubs. They are more OK with republicans than they are with progressives.
*Y’all can borrow Stacey, but we need her back in 2022 bc she’s gonna be our next governor*
@Gnirol Namlerf very true words. Take care
@honora lovall
Huh. Don’t see it that way. That would be a shame bc the entire country is moving toward progressive…or maybe it’s just me. Anywhoo, got alot better chance to see progressive reforms with the Dems than the Reps any day.
Stay safe, be well.
Wear a mask.
Now make sure those Republicans “the Trumpist” will never have a seat in the Senate.
@Floki Boy Yet , I will die with Christ my Lord. Who will you die with?
@We The people nice fairy tale. I prefer Harry Potter though.
Repent of all sins in the name of Jesus Christ before it’s too late! 444prophecynews.com
@We The people Robert Plant
@carol 1 It’s simple- things that are “over and done with” directly affect what happens afterwards. McConnell blocked legislation because Harry Reid did the exact same thing for several years against the Republicans. Hundreds of pieces of legislation that just sat on Reid’s desk. It’s called cause and effect. If Democrats actually objected to Reid’s actions then there would have been no McConnell issue. But instead you literally ignored him and you got what you got. See how that works?
“Person, man, another man, karma, slippery soap bar”.
Haha love this!
thanks for the chuckle this helped
This is why real Americans consider the Republikkklan Confederates to be the Russian government.
@Diamant Brut They’ve got their heads well up a certain person’s backside that’s for sure.
@Floki Boy Ah first class customer service Floki – I’ve often wondered ’bout these initials.
@Lisa Clark lay off the meth Natasha

@Lisa Clark da fuq r u smoking????

i know, throw trump in jail for all his crimes, problem solved.
What a good idea. That’s the kind of thinking that can _Make America Great Again_ . . . . . . . er, do you mind if I rephrase that?
What crimes??
@Luca YOU LOST, Karen. Do you know how to act like an adult, or is a snowflake crybaby tantrum all you got? Don’t answer, go cry on your mama’s shoulder, you infantile twunt. Click your heels and make a wish, Dorothy. We’re not in Kansas any more. And change your diaper, your stank is peeling the paint. _”Politicians are like diapers, they need to be changed often, and for the same reason.”_ ~~ Mark Twain
@Luca all of them.
The whole world is watching. Praying for Democracy to survive. God bless the people of Georgia
Lots of love from Nepal 
Thank you Georgia, Thank you Nepal.

And my apologies to Nepal, for our
Stupid president called your country nipples
Trump is an embarrassment to us.
@june bug cheaters..you know you did!
I do hope now:
Justice Matters! Blessings to Georgia, to the New Senate members, to the Nation. Love♥️ from Germany.
@GauchoNic Don’t follow your nincompoop of a president
He is already on his way to get some of his supporters killed. 
Democracy is thriving in many places outside America. Is America truly a democracy when Americans don’t even have a right to fair elections?
God Bless Georgia and the African American voters that came out and made the difference. Much love from Colorado.
If Republicans can’t pursue their agenda through democratic means, they won’t give up their agenda, they’ll give up democracy. Someone else said that.
No, Glori, you just said that. No one else. Stand by it at the gates of Heaven, Glori from NJ!!
I am an Independent, I believe for Integrity and Truth.
You are wrong about Republicans.
What is your Agenda???
Very true indeed
@Tessa – Republicans are criminals that corral power by whatever means necessary. That’s why they embraced life long criminal Donald Trump. If you believe in integrity and truth you can NOT support the GOP.
Gloria fron NJ
Sounds exactly correct. Seems the only good Republican is an Ex-republican.
The Lincoln Project comes to mind.
Stay safe, be well.
Wear a mask.