Watch FBI seize ex-Trump election lawyer’s cell phone

Video from Fox shows FBI agents seizing the cell phone of former Trump election attorney John Eastman as part of the Justice department's investigation into the January 6 insurrection. Eastman says the warrant FBI agents used is "invalid on its face." CNN's Katelyn Polantz has more. #CNN #News


  1. John Eastman: I’m butthurt… Judge: That’s not a legal argument..

    1. @What’s Good My Guy it’s a committee hearing, and all testimony can be used in a court of law. And you bet it will be.

  2. Oh I feel so sorry for Mr. Eastman. I’m sure he would have the same objections if Nancy Pelosi was in the same position. What’s funny is he tries to lead us to believe that he has 100 clients. Lol

  3. Unfortunately I’ve serious doubt moving forward at the Supreme Court, Willup hold justice in any case.

  4. So…he’s carrying around all this client information and “privileged” communications on the single most lost, misplaced, or stolen item in the world? Sounds like those phantom 100 plus clients have a case for suing for incompetence.

    1. Those clients are protected by privilege. The only time it wouldn’t be is if the clients were actively committing a crime with him.

      Goodluck finding a jury who is going to award an even richer person even more cash, for getting caught committing a crime.

  5. ‘I’m an attorney” – Eastman.
    “I was thinking l should be included in the pardon thing” – Eastman. 🤭

    1. “And that the said Constitution be never construed to authorize Congress to infringe the just liberty of the press, or the rights of conscience; or to prevent the people of the United States, who are peaceable citizens, from keeping their own arms; or to raise standing armies, unless necessary for the defense of the United States, or of some one or more of them; or to prevent the people from petitioning, in a peaceable and orderly manner, the federal legislature, for a redress of grievances; or to subject the people to unreasonable searches and seizures of their persons, papers or possessions.”
      – Samuel Adams, Massachusetts Ratifying Convention, 1788

    1. @Pondering Ponder huh, you haven’t heard about any cause, say, over the past few weeks? You might Google that.

  6. “We over-stepped, disregarded and broke the law- but where is the law for us when we need it? I’m a lawyer, ya know!!”

  7. hey, John, quick question:
    *if* this search warrant was ‘illegal on it’s face’, as you claim, then why did you comply?

    1. @$hiek Yobooty  I can’t remember how many times that phrase has been emphatically yet emptily used by propoganda media and repeated by useful idiots….not saying that you are….

    2. Because that’s what respectable people do.
      The real question is why did the FBI contact the media first. Nobody’s asking that question about this show trial

    1. @Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen LXIX Did you know “LXIX” are the Roman numerals for the number “69”, implying you can prove you are the 69th??
      The warrant on his cell was Federal.

  8. You’d think with his being a “lawyer” a JUDGE had to have signed the FBI warrant and said JUDGE would’ve known what he’s claiming about “it contains other peoples communications”!

    1. That’s exactly what I thought, Patricia. And I was a judge for 18 years. Maybe Eastman thought you litigate Search Warrants on the street? You’d think he’d have learned something about them at least in Law School — or maybe in practice somewhere. But, then again, Eastman seems to have struggled understanding Criminal Law and how not to violate it during this whole Trump Coup episode. The “Jail Train” from this is just gonna’ be exceptional!!! Stockpile lots of popcorn and some champagne.

    2. The more Eastman plays up how “extraordinary” and “outrageous” the seizure of his phone is, the more he’s essentially advertising how potentially egregious his suspected offense(s) are. When evaluating warrant requests, judges weigh the severity of the alleged offense(s) and the concern for the individual’s rights against each other. One would think, as a lawyer, Eastman would be mindful of this. Although, he is on Fox news so they know their audience is largely uninformed and ignorant and the name of the game is to simply gin up anger and indignance. So…

  9. Wow. Lt General Michael Flynn, a lifelong military member and a three-star general, took the fifth amendment when asked if he believes in the peaceful transfer of power in the United States, a question one might assume would have been part of his oath.


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