CNN's Chris Cuomo speaks with Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren after ABC's Democratic primary debate.
#CNN #News
CNN's Chris Cuomo speaks with Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren after ABC's Democratic primary debate.
#CNN #News
They want the magic want to disappear again

The loudest voice at the Debate was Tulsi Gabbard. This debate was an audition in “Who wants to get Mondaled?”
@Adelynn Tan I see it now . she deserves it too. Why isn’t she dealing with the problems we are having now. She is just adding to the the deficit that we can not do. You did hear that the deficit went over 1t. Student loan debt is your parents problem. She never answers where the money comes form. The gvt is not an atm.The gvt does not owe you a job.Out of all the problems we have now and will in the future this is your biggest complaint. Warren is acting like a stupid women.
@orphan 200 She has explained she wants to raise a tax on the largest fortunes, above 50MUS$, and that tax will be enough to fund education in particular. There will also be a tax on the top 2% to fund medicare expansion to cover everybody. The cost of universal healthcare is about 4000$/head/year in the rest of the World, whereas the US spends about 8000$/hear/year on private healthcare (for worse outcomes). Hence you could replace your current private insurance with a public system that covers everybody and retain the same health services. You could even save about half that money, in which case you might be willing to pay a tax (of an equivalent amount), which can fund other badly needed measures for veterans, affirmative action or whatever program the Govt still needs to fund. The point is, you don’t need an additional “tax”, you don’t need the middle class to spend a dollar more. It’s not “an ATM”, it’s not “magic”. It’s time the wealthiest paid a fair share of the taxes so that we don’t have a system where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer…
@Thomas Ponsard Medicare is not free now. It is very expensive. As a matter of fact I did go bankrupt because of medicare’s very low reimbursement is so very low. DRs in US do not work for gvt. so many hospitals have closed because of medicare/medicaid..This in not canada. there are 10x many ppl here than in the countries with socialist medicine.Don’t tell me what it costs in other countries.We do not wait for operations here.Some canadians have to come here the wait is too long. You would not get the same services as you do with private ins. Did you know that hospitals charge private ins more to make up for what they lost from Medicare? All of those taxes look good on paper but not reality. Let’s try to fix the tax code we have now make more problems. How many times have they promised no increases in taxes and what happens. did you know they are not talking about this in congress. It is all about drug costs. they know this will never pass.
@orphan 200 I live in France. I pay less in taxes than you do for Healthcare overall. I never had to wait much for any medical care. We get the best medicine and care with a very small deductible to pay. Low income people don’t even pay a deductible. The taxes are progressive so that the wealthy pay more than the poor… But overall we pay less than you do.
@Thomas Ponsard You have 66m ppl we have over 300m.the poor in this country are taken care of that is medicaid. I its free and they pay for everything. It is better to be very poor in this country than middle class.Medicare is a poorly run& expensive program for disabled and retirement the cost is very highfor the gvt so they turned over the administration to ins cos they do better job.the problem lies with privtae ins.used to be it would be part of your compensation.somewhere they started imposing co-pays for HMOS and deductables.They are not equal among employees a ceo and clerk pay the same. They have to correct the problems we have now.So there is small group of progressives that think the gvt should take care of you. Moderate dems do not believe that. That is why The DNC put BIden in. Warren has all these big tax plans i say lets’ fix the corp tax structure now.they want to punish corps and the rich for doing well. Fix the loopholes. We have the best economy because we are capitalists.Now you have problems in France right? Is it true gvt wants to stop some of the programs. Right.
CNN claims Joe Biden was a debate winner??
I guess you guys liked the part where he rambled incoherently about record players after addressing Bernie as “president sanders”…?
@Al Clark what in the world is wrong with you? I don’t want anybody to get screwed and I have no problem helping the people that NEED it! But if you can make your student loan payments, then you darn well need to make them. That is called responsibility, you signed those papers. Do you really think we should wipe out student loans for people who have no problem making payments?
@Al Clark how is it investing in young people to wipe out the student loans of 30 somethings that are still paying student loans and can afford to pay them? You are advocating “helping” people who don’t need help, I am saying help those who need help and let the ones who don’t pay theirs off. Which one makes more sense to you?
Oh and by the way, my child is one of those who has significant college debt but also has a good job and can make the payments. So yes. I do apply this stance to my own family, and my child also does not think it should be wiped out for the exact same reasons, they made the thoan, they agreed to pay it and is paying it.
@Natasha Norman If you make public colleges tuition free, then wiping out existing student loan debt simply puts them on a level with those that could now attend college tuition free. And it takes the financial boot off their neck, allowing them to start families, purchase a home etc. And they DO pay back for their education in increased taxes that comes with higher income. Or, like I said, you could just use the money to give more huge tax cuts for billionaires and corporations.
@Natasha Norman I have no problem with eliminating existing student debt. It’s debt for something that should have been publicly financed to begin with. One of the points I already listed was that in today competitive global economy a college (or trade school) education is as important to chances of a good career and high paying job as a high school diploma was 40 years ago. Did you have to whip out a credit card every year that you attended grades 1 to 12?
And by the way, the money that they don’t have to spend repaying student loans is used for other purposes, such as car repairs, down payment on a house, etc. and goes right back into the economy instead of to some bank or financial institution.
Also, again as I mentioned, they ARE taking responsibility, by the work and dedication it takes to get a higher education, and by paying the extra taxes they will incur by their work and higher wages (which over a lifetime will be more than the cost of eliminating student loan debt.)
But if you got such a bee in your bonnet about “repaying”, then if your kids student loan debt is eliminated, tell them to use the money they would have had to pay to the bank, and donate it to charity. (Banks and financial institutions are not MY favourite charity.)
@Natasha Norman Millions of young people are having to postpone starting a family, getting a home, saving, etc. due to their ball and chain debt for the crime of trying to get an better education. Wallow in your self-righteous narrow-minded bullshit, you idiot, because you’re obviously incapable of seeing the big picture.
The more I see FREDO the more I want to barf. He has that “look how stupid I am” look on his face.
Hey, establishment idiots Moderate = Mediocrity! Stop trying to get me to accept mediocre existence! America put a man on the moon. I think we’re more than capable of figuring out how to provide healthcare for everyone! #MedicareForAll Period!
I can walk on the moon too… in a film studio.
The Democrat platform is simply divide and conqueror. Placing people into categories and classes is the first step. Then they use half-truths and propaganda to pit one against the other. Finally, their policies dictate what must be done to justify all the wrongs and leave those whom they disagree with holding the bag. No government should operate this way.
@Dustin Q Yeah only if you subscribe to conspiracy!
@Pat Callahan Wow! Thanks for clearing that up! So to summarize: Categories, bad… something, something… holding the BAG…something… More words… something… I got nothing.
Deleted my dislike
Compare this woman to the nonsense answers, bragging and mocking from the president. What a difference.
Anybody can promise anything, delivering on it is the hard part.
Janet A drunk and stupid is no way to get through life.
@Andy Newman – I presume you know that first hand, bozo.
You don’t need more beaurocracy, aka bigger government, in order to increase a tiny % of taxes on the super rich. No one likes big beaurocracy. Big government. Do the math Warren! Go, go, go! Show them the maths
@Ibifaa A
It’s difficult for you or people alike, to understand automation. It needs intelligence for sure!!
Automation AI will pay for the UBi;
**Freedom Dividend** == **Automation AI** *+*. **UBI**
Not yang is talking about BS, it’s somebody’s head is full of bs!
Lots yang supporters are working in automation field, or using automation, they experience how automation not only take away human jobs, but also devalue human in job market!!
This is reality
Need to begin special tax at 25 million not 50. And do so much more with it to infrastructure. Need to tax 10 cents not 2 cents.
The right wing resonse: Anybody who disagrees with me is evil and I don’t have to say why.
@evdawgbeat You get just compensation in our blood sweat and tears. STFU. Are you 12? You sound like you just read Ayn Rand for the first time.
@Andrew Sullivan We’ve had that tax before, and it was Constitutional, so yeah, yeah it would. Do any of you people read history? ANY of you?
@Jeff Little, you’re wrong on that one. If logic and reasoning is applied to every liberal talking-point out there, you’ll find it won’t stand up to reality.
46 million Americans live in poverty. The highest rates of poverty are ALL in Red Republican states.
@Peter Tillman it is totally and utterly impossible for someone earning minimum wage to pay for their health insurance and food and shelter and transportation even if you lived in a shack and rode a bicycle. Do the math! Minimum wage itself for forty hours a week is just barely enough to cover the insurance alone for most people.
@Peter Tillman Huh. Healthcare should be a human right, and not something you “earn”. And it’s not playing the victim. There’s loads of real life victims out there. All you have to do is open your eyes.
@Peter Tillman, just saying that California became a dump shows me how big of an idiot you are. California has a better economy than most countries, and it’s a dump? If California left the Union the US economy would crumble.
@Lex K the GOP is anti-abortion….. until they get their mistresses pregnant. Then they’re ALL for it
@Mary Nicole Fox bahhhhhhahhhhhahhh we love using outdated labels to scare off the ignorant people into voting against their interests. The MOST popular program in the US right now is SOCIAL security, so yeah… we sure do.
Someone who’ll fight corruption and get corporate power to pay their way again would be great for America.
And uses corporate money to do it!!!
Seriously? $10.4m of dark money from her senate race, ex republican, back stabbing Bernie in 2016, stealing other people’s ideas on climate change, Botoxing, and the rest.
U actually trust and believe in this person? We need an outsider and not part of the establishment and no dark money. She has no ideas on stopping the lobbyist money. Only Yang has a feasible solution for America and the people.
Having health insurance is radical left?? I lived in 3 countries in Europe and i never payed more than 50€ per month for insurance. America needs to wake up and join the rest of the world that doesn’t leave ppl that are not rich dying on the streets. And u say that u are the strongest and most democratic country in the world. Its embarrassing actually.
@Becca Boo The proposed Medicare For All (single payer) system being advocated will be all inclusive. So your grandmother would not have those problems.
@Becca Boo No one is suggesting that Medicare stay the same. We’re talking about improving it and making it more comprehensive. Go to Bernie’s site and learn about it. You are obviously ignorant of the facts.
Tessmage Tessera I was not suggesting that it wasn’t either… I was suggesting about researching into the best idea, and making sure that who I’m voting for has steps to get Medicare where it should be before asking everyone to be a part of it… God forbid, and how dare me insinuate that reform should happen and with humility only after the 3rd debate, that I don’t have a clear favorite yet…my apologies to assume most people are caring, compassionate to each other, and kind….my mistake for sure. You may try to think about others and maybe ask kindly what they were trying to say before being hateful to strangers and before commenting back. I very much agree with most everyone on the stage as long as they’re making the changes needed and have a cost v benefit that is a sustainable way to pay for it. because that’s what’s needed in America… So calling me ignorant Is not only untrue, because an ignorant person doesn’t go and seek more knowledge/wisdom/information…asking and fully reading or trying to understand what others are saying. But, if I were someone that was a swing vote, which I’m not because I’ll vote for anyone other than Trump, at this point. Most importantly if I was a swing vote and you’re actually trying to inform someone then calling them ignorant is Never going to do that, ever. Don’t assume something you’re not aware of, it is irritating and full of hatefulness. Plus, it absolutely doesn’t make a point in doing so, because you are turning a way for others to learn. Now, regardless of how rude you’re behaving, I still wish you the best, and blessed day and take an opportunity to show some care to others throughout your day that aren’t just fam/friends, but towards people you don’t know online or elsewhere; namaste
Al Clark what I mean is she’s having (my gram) and my mother’s disabled child now. And, the other person that commented on mine called me ignorant; when I was asking for information, so thank you for being one of the few people that was not insulting to others. God forbid The younger voters want to learn so we make informed, good decisions, Not just agreeing with family friends or in some cases what you’re told to buy Curch sadly, but to make a decision That is the absolute best for our country it’s needs and a way to make it even more successful and better after this insanity. I can’t believe it’s taking this long right?! so… thank you! so you’re saying that if I go to Warren or Bernie Sanders site that I can read their proposals and cost for fixing the current Medicare system so when it becomes all inclusive that, the information and cost/benefit analysis will be on there? Thank you so much! I really appreciate that. I don’t appreciate bullies and you weren’t one; so thats rare and awesome! Because, that is what we need; people to represent that we are not the bully side, the stabs/elite, but that we are the side that wants to be inclusive, kind to others, and caring about our neighbors (at home and abroad). Let the other side fill people with hate, and let us win out of Showing love and compassion! Oh, not compromising our values (even if a bill might slightly be altered for it to pass). We need to fight, but we don’t need to fight in a mean way. On a small but important scale still like the last person that commented on mine was.
meanness has become toxic and is killing our nation/world. Btw, I hope you have an awesome wonderful day filled with blessings and love because you were that way to me. That Teressa girl was just rude. I’m a kind person trying to do and be my best but it’s hard not to want to strike back . If I do and when I do even on here with some horrible things I’ve seen people say to me or to others I can come to the defense but I won’t do it while also casting stones. Enough of my long paragraph LOL later have a great day
Yeah, no dictator would answer those ridiculous questions either!!!
It can be done … from what I heard in the 1950’s those at top were paying a higher tax which I think was like 31% …. middle class workers were making good pay, hence why a lot of the middle class were able to buy homes in the 50’s into 60’s …. what’s happened the past few years has been an unbalance of tax cuts, cuts that benefitted the rich & big corporations … so I would go with her plan …. plus investing in this nation – which is our youth, our children, education ……
progressive tax rate in the 50’s was 90 % under Eisenhower , 74% when the Kennedy was President .
Called “Fredo”
@Tony truth a junior high graduate , still hasn’t grown up .
50000 selfies, there is a true measure of what we need for leadership in this country.
Look at Fredo he can barely contain himself
What a statement only 2 cents from the rich.That’s scandelist.
How little it takes from the rich and how much it gives to the Americans across the board
Value , morality justice things corporations and greedy donator doesn’t like!
The top 2% needs to put in their 2cents!
I was hoping she’d absent-mindedly call him Fredo