Donald Trump's former casino on the Atlantic City Boardwalk is imploded.
Read more about the once star-studded casino here:
#DonaldTrump #AtlanticCity #Boardwalk #Implosion #Casino
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“The demolition is gonna be yuge, just yuge. It’s gonna be fantastic really”
Yuge? You mean huge.
@G. Mendoza lol he’s making fun of how Trump pronounces huge, by dude
you forgot ‘ I know better then the demolishing crew’ believe me
breathe in all the powdered goods
the way he cut corners and didn’t pay contractors, the place would have come down like this even without demolition on some windy day.
The town will never be the same…Casino
Bye, Bye Felicia (is that the right name?)
Just 1 bye. Lol
Funny how the news love Trump . Is that the casino he used to own before the Trump Tower in New York?
clearly they didnt call the same company
They grabbed it by the
That was the greatest casino of all time!!
I see TDS is still alive and well.
You are really sick!!! There are building that go down every day !!!
It was an inside job.
Trump’s 2020 Election run: the abridged version.
WOW!! So much real news happening, but …oh no!! We’ve got to keep DESTROYING TRUMP’s LEGACY…here’s one more shot!! (No news about FLORIDA thriving without any lockdown, eh??)
When are you going to stop talking about Trump already?
Wow, this video shows that the “Trump drug” is over and the news is hitting hard withdrawal symptoms. So they have to report on an old decrepit building being demolished just because… wait why again? Isn’t there something more important happening anywhere in the world?
Let that be a metaphor for his entire grifting organization!