Watch day 3 highlights from the January 6 public hearings

CNN’s Manu Raju reports on the third day of public hearings in the House select committee’s January 6 investigation, featuring testimony from Greg Jacob, former counsel for former Vice President Mike Pence, and retired federal judge J. Michael Luttig. #january6 #cnn #News


  1. “I don’t want to be your friend anymore if you don’t do this.”

    It was at this point Mike realized his life was in danger…

  2. What I don’t understand is if fox’s news hosts were so concerned with a constitutional crisis why were they pushing a constitutional crisis.

  3. *i solemly swear…* to uphold my personal beliefs and to pretend to the best of my ability…

    1. @NeEd InPuT why talk about the background when Trump is violating the constitution in the open in front of every law abiding American citizen?

  4. I think the committee should ask judge Thomas to come in and answer one question, did he know that there were e mails from his wife to Eastman when he voted to not allow those e mails to go to the January6 th committee?

  5. Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

  6. Eastman pleaded the 5th 100 times. He should be tried and convicted of treason and sentenced to the maximum penalty allowed by law.

  7. I used to not think there is no such thing as “white privilege” but now I have to rethink the characterization because I can not imagine most people getting away with his actions.

    1. ….. and no, it being over a suspect violently resisting arrest doesn’t magically make it okay. THAT was an “insurrection.”

    2. @Ohio Against The World he resisted arrest but do not forget that if someone tells you they cannot breathe and asks you to help them… you should listen and have to listen.

  8. If the Justice department doesn’t get its act together the next Republican to win a presidential election will apply the lessons learned in the 2020 coup attempt and never leave office. Take that to the bank.

    1. Exactly why is important to set a precedence. For those who want to leave it in the past and say it’s about ignoring inflation, we will be setting a new standard if it’s not dealt with.

  9. “I’ve known Jeffrey Epstein 15 years. Terrific guy. Jeffreys a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that Jeffrey loves beautiful girls as much as I do, and that many of them are on the younger side.” Donald tRump to The New Yorker Magazine in 2002

  10. It’s a sad statement about ‘Murrica that the idea of Dan Quayle being the behind-the-scenes hero has some validity. Pence consulted Quayle, who advised him to reject Trump’s plot!

    1. They might be ideologically opposed to the Democrats but it appears that they do at least believe in democracy…

  11. I was very impressed with both the knowledge and honesty of former Judge Michael Luttig. Coming from a person who is known as being a strong conservative, his comments related to the on-going dangers to our democracy posed by Donald Trump and his followers were both surprising and appreciated.

    1. @Stephen Glover At this point you appear to be correct; however, the hearings have not yet been completed….but like that old saying goes: “If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck…it’s a duck”. 🙂

  12. 0:05 Not long ago they debated over the ethicality of planting security cams in public spaces. Then the concern was privacy. Now we have the case where people self-incriminate themselves via their own smartphones. They even upload/stream the footages on social media to make sure their cases are solid enough to get incarcerated!

    1. @Donald Ducko he is trying. But since we are America and the federal government doesn’t own oil. 🤷‍♂️ you have to look to the oil Executives refusing to increase production so they can benefit from the high cost market. Those are all Republicans right? Thought so

  13. I wonder why Eastman initially thought he would lose in the Supreme Court by 7 – 2? Could it be he knows that a few people like Clarence Thomas and one other have already pledge their support for Trump in this matter?

  14. As much as I might disagree with Mike Pence on certain issues.. . .I’m very grateful for his Integrity in this matter !!!

  15. I miss having low gas prices being able to afford to buy groceries I miss having a president with balls

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