WATCH: Dangerous moment on Ontario’s Highway 89 is caught on camera

A transport truck passing a vehicle on Ontario's Highway 89 forced motorists to swerve off the road to avoid being hit.

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WATCH: Dangerous moment on Ontario's Highway 89 is caught on camera


  1. and if you take a close look at most truck drivers who behave like this on the road, they resemble the the Humboldt driver…Indian

    1. All sorts of colours. We had sh*thead truck drivers like this way before the Bramladeshis (ppl from Brampton) became prevalent. And back then there was no speed limiter on trucks, unlike recently.

    2. @Pheej L I agree it’s all varieties of truckers. As for Ontario having speed limiters on trucks, that is just wishful thinking. You wouldn’t believe how many times a truck limited to 105 kph has passed me when I’m going 115 kph.

  2. Truck drivers are definitely getting more and more aggressive….. while passenger vehicle drivers just keep getting dumber and dumber.

    1. Younger passenger vehicle drivers are involved in a far greater percentage of collisions than truck drivers. Truck drivers are blamed because a truck collision usually causes more damage.

    1. I work for a trucking company and yes there is more pushing the drivers but there are also a lot of complete morons driving class 1.

  3. I can’t believe there’s a place that allows passing on a double line. They’re usually a double line because line of sight for opposing traffic is not long enough to make it safe. Recipe for disaster.

  4. Canada’s Worst Driver has 14 seasons for a reason. It’s too easy to get a licence in Canada, also road rules should be the same across Canada to eliminate confusion. I see so many truck drivers today that can’t handle their load. Not like the drivers back in the day, those dudes were legendary with their skills and used to be thought of as the best drivers on the road. Now they cause accidents.

  5. Same thing happened in BC just north of Kamloops recently. Truckers boxed in the offender, and dealt with the issue.

  6. Anyone who drives a commercial HD truck knows what the issue is but it isnt politically correct.

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