The B.C. government is stepping up enforcement on Highway 3 after there were multiple crashes on the busy route over the weekend.
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im curious about the experience level of these drivers. and their nationality of origin. it’s been widely known that drivers with little to no experience or who do not originate from Canada are the ones breaking road laws.
It has nothing to do with inexperience. 9 out of 10 times it’s the pressure coming from the office or the fact that they get paid by the load.
@fuzzy bib Tell me you’re stupid without telling me you’re stupid. These guys can’t even back a truck into recieving. This isn’t the only incident. I’ve seen this dozens of times .Remember when the farmer was killed around Barriere BC. Murder by 2 non Canadian truckers. They have plenty of warning to slow down. They drive like they’re still in India. THEY ARE DANGEROUS AND SHOULDNT BE ON OUR ROADS.
Seen this a lot. All wearing flip flops. I lived in a trucking coridore. These guys should have to start from the beginning and do the proper training. They all should , even for a basic license..
Betcha not a one was a born Canadian citizen…
All truckers are equally horrible.
wtf is wrong with you
How dare that driver endanger others like that !
Truckers are being paid far less than they used to be, with far more pressure from the companies they work for to deliver as fast as possible, no matter the risks. The pay structure needs to change to end the trucking insanity.
not getting paid enough?
trailer full of goods?
Have access to Kijiji?
put two and two together…
they hold the cards
the goods should make it safely, not speedy
I’m not surprised, many truckers are doing that reckless driving for a while. I have many close calls because of them.
Seen it ALL THE TIME around Barrier. Again all thanks to turds imports.