President Joe Biden fielded questions on immigration, the filibuster and if he will run for re-election in 2024 at his first formal press conference.
#CNN #News
President Joe Biden fielded questions on immigration, the filibuster and if he will run for re-election in 2024 at his first formal press conference.
#CNN #News
this is the guy cnn watchers voted for. Great job
@Fiona Lewis Yup, cuckoo won’t stay out of my inbox. Such sore losers.

@Mahendra Singh — Many people’s values don’t revolve around money. Obviously, you can be bought!
@bushchat28d — Biden has alzheimers… advanced!!
@Wyatt McGuire — Even though it’s true! LOL LOL
@Danny Anderson — You said it all in one sentence!
Im amazed cnn reporters didnt get emotional from this and cry . All week i see them saying how great bidens vocbualry is that it could cure cancer .
What i find disgusting is that there are almost no follow up questions to press him. If this was trump , the reporters would not hesitate to ask the dumb questions at all.
Like that guy who asked trump weather he regrets lying .
Where is that guy , why isnt he asking tough questions.
I realise they hated trump and wanted to embarasss him , but msm still needs to do its job and ask tough question whoever it is.
I see them going soft on jen psaki as well and then praise her.
And seeing the layout it looks more like a debreifing than press conference .
Looks like kamala will be the nxt prez like they intended in another montg
Good God embarrassing. What a baffone.
The Chinese and Russians are laughing their asses off.
Me too
OMG he does not know what his talking about how sad this is and how bad is it is for all of us
I love how “Trump wasnt hard enough on China”
@Free Speech Haha
happy trolling day comrad
Yup. When he literally started a trade war with them and insulted all of their Allies lmao
@Brian Schettler you wont have to watch to many more pressers .
Its certainly not his strength
Cant get much dont in front of a camera anyway.
Back to work.
Wow wouldn’t people like to hear from there fellow leader? 81 million voted for him. What happens if he has to give a serious press conference? Biden is a cornpop
@Angélique Yvette Everyone can see them now, the plan is working
im surprised CNN actually uploaded this…
lmao the comments are hilarious, just like Beijing Biden!
And where is HUNTER BIDEN? We the people are still waiting for justice
Ahh i dont have talking points on gun control, so im just gonna steer my answer towards stats on damaged bridges and infrastructure! And ….oh yeah, global warming. Good job brain.
I’m just an observer from the UK… that was hilarious!
@rick mar not a patch on this though. Let’s get the popcorn.
The only reason the royals were even in the news were because of an American and her drama anyway
@The Paulding Light Channel MelIssa G 12,000 guns deaths in America last year. Atleast you have your firearms!!
When will Biden fall for the final time and when will Kamala come in?
@Ángel Garcia This is our country we don’t like ignorant people that does not have a clue what is going on. It was the least secure election ever. Use your god given brain and stop repeating CNN and MSNBC rhetoric.
@Ángel Garcia I don’t support trump at all. But this Biden/Harris admin is evil, they answer no questions, he’s forgetting what he’s saying mid sentence and he just said he joined the senate 120 years ago. Harris laughs like a witch when she is asked uncomfortable questions she doesn’t have an immediate answer to and the press secretary doesn’t come off as confident at all. They spend money like there is no consequence to endlessly printing it out. When enough of the country loses confidence in this administration the inflation will run out of control, and a clown that forgets what he’s talking about mid sentence and never answers follow up questions… It’s likely to happen sooner rather than later…..
I always thought most old people are gracious, humble and nice. I guess Biden is just not one of them. I am glad I voted for Trump in 2016 and in 2020.
He’s the pushup champ (in his mind).
JCA of the USA
where is Jim Acosta? why is he not available to ask questions.
The president who “had the most votes in american history”
Instead of pointing randomly in the crowd for questions, he reads names on a paper? Why is that?
This is like watching a Little League game where only one team shows up, the coach is the pitcher, and they somehow end up losing.
Seems like T-ball to me:D
That’s a pretty damn accurate analogy. They got blown out with their dad pitching to them right over the plate
I half expected some mail-in thumbs-up to mysteriously drop on this video at 4am
Who comes here just to see the like:dislike ratio before watching?
He’s getting Ratio’d everywhere lol
Wonderful comment, Fiona.
“I’m going to focus on one thing at a time…” but you’ll be a dictator and write 50 executive orders!