"There's something different here": Former U.S. president Barack Obama looked back at protests in the 1960s, saying the current demonstrations are far more representative of American society.
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I dont live in the USA but would like to send my sincerest condolences to the Floyd family. Such a tragic loss may he rest in peace. It’s time for change. We all deserve EQUALITY. I myself am heartbroken to learn how African American men woman and children have had to live their lives generation after generation. I dont understand why someone back in the 1600 s thought they could treat another fellow human being like this. We are not in the 1600s anymore and it’s time for everyone’s mindset to change. Justice for Mr. Floyd and so many others needs to happen. Now
@ Jenn Prance As an African American woman born in the 50’s and have seen a lot in my days, I Thank You…Beautiful message!
@Patrik Olofsson even if it was counterfeit, did he know? I was handed one once with change only 5.00 however it happens
@Brian Hard *Equality is a world goal.
Questing outward gives hope too.*
@Patrik Olofsson *Plus he was clean and had been on a NON crimnal path for ten years at the time he was viscously murdered.*
Can you imagine a world where Trump was able to remember George’s family’ members names ? Me neither
Who cares
@fake account trolling again? Get a life poor dude.
instead of blaming, he has solutions …miss this dude
poolplayer poolplayer where do you hear these singsong gibberish from? At least a source?
poolplayer poolplayer p
@Doge so you cant remember the wars back in 2011 lol I knew you leftists like meth and all but is ur mind that far gone
@poolplayer poolplayer Sir this is a Wendy’s, please place your order or pick up your tin hat and leave..
Much easier to listen to at 1.5 speed.
Thank you
1.25 is better
great tip
Your best option is to not listen at all.
@Joe na my dude. He does speak a little slow for my taste.
“Other Significant Conditions”.
Go back to Kenya and take with you Michael
Interrupted by a bass guitar class, really!?
Pauly Shore selling car insurance cut me off
political game + Criminal + Unstable citizenship create this disaster.
got a george floyd ad. watched it all the way through.
Gerald Liston you are nightmare fodder.
Patty Gould
Patty Gould you are a brainwashed scared
*Lucky you.
I got an advert of the FAR right wing Epoch Times propaganda machine.
Epoch Times a seriously major supporter of far right ideologies world wide.
Epoch Times is a major supporter and contributor of, and wide reaching propaganda force in the USA and abroad for wannabe dictator, cadet bonespurs trump.*
@Gerald Liston *Almost everyone on the plant is more useful than you pathetically weak propaganda shill*
@Vegeta Lord *We don’t care what you say*
Reggie Love’s manhole!
Manhole installation
Will OBAMA walk with the peaceful protestors this week !!!
If he had sons, they would look like many of the wild savage rioters and looters.
I hope not!
What did this guy do for america
@andrew reynolds
What did the guys before him do for America?
@andrew reynolds divided it more and one step closer to socialism
It is not mayors alone that affect change; it is those that enlisted in law enforcement; perhaps a new Public Service Draft should be established.
Bob Dylan
Sheila Mchgee AMEN
@ze ze always loved Dylan and his quotes.
Yeah–keep playing your stupid entertainment until the lights go out and they’re at your door.
@Craig Cardone What????

@ze ze I get booed all the time, but I’m still a nobody

Almost felt like we had a real president for a hot minute
Sam lol
@Ginafe Lagilay The controversy around that is based on a bug with Xerox scanners that can alter content on scans. Google for Xerox Scanner bug.
He’s the only stand up leader who holds more character as a former president to actually address the nation. I’m so proud he was our president
Ginafe Lagilay go away
Ginafe Lagilay if this is your only straw to grasp, feel sad that you’re still grasping at it. Unbelievably Pathetic
audio very low cmon
E Dar what do you have to contribute, besides knocking someone else to feel better about yourself?
“we tortured some folks”
You are the problem. Stop changing the subject.
The evils of the entire planet all boil down to the 1%think about it!!!!
Yep. The career-politician elitists who stay in office for decades while enriching themselves, their families, and their cronies while the middle-class shrink and the poor are still poor.
I was very disappointed in the advertising and monetizing of this significant address. It was a real shame to see this message of healing and progress disrupted by greed.
Imagine getting offended by advertisements. You can skip most of them after 5 seconds.
The ad I got was about George
really, you finally woke up to your reality of your party. joke. they steal tax dollars.
Meh. This is Obama, not MLK. Nothing worthwhile here.
It’s was free advert by Google for the Floyd family. Google has addressed this in a post.
Thank you once again you are stepping up in a big way when your country needs you I count myself lucky that we have you as one of our citizens and you were two term president the best president in my lifetime thank you
Things would get worse regardless who’s ‘in charge’ what they want is what they get