Watch All In With Chris Hayes Highlights: September 9 | MSNBC

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Watch All In With Chris Hayes Highlights: September 9 | MSNBC


  1. The killer in chief filled 190K American body bags……..if he knew this pandemic was bad, why was he pushing “schools” to open.☹️

    1. @Wili Wds no moron you idiots just make yourself look stupid and ignorant and that finger is that your age or your IQ

  2. I’m A 76 year old veteran with stage four cancer call agent orange please let me live to vote blue all the way. I was in the AIR FORCE form 1963 to 1967

    1. One …two… trump is coming for u, three …four….we all fall to the floor…five.. six..we get carried by ..eight….it’s gonna be too late…

    2. @Tom Vana Higher quality of life and longer life expectancy. The horror. All that accessible quality health care and education. All those workers rights. All the parental leave. A social safety net. Someone please save me from this socialist nightmare. Help, help I am being oppressed by having a choice of doctors inside a system where my taxes pay their wages.

    1. Well, we would be ahead of other countries in getting back on our feet, but behind in cases. I want to cry, this is so fooking lame. Why hasn’t Trump been charged? Even Woodward says this is the worst felony committed by a president in our history. Arrest him. Do not investigate him. It is clear as day. This is making very concerned, MORE CONCERNED of some unfathomable, distressing scenarios that could be going on.

    2. Can you EVEN imagine, look how that sick mouse Moscow Mitch has been hiding away, I wonder if he would have been so quiet for Obama?

  3. There hasn’t been one single moment of truth, integrity, diplomacy or humanity in this “presidential” term. Got the message?

  4. Supporting trump means you took the right turn on the exit ramp to leave the human race. Nobody with a shred of morality or humanity can support trump.

    1. … *WHEN 37 Psychiatrists & Mental Health Experts*  show you WHO TRUMP really IS… A “Sociopath & Malignant Narcissist”/ “Driven by *malice* … BELIEVE THEM THE 1st TIME!

      *Sources* -Quoting (Maya Angelou)  Professors of Psychiatry & Psychologists: Dr Justin Franks MD,  Dr Bandy Lee,  Mary Trump from YouTube videos & their books. YouTube search video titles, below …

      a) Watch *Mental Health Experts* on Donald Trump• BRAVE NEW FILMS” on YouTube

      |Watch *Does Trump Have A Conscious?* (w/ Dr. Justin A. Frank, MD)  Thom Hartmann, Podcast.
      b) Author of  *Trump on the Couch*  |  Watch (w/ Dr. Justin Frank) Interview on YouTube.  Dr. explains Trump’s destructive psychopathy + how to cope with the Anxiety, DIVISION & hatred he spreads, *intentionally!*

      c) Watch *Fact checker on Trump’s RNC speech* He is a serial liar” on YouTube

    2. I encourage EVERYBODY, especially in Congress, to watch the videos below & take them very seriously! Also study documentaries on precisely how Trump-style *nazi supremacy* caused massive HATE & death in WWII…

      a) Watch *Mental Health Experts* on Donald Trump• BRAVE NEW FILMS” on YouTube

       Watch *Does Trump Have A Conscious?* (w/ Dr. Justin A. Frank, MD)  Thom Hartmann, Podcast.

      b) Author of  *Trump on the Couch*  |  Watch (w/ Dr. Justin Frank) Interview on YouTube.  Dr. explains Trump’s destructive psychopathy + how to cope with the Anxiety, DIVISION & hatred he spreads, *intentionally!*

      c) Watch *Fact checker on Trump’s RNC speech* He is a serial liar” on YouTube

      d) Watch “Psychiatrist On Trump’s ‘Dangerous’ Response To Coronavirus Crisis | The Last Word | MSNBC” on YouTube

    3. Debra Clinkscale well think bout this.
      The only thing keeping millions of ARMED CITIZENS coming out against your “ revolution “ is the police.
      You get rid of the police the streets will fill with ARMED CITIZENS coming out to stop you.

    4. Derry Taylor Biden and Harris staffers both have fund raised to bail out those rioters and looters that were and are destroying innocent people’s businesses

  5. This president has so much blood on his hands, mishandled covid, immigrant children in cages separated from mothers, all the suffering in Puerto Rico after storm and earthquakes he did nothing for those poor souls. He is a monster.

    1. @Syvette C your 100% right, i have no idea why so many Latino support him. Latinos wake up he does not care about latinos, white, black, asian or brown. he doesn’t care about anyone except his rich friends and Russian buddies.

    1. This. Your grandparents, your parents, your children, you. He does not care who it kills. He likely wouldn’t be too broken up if it took out most of his own family members. He is only capable of caring about his own feelings.

    2. Trump once said he could shoot someone on 5th ave and not loose a vote. He’s killed 150,000…. now vote Biden

      Nearly 200,000 people have died of covid 19 in AMERICA
      Almost 150,000 covid deaths can be attributed to his INACTION as a leader, because trump was well informed of covid

      PROJECTION say it will double by JANUARY 1 2021, 410,000 dead

    3. @wildcrocus Over 1000 healthcare workers in the US have died of COVID 19



  6. i don’t think the 2 theories are mutually exclusive. i believe the man is both horrifically incompetent and also tragically uncaring about other human beings.
    *cough* sociopath *cough*

    1. Derf Noslein wow another democrat trying to tell people what they can do. Why do you democrats think you can control what free people can and can’t do ?
      Truly are the party that thinks you own people and who r what they say.

    2. David Hale okay then. He said it was “just going to go away”. In the Woodward interview he said how bad it is. Which one should we believe? One of these statements was a LIE. Which one?

    1. The only people who went into panic mode about that lie were his dumb-dumb, sh*t for brains supporters. Dumbest group of idiots on the planet.

    2. AugustWest expect for onething. Democrats finally admitted those caravans were real. And your saying all the videos of them were a lie ?
      Isn’t that when democrats were saying Trump was putting kids in cages ?
      Well he was lying bout the caravans then those kids in cages were a lie to. Since the caravans never happened. Right ?

    1. Michael D: That is what should happen here, but for the spineless, and the enablers, and the deep corruption that exists… Sickening to see what our
      complacency, trust of elected people, and the lack of education has given us..

  7. Let’s not forget to this day the man is still against mask wearing he’s known this thing is airborne but yet he still is against mask wearing at his rallies this is madness

    1. LMFAO! I was in an Army unit that had the laziest clerks you could imagine. They would spend an hour figuring out how to get out of 5 minutes of work. Their laziness had joined with their arrogance and contempt for the people whom they were supposed to support which is what is happening now.

    1. The behavior of the republican senators (excluding Romney, who is rather heroic) is shocking. I knew Trump was horrific from the start, but never dreamed we’d face such abhorrent behavior by these senators. Their betrayal of my trust is quite painful to me. Regardless of party, or whether or not I agreed with them, whether or not I liked anything about one or the other in the senate, I always before trusted them to honor our constitution and uphold the law. For me, theirs was the real gut punch.

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