Watch All In With Chris Hayes Highlights: September 28 | MSNBC

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Watch All In With Chris Hayes Highlights: September 28 | MSNBC

Watch All In With Chris Hayes Highlights: September 28 | MSNBC


    1. @Toward Treatise Love them or hate them: Voters on EITHER side (democrats or republicans) would have paid more taxes individually than Trump or the millionaires who benefited from his social welfare for the wealthy bill. There are currently over 5,000 multi-millionaires in America who have not even filed their taxes in several years and the IRS did and does nothing. Not even in the past four years when Trump had the power to do so. The division of tax payers is a tactic. It is not a solution. Hate Biden. But don’t assume that Trump is on your side either. He did nothing for you in four years and will likely deliver the same should he win. The problem with the right is that they lap up everything Trump does and place no demands or expectations. He plays the victim and is therefore completely unaccountable to his base because they NEVER ask him to be anything more except a good show. That weakness is something Trump both despises and uses. And all tax payers (democrats and republicans) are paying for it.

    2. @Mark Webster his stance and impact on China alone proves you wrong. Let alone not buying illegal votes with free healthcare.

    3. @NEAR TERM EXTINCTION – HUMAN Trump enacted that, it is how he decidedly built the swamp. Biden’s tax law will effect those that make more than 400 grand, and put lower wage earners in a different category.

    4. @heather c It is not your country. It belongs to the 40 controlling as much wealth as 350 million. Things with change when & if the the parasites decide. Four students were killed protesting war in the Kent State massacre. People are still being gunned down protesting endless wars. Voting is an act of faith in a government cult. The first thing you need is a public educated to understand no government is less worse than government.

  1. New Laws are needed to be a president!!! Start with taxes and foreign involvement!!! THAT’S a no brainer for NATIONAL SECURITY!!!! HELLO!!!

    1. @jbknight311 Yeah. As far as the president goes I feel that they should initiate the background when they apply to be nominated for the position. That would allow sufficient time for the investigation to be completed and the party can nominate someone who is truly a viable candidate.

    2. Akeida Barrow you make some excellent points. The thoughts must be punctuated for easier reading. Put a comma after broadcast, a colon after highlighted and a comma between items in your list.
      Now I have something new to worry about. Trump is entitled to briefings after he retires?

    1. Toward Treatise Lol, trumps been losing money steadily since the 90’s. That’s why he’s borrowed from so many countries.

    2. @R. T. Andrews I know.. socialism has hit the real estate industry hard hasn’t it. Lots of industries even…

    3. @R. T. Andrews world history should really. We should’ve learned the lesson by now. Socialism belongs at the state level so we can be different, move, and compete. Requires freedom at the federal for it though.

  2. The crazy thing is, trump followers don’t care what he does. trump is trying to steal everything, but the cult stands in line praising him, all because trump says “guns” and “jesus”

    1. They figure it’s okay to lay down with the devil as long as you get what you want but you know what kind of deals the devil gives he always wins

    2. He’s standing behind Satan, Jesus don’t have anything to do with all this man’s evilness, that’s why he will lose and go to prison, Jesus is tired of these Republicans lying on him and using his name in vain, ToxicTongueTrump is under Satan’s control and Putin, God has nothing to do with all this hate and evil this man spreading, come on people, if you know Jesus, then you know Jesus is Love!!! ToxicTongueTrump loves ToxicTongueTrump!! God ain’t please, ToxicTongueTrump going down, it’s time.😄

    1. Hypocrisy, Trump style.The narcissistic POTUS has gone over the cliff with this news of His taxes. Tax evasion, tax fraud and insurance fruad..Fraudulent POTUS

    1. Mario Lopez yeah ok. Fox covers Biden and Trump. Msnbc covers Trump only.
      The debates are going to be hilarious.
      Trump is going to get Biden so mad he’s gonna lose it. Hahahaha

    2. @David Hale
      Gramps turn up your hearing aids and clean your glasses.
      You sound like a five year old cry baby.
      Whaaa whaa.
      Trump is deep 💩 and you know it.
      Whaa whaa 👶

    1. @Bryan Machin Yeah, starting to realise that. Unbelievable there are that many ignorant selfish sexist racists in America.

  3. Not only does this corrupt President and his precious daughter Ivanka and her husband should never has received a security clearance.

  4. The momentum is on Bidens side
    Democrats and independents and even some Republicans know that Trump is the enemy of the average Americans. Trump’s is responsible for the deaths of over 210,000 Americans death
    Vote BLUE and America will be cool
    Vote red and America will be dead.

  5. It’s a shame that everyone is so over the moon about a billionaire president, when the truth is, Trump is a billion dollars in debt, not necessarily a billionaire! He is most likely not a billionaire at all. And fyi, no one is under IRS investigation unless there’s smoke all around him. I know he hasn’t been able to get a business loan in the United States for at least 10 years. So to whom does he owe a billion dollars? It’s not the USA!

  6. Tonights debate watch the contrast. One is a fake president who wants to be a diktator and cares for no one but himself. The other a man who has served in public office for decades, who cares for others, who wants America to be a better country and will work for that, not his back pockets.

  7. Biden should keep recycling words like fail, failure, failed, loser, sucker, fraud, conman, cheat. End every counter attack with one of the words above.

  8. His entire presidency has been some sick vendetta against Obama. Bad enough he ‘won’ 2016 election, but if he gets in again the entire country is screwed.

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