Watch All In With Chris Hayes Highlights: September 24 | MSNBC

Senator Elizabeth Warren goes one-on-one with Hayes. Get the latest news and commentary from Chris Hayes weekdays at 8 p.m. ET on MSNBC.
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Watch All In With Chris Hayes Highlights: September 24 | MSNBC

Watch All In With Chris Hayes Highlights: September 24 | MSNBC


    1. @Barbara Washington you are a beta-citizen sellout to your nation.
      It will succeed in spite of you.

    2. @Sue Zbell “FBI said under oath behind Congress that (Trump is wrong ) — mail ballots are not a threat to the election being fair … there’s no evidence at all of any organized effort to rig mail in ballots.”
      Do you watch anything other than msdnc?
      Here is just one of hundreds out there.
      You can’t google anything because they cover it up also.
      There is a whole new internet out there if you search with
      They don’t hide things from you.

    3. @Forrest Trump ok . We will see you again with that other blocky bodyshaped chick with the glasses and yellow jacket screaming ” no ” again as apex president Trump gleefully starts his second term.

    1. Stupid racist MSDNC and it’s viewers! Trump is winning. You know this and there’s nothing you can do about it 😂😂😂. TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸

    2. Doug Lowe If you check out Americans For Decency, they have set the “Vote him out!” chant to drums and music. It sounds really good!

    1. That’s a lie, the dems where projecting their crimes on Trump, so much has come out on the wrong doing of the previous admin and nothing is reported here.

    2. @Big Ern Dog That’s weird. Funny how none got charged, but dozens of Trump admin have been charged…….and the Trump admin controls the DOJ and Whitehouse….HOW EFFING DUMB ARE YOU?

  1. We have a sitting US president who says that he likes murderous dictators, says that any election in which he is not declared the winner is illegitimate, won’t rule out the use of force to retain power, controls his own political party as well as the Supreme Court and has millions of heavily armed Christian extremists who are willing to back him every step of the way.


    1. @Sharon Mores Even without faith I was taught as a child:
      you can judge a man by his word and words.
      Need I say anymore about Trump.
      That one little lesson sums up Trump perfect.

    1. @Temet Nosce ok , grievance oriented deranged digressive clown. You are as substantive as joke Biden.

    1. Stupid racist MSDNC and it’s viewers! Trump is winning. You know this and there’s nothing you can do about it 😂😂😂. TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸

    2. @N 827 I don’t even live there (the USA) but the Interweb allows me to see idiots like you. I honestly don’t care who wins and loses! I honestly don’t care about the “Supposed” Mail in Voter Fraud!
      Go ask your 1 friend to cast a fake vote! You will be doing YOUR Country a Dis-Service! It is after all YOUR Country, NOT mine!
      Oh wait your prolly from Russia! My mistake!
      Nothing to see here! Move along.

    1. I.M. Grimripperroo God puts choices in our paths. He gave us a code to live by and free will. It’s up to us to make the right choices. So people can choose to ignore the facts (that can be easily researched) and continue to watch people die of covid in increasing numbers because of his ostrich mentality or not. God leaves the decision totally up to you. That’s why he blessed us with free will.

    1. @Jay Filteau : He lost the popular vote by 2.7mil. Hillary’s margin in California by itself was 4.2mil. THAT’S a perfect example on why we have the electoral college.

  2. This just shows that he is unfit for the office he holds. We are all Americans yet he doesn’t care about every American.. Not my President, I’ll stick with Obama..

    1. @Ingrid Schmid well harvesting ballots is legal(in some blue states) so yeah you can go around collecting ballots from people that normally dont vote in area’s where everybody gets ballots sent they didn’t ask for , in new jersey they refused 500.000 ballots in the pre elections(google it) and it had to be re done so it’s not that people aint trying to cheat. why would you need fake-id’s if theres no voter id law? there’s a video where james o’keefe gets eminem’s ballot with no problem.

    2. @zjoeIt’s called collecting ballots and generally knows varying limitations in different states where it is authorized plenty of red states among those .
      You’re information about new jersey is rather inexact and overblown , a mail in ballot fraud was attempted and failed miserably and the criminals got caught , it so happens it’s not that easy .
      Concerning the link you provided , impersonating a valid voter is sometimes possible but it’s a dangerous stunt to pull you’d better be sure the person you intend to impersonate does not vote before or after you because in both cases you’d be pursued for a number of felonies all coming with rather hefty prison sentences .
      Stop telling yourself unsubstantiated monster stories about voter fraud both parties and independent inquirers have delved in the matter and failed to find substantial voter fraud evidence .
      You can’t even lend credence to half the bogus stories Trump tells, and then try and find some other dumb story to support the other half which are just as bogus .
      Why on earth do you choose to trust a notorious liar? You know he’s a liar , you like believing most of his lies and that’s ok until those lies do destroy the very fabric of the society you live in and that is precisely what is going on .
      You know Trump lied when he said millions of illegals voted in 2016 that’s a lie he publicly repeated multiple times on record and yet you chose to believe any new BS he utters on a similar subject ? What’s wrong with you ?

    1. @David Hale broken bigots and dupes are in the minority, Trump lost the last election by 5%. Do you actually think he’s earned more votes?

    2. @Above All, United : He won 30 out of 50 states. the last time I looked ? That’s 60% ! He lost the popular vote by 2.7mil. Hillary’s margin in California by itself was 4.2mil. THAT’S a perfect example on why we have the electoral college. So that one area or state can NOT dictate the results.

    1. Rosemarie Collins you haven’t seen much of Biden have you ?
      He won’t even take questions after a news conference.
      Why is that ?


    1. Donald wasn’t wearing that mask willingly;he looked like he’d been tranq’d in order so that -A cup sized mask could be plastered to his 38DDD face. Watching poor Donald hear the chant of “vote him out” was a brief ray of sunshine on a somber day of mourning for RBG. 😈👍🇺🇸✌💩🚽

    2. He probably was told to wear the mask, and his inclination was probably NOT to wear it. As it was, the cloth is masking his reaction to the shouting that he should be thrown out of the White House.


    1. @Hildebeast Clinton Hey, everybody. Fun fact. The terms “Hildebeast” and “Killary” are the products of Russian troll farm. So our previous poster is either at one or has been influenced by them.

  4. Love that sound: “VOTE HIM OUT”. “VOTE HIM OUT”. VOTE HIM OUT”. Promise us America November 3th to vote him out.

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