Watch All In With Chris Hayes Highlights: October 1 | MSNBC

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Watch All In With Chris Hayes Highlights: October 1 | MSNBC


    1. Don’t believe it for a sec. He is doing poorly in the polls after the debate, he just wants a way out to have no more debates. He will ‘come out’ off it like No one has ever seen. with the Best results and Tremendous healing and billion and billions best wishes from around the world, The Most Wishes someone Ever had.

    2. @Sed Nope Trump is hated worldwide for his racism and stupidity. He may have some Saudi and Russian supporters though.

    1. @David Hale yes because I’m a sheeple, and I always wear my mask. Also I live in Canada, so our infection rate is less than half of the US

    2. Gary Kubodera that man does not have the balls to step up…. he will crack under pressure in a heartbeat…

    1. All of his carwgivers will be suited up like astronauts, the presidental spewer of disease will remaun maskless in a negative pressure room, and we the tax payers, will pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for his treatment.

  1. If there were a deity, I’d say that She [sic] wants rid of Greedy-Obstructive-Plutocrat-in-Chief.

    1. Neck Beard I’m on stand by. I still don’t believe he has it. if he does, I don’t really care. Do you?

  2. It should be a personal choice. Women should be able to make there OWN CHOICE NOT A BUNCH OF PRO LIFE JUDGES!!

    1. A bunch of MALE pro-life judges, because a woman who belongs to a cult that called their women “Handmaids” until the book came out does not count as voting as a woman.

  3. Trump is TOTALLY the problem. Trump has CREATED more PROBLEM, CHOAS, LIES IN THE HISTORY OF AMERICA during my lifetime.

  4. It is sick when people say they “value” life then turn around and support legislation that kills so many others simply because they might have to pay a few dollars in taxes.

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