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When the red states start really feeling this, and people start dying in swaths, maybe Trump will actually do something… You know once his base starts dwindling and he starts actually losing voters
Florida, Lousiana, Georgia, and Texas will all be in the 10,000’s infected by next week. Their hospitals will all be overrun within the next 2 weeks. Within 4 weeks those 4 states’ death rates will make Italy look like a cakewalk.
The only reason he is involved now is because of the Stock Market. Remember when this whole thing started, he pawned it off on Pence. Now, I don’t know what Pence’s role is—other than scapegoat when he’ll need one.
Naw….he just blames dems for everything.
Most of the red state are in rural areas, thus, the people are spread out, unlike the density of most cities like NY. They won’t feel it in most of those states like the majority Democratic states.
t’rump: “Easter Bunny, if you’re listening, please find a cure to save my re-election, er, I mean the American people. Yeah, I meant the American people.”
@snoop alert BLOCKED & REPORTED.
@Alex Hamilton BLOCKED & REPORTED.
@Maureen Peterson you were probably one of the people that literally cried the day after Trump was elected, that was a sight to see. Get ready for a repeat you genius. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result
@Steven Grotte stfu you panzee
Your fatality rate is low because you are at the beginning of the pandemic. Don’t pat yourself on the shoulder just yet.
@Mike Cash – This is the sort of test that isn’t “pass or fail.” Now, shoo. Grownups are talking.
Where were you in 2009? The WHO declared a pandemic early in the year but Obama waited FOUR MONTHS before he declared a NATIONAL EMERGENCY but not before 1,000 innocent people died. Forgot that? And before the year was over, 12,000 plus more innocent people died.
Remember the big moves Obama made to combat that H1N1 virus slaughter of innocent people? Remember the word ‘QUARANTINE’ posted on every school, business, restaurant, and college? Remember the loans Obama sent out to every citizen to combat the market crash the media caused? Remember how the media tried every hour of every day to hang the H1N1 virus pandemic around Obama’s neck? Me neither.
The almost genetic craving for death you progs is clinical madness.
@Unruly Simian If you clowns are grown up, then you truly are braindead. Churchill:
If you’re not a liberal at twenty you have no heart, if you’re not a conservative at forty, you have no brain.
@Mike Cash Churchill also said that the best argument against democracy is spending 5 minutes talking to the average voter.
As a Brit, I really don’t get the love for Churchill. His Gallipoli campaign in WW1 was awful, he backed Montgomery in WW2 which led to stupid military plans like Market Garden. He caused problems in Ireland, handed eastern Europe to Stalin (betraying our allies in the process) and he helped bring on famine in India. Apart from making a few rallying speeches, the guy was hopeless.
@Cronykil Yep! But He gave great speeches at a time when you needed great speeches, because you had little else (except some great fighter pilots).
A Texas grocery chain planned ahead for the COVID-19 pandemic and yet the Trump administration did… planning.
Man I remember I lost jobs being laid off terminated because they didn’t like me and the employees laughed at me. I got so angry and I said I wouldn’t wish this on anybody and they just laughed and look what’s happening now Jesus works in mysterious ways.. Even the shop Stewart said it’s not funny..
James Dunn
Small correction: They were handed a plan by the outgoing Obama administration and never read it before throwing it in the bin.
tRump is just talk and window dressing. You should already know that.
“Nobody would have ever thought a thing like this could have happened” — Trump. In fact, health experts had been warning of such a pandemic for a long time. They had also warned that the country would face shortages of critical medical equipment, such as ventilators. Imagine that. Similar outbreaks have occurred but not gotten so out of hand (SARS, MERS, Ebola, etc.). Plus, the makers of the film “Contagion” would disagree …
Late 2019, the Dept of HHS produced a model of what a respiratory pandemic would be like. It was called Crimson Contagion, I think. The White House chose to ignore it. Reported by several news channels. Another example of Trump* refusing to listen to medical and scientific experts. The ignoramus who thinks he knows better than everyone else – like last week, when he said all the doctors were impressed by how much he knew! Lol!!
Trump can not even deal with NKorea KIm whom he called a boy.. HOw can he deals with this serious Cvirus ? V sad, the image of America from our young adults yrs have crashed seeing the most powerful country/ the greatest country on earth been run by a President who doesn’t even understand the history of Civil War. we learnt the CWar history from our history class in SEAsia in 1972 when I was 11 yrs old.. SEasia was very backward undeveloped countries then. Trump went to Military College and raise in New York !
Our foolish leader, TheRump, has been counseling with his 2 Corinthian friends, Paul and Timothy, with a Kentucky Snake Charmer, and with Mike Pence, the failed Governor of the State of Indiana. This pack of yahoos have concluded that what we need to do is Fast, Pray, and Sacrifice a Goat by Ash Wednesday.
Dara L Carroll
Have your head checked, dummy.
Thank the jeanie in the sky
Dara L Carroll Excuse me???
The gouvernment didn’t take place in the impeachment- they said it was unlawful And a hoax, remember? So they Would have had all the time in the world? Right?
Plus the impeachment was Ages ago?
Still, nice try, NYT.. but we Don’t buy that one.
@BeBop Aloola Talk English Stooopid!
0:55 this is not much. Germany is doing around half a Million tests a week. That’s why the Death rate is so low there.
And we have on of the best PUBLIC health care systems in the world. It also helps that our leadership takes this serious and doesent delay important measures as much as your fine stable genius. Still frustrating though that their are still people fooling around. Went to by food today and for my taste still to meny people outside because the weather was kind great in Hamburg today.
They make their own test kits.
@Sir Savien Traliard You are one of them?
Thomas Tamir germany invented the Covid-19 PCR Test (and sharing the knowledge free of charge)
I think that Mar-a- Lago and every Trump hotel should be converted to emergency hospitals at no cost to the taxpayer.
Maybe Agent Orange will now take this pandemic very seriously and realise what a human tragedy is unfolding.
@Mike Cash
Face palm.
@Morwyn Wordnerd I have lived 80 years, and I have seen it all. You, like most libs envision yourself as a mind reader, and thus know what your adversary is thinking, and virtually every thing about him. This leads me to the obvious conclusion that your are a nincompoop. Have fun in your delusion.
@Mike Cash The man who thinks cheating and projection were invented by Democrats has “seen it all” and thinks I have delusions of being a mind reader? LOL, I’m only reading your comments. It takes years to develop wisdom and balanced perspective, but many years does not automatically make this happen. You started off calling me a liar. You’ve imagined my viewpoints and stated them as facts, but called me a delusional mind reader (the very definition of projection). Everything you’ve written is “me good/wise you evil/stupid” binary thinking. Everyone who lives long enough grows old, but not everyone grows up. Okay pigeon, you’ve won the chess match! Crap on the board, puff your chest, and strut.
He has, but you wouldn’t know it if you get your news here.
Along with all other trump properties & the cruise ships that pull into American ports, Eminate Domain or Arrest the Ships ( it is in marine law) & turn them into hospitals.
The realy bad new is trump is still in the WH
The really bad news is that he will have to leave in 2025.
Dorry Brewin bad for you but great for America loving Americans
Mike Cash that’s not that bad
Was born in the US…married a Canadian…have never regretted the union…now it may save my life…feeling so much safer in canada…

frances martin yeah I’m from scotland aswell got stopped yesterday off them asked me what a was up too
@Fearnuttin Where abouts in Scotland, im just outside Glasgow in just Hamilton
frances martin… same here in NZ. Police and the army are given special rights, as we are effectively in a state-of-emergency.
People have to queue outside supermarkets to maintain a number limit. All schools shut. All working from home. Government wage assistance in place. Frightening times but at least we have a government we trust to do the best for us.
@R Wags we are the exact same as you, but remember im in Scotland ( UK)
frances martin… True. You do have Boris to contend with.
This Big Picture is what we need, so thanks MSNBC’s Chris Hayes!!
It’s not the Covid-19 virus now.
It’s the Trump-45 virus.
wish it was ex Trump 45 ………..sick of the criticism of single payment health system NHS in UK being crap try this scenario
joe smith from NY, and joe smith from london both are very low paid workers but if JOE NY & joe from london both feels a bit under the the weather then … one of them can call a doctor free and get a medicine script for free ,and may be advised to take the day off ..
..on the other hand the other may have to pay, for a visit to the doctor’s & a script for expensive medicines, so he cannot afford to take time off , and lose a days pay, so he goes to work, and hopes the symptoms just wash away .
My friends what if that ‘ under the weather ‘ feeling they both suffered from , turned out to be the 1st two victims world wide, of the corona virus !!!!!
stay safe all u joes wave one another a big hug world
No. It’s the Pelosi-virus. Heard about the “global depopulation” plans? How come DemoRATS are healthy?
There’s only one thing I want to know: when is the bug going to catch up to Trump & Co.?
DJT is convinced he is super-human. and invincible. (An attitude held by most teenagers.)
@Yolanda Denny – True, Narcissists never grow up.
Mid 2021
Only one thing to do.
Remember him in November.
Really remember him in November.
By the mid-1860s, the Republican Party’s alliance with blacks had caused a noticeable strain on the Democrats’ struggle for electoral significance in the post-Civil War era. This prompted the Democratic Party in 1866 to develop a new pseudo-secret political action group whose sole purpose was to help gain control of the electorate. The new group was known simply by their initials, KKK (Ku Klux Klan).
This political relationship was nationally solidified shortly thereafter during the 1868 Democratic National Convention when former Civil War General Nathan Bedford Forrest was honored as the KKK’s first Grand Wizard. But don’t bother checking the Democratic National Committee’s website for proof. For many years, even up through the 2012 Presidential Election, the DNC had omitted all related history from 1848 to 1900 from their timeline — half a century worth! Now, for the 2016 election cycle, they’ve scratched even more history. Apparently, they believe it’s easier to just lie and claim to have fought for civil rights for over 200 hundred years, while seeing fit to list only a select few distorted events as exemplary, beginning as late as the 1920s. Incredibly, the DNC conveniently jumps past more than 100 years of American history!
Nevertheless, this sordid history is still well documented. There’s even a thirteen-volume set of Congressional investigations dating from 1872 detailing the Klan’s connection to the Democratic Party. The official documents, titled Report of the Joint Select Committee to Inquire Into the Condition of Affairs in the Late Insurrectionary States, irrefutably proves the KKK’s prominent role in the Democratic Party.
i hope we all forget him in jan 2021 when he is gone
I remember him for the last 3 YEARS!
& THE REPTILIAN-QUISLING-TRUMPANZZE Congressional members up for re-election——–BLUE WAVE no matter who!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“Anticipating for November” : seen from old Europe, what would make sense would be to remove the guy who is sitting in the Oval Office and has barely pretended to do the President’s job.
@mod trend Get back to me when you figure out how a Socialist is even DEFINED. Hint, the USSR/Bolshevik’s WEREN’T…
@mod trend Good Luck with baby brat dOnald, you mean. You’ll need it. He’s a liability.
@wildcatter63 are you kidding me? USSR. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
@Santy Clause he’s a liability to Democrats, liberals and un-Americans. He’s an asset to hard working patriotic Americans.
@mod trend Tut Tut child. Look up what NAZI is an acronym for. Then follow this link:
South is getting hit harder in every crisis, yet it keeps voting against it’s own interests.
@Sioux Rose WOW! You bought the whole pile!!! LOL!
@Mike Cash go away asshat
@pmboston And you parrot MSNBC. You don’t make me sick, but you do provide comic relief.
@john gahr You need to work on your insults.
Jitka Blahakova Right

Yep, I stocked up in February on everything thanks to the media and Donny saying “nothing to worry about”, because who didn’t know that was a big fat lie.
Sophie Peraaud the media is the more dangerous than the virus, at least there is a vaccine for the virus, but for stupidity there is no sorry for you and all others who think like you.
@Jelly Belly so your the one who bought all the toilet paper. Hmmn
@Rockboy8 Pebbles – nah, I left a roll or two on the shelf.
Can Donald Trump be put in jail for negligence. Do you believe he put millions of lives in danger? LOCK HIM UP!
@Ganiscol After 4 years of superhuman effort on the part of the democrats and some republicans, Don’t you think that if he was guilty of anything, they would have found it. Give it up! you are not helping.
@dugmeat mcdonald jnr It said right on the container “Fish tank cleaner” It was chloroquine phosphate. How are you going to sue Trump, if you are the stupid one. I wonder if they had kids, and if so, did any survive to adulthood?
Donnie the waffle king! WAFFLE, WAFFLE, WAFFLE, & WAFFLE, the last idea in his head that doesn’t die of loneliness escapes thru his mouth!
Lol lock him up hes got another term in the White House lol
If Trump was in prison like he should be already, America could get something done
Prison would be fine but just getting him out of office now would be OK enough.
So, Bernie has been right for the past 15 years! GOP is pure evil.
Noam Chomsky is the one who said it first …and documents WHY he makes the allegation.
Wm.F. Buckley Jr. nailed it when he called the then up and coming Republicans ANARCHO TOTALITARIANS.