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Watch All In With Chris Hayes Highlights: March 25 | MSNBC
BIDEN’S getting things done despite Redumplican obstruction.
@Akitsu Maru China
Joe Biden‘s legacy. The worst start of any president in the history of the United States.
Hundreds of thousands of jobs destroyed by stroke of a pen, a flood of illegal migrants which is the largest surge in the history of the United States, gas prices skyrocketing over 45% nationally after destroying trumps energy independence in oil, gas and energy. Trillions of dollars in new spending which will cause an upcoming economic collapse. Inflation on the horizon,
But hey… at least China Joe didn’t tweet anything mean this week.
And we have a woman vice president.
And he did put transgender boys with penises in girls locker rooms and all girls sports to destroy them by executive order.
China Joe’s promised with his own mouth on January 8, “no more America first”
@Debra Cottrill
BREAKING NEWS- He’s Blaming Biden –
Mexico’s President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said today that Biden’s immigration policies are the reason for the ‘surging crisis’ at the border.
President Biden reversed several Trump-era immigration measures, loosening restrictions for asylum claimants and ending a policy that required migrants to remain in Mexico while making their case to enter the United States. Lopez Obrador said the changes prompted migrants fleeing harsh conditions in Central America to risk the journey to the border.
Just more PROOF that China
Joe Biden meant what he said on 1/8/21 : “NO MORE AMERICA FIRST”
@Bob Heck “Biden for President 2020” flags were seen flying in a tent encampment in Tijuana, Mexico, where hundreds of migrants are gathering until they can be processed and potentially released in the United States.
“It is every bit Biden’s migrant camp. They are flying the Biden flags. They are wearing the Biden T-shirts. There’s 500 to 1,000 individuals staying here that believe wholeheartedly that President Joe Biden wants them here and will help them get across,” Fox News’s Griff Jenkins said Monday during a visit to the encampment.
This is what ‘America last’ looks like folks.
Joe Biden did say with his own mouth, ‘no more America first’
@Facts First okay, and the alternative is systematic racism and white supremacy ran by a broken democracy, how is America any better.
@Facts First
We sent you to the White House to get things done. Abolish the Filibuster.
100,000,000 Americans vaccinated in his first 58 days with a goal of 200,000,000 vaccinated by his first 100 days is something. You have to remember, the last administration slithered out the back door without a smooth transition of power.
@Facts First How much did you PAY for that SCRIPT from the ONE TERM, TWICE IMPEACHED CLOWN?!! You should get a refund because we all heard it from FOX NEWS
@Facts First – You wouldn’t know a real fact if it fell on you.
@Kathryn Shaw
China Joe Bidens ‘open borders’ & ‘America last’ policies have created the massive invasion growing daily on our Southern Border now in crisis, with a 1000% increase in illegal migrants crossing, dismantling Trumps Border security & ‘Stay in Mexico’ Policies
– China Joe is spending a whopping $86.9 MILLION of YOUR taxpayer money to house illegals in American hotels
– 600 illegal migrant encounters per day & a staggering 15,000 + in US custody MANY RELEASED WITH COVID – 19 into USA
– The invasion crisis so bad that China Joe Biden Just BANNED ALL REPORTING from the Mexico border. ZERO ACCESS!
Like China
Joe Biden promised with his own mouth:
@Facts First You really miss 45.
I suggest you change your knee pads
Stop Republicans from voting into law anything that suppresses voters’ rights.
Since when did showing your voter identification or signature verification become voter suppression? Oh that’s right, it stops all of you communist Democrats from ever being able to cheat.
That insecure governor of GA knows he didn’t win fair and square and will never win if voting is made easy – perverse Republican politics
Manchin better step-up and do what’s right or they should throw him out of the Democratic Party.
He’s already halfway out, the way I see it.
The whole world sees how soulless and self-serving these g.o.p’ers and g.o.p. lovers are.
@russel herman I know that it’s hard for a real democrat to get elected, one that doesn’t have to cow tow to the right-wing, but at least they can say they didn’t support a racist party just to get into or stay in office. By all accounts Manchin is a millionaire. It seems that the senate is a sure fire way of getting even more richer!
He’s really a Republican.
Vote him out of office.
“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; The other is to refuse to accept what is true”…….trumpers fall into category 1
Joe Biden‘s legacy. The worst start of any president in the history of the United States.
Hundreds of thousands of jobs destroyed by stroke of a pen, a flood of illegal migrants which is the largest surge in the history of the United States, gas prices skyrocketing over 45% nationally after destroying trumps energy independence in oil, gas and energy. Trillions of dollars in new spending which will cause an upcoming economic collapse. Inflation on the horizon,
But hey… at least China Joe didn’t tweet anything mean this week.
And we have a woman vice president.
And he did put transgender boys with penises in girls locker rooms and all girls sports to destroy them by executive order.
China Joe’s promised with his own mouth on January 8, “no more America first”
@Facts First if you are a trump fan……FACTS DON’T MATTER…..just lies that fit your narrative………Prove Joe is linked to China……..did he pay 250k in taxes to china……..TRUMP DID, but that doesn;t fit your narrative now does it…..
@Facts First It also doesn’t fit his narrative that Ivanka got 16 chinese patents AFTER DADDY was elected, and one for voting machines…………….BUT THAT DOESN’T FIT EITHER
@Mr Rodgers Political Playtime
China Joe Bidens ‘open borders’ & ‘America last’ policies have created the massive invasion growing daily on our Southern Border now in crisis, with a 1000% increase in illegal migrants crossing, dismantling Trumps Border security & ‘Stay in Mexico’ Policies
– China Joe is spending a whopping $86.9 MILLION of YOUR taxpayer money to house illegals in American hotels
– 600 illegal migrant encounters per day & a staggering 15,000 + in US custody MANY RELEASED WITH COVID – 19 into USA
– The invasion crisis so bad that China Joe Biden Just BANNED ALL REPORTING from the Mexico border. ZERO ACCESS!
Like China
Joe Biden promised with his own mouth:
Don’t be so ingnorant. Don’t ask the why question. Racesism is the keyword you know, as old as the old testament.
‘REPUBLICANS WITH A CONSCIENCE’- no such thing, if they have a conscience then they should have already quit the GOP especially after Trump hijacked the party
It is unconcevable to me, that most US voters want to suppress our people’s ability to. vote.
Not to POC
It is so clear that the Republicans no longer believe in democracy.
Actually The Democrat party is now a communist party. That’s why Republicans are fighting you tooth and nail to keep our country from becoming North Korea, Cuba or China. And China Joe Biden is destroying America in his first 60 days faster than any president in history. That’s quite an accomplishment after that Kenyan muslim obama
They are a bunch of has-been relics of the jim crow era.
They’re surely going the way of the dodo. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
@russel herman meanwhile the Democrat party is now a communist party led by China Joe Biden. Who admitted himself “no more America first policies”
Facts – The last six months of the Trump administrations border Policies, with Trumps ‘stay in Mexico’ policy and President Trump coordinating with the Mexican president to have thousands of Mexican troops on the northern and southern border of Guatemala, the illegal migrant situation was fixed.
President Trump had stopped it all.
There was no crisis and massive surge at the border like we have now.
President Trump ‘secured’ our borders and construction of his border wall was almost complete.
Joe Biden ended all of this and stopped construction on the border wall.
Now you have huge gaping holes and complete ‘open borders’ with thousands and thousands of illegal migrants coming in daily, from multiple countries from the south.
The communist Democrats plan is to to flood America with MILLIONS of new Democrat voters of illegal migrants dependent on American taxpayers for their housing, food, medical expenses, healthcare, education, etc. and will utterly destroy and bankrupt America In the coming future.
Like China
Joe Biden said, himself, “no more America first”
@Facts First
How embarrassing…
@Facts First get help from your nearest mental health care provider
Can Georgia Governor be charged for abuse of power? He is supposed to be working for the people, not for himself.
Good point.
He elected himself. He, as AG of GA, sabotaged Stacy Abrams’ vote numbers.
While Brian Kemp was signing that bill he was having a representative of his state, a black woman, arrested for knocking on his office door! We need to talk about these things and if Manchin wants to stand in the way of human rights he has to go!! We can not afford a republican government any longer! Progressives and democrats, Down with the GOP!
I saw that crap
This is beyond belief, a horrible, horrific, stain on us. Continue to rise up and make all voices heard.
The Republicans crazy for power they will try to do anything to make voting hard, the more they try is the more they loses
There’s no low corrupt people won’t sink to trying to gain or keep power.
Well let us make sure the GOP will never be on top again. They’re not for the people anyway.
“The GOP is the most dangerous organization in human history!”….Noam Chomsky
I believe Noam Chomsky, he had Trump pegged a long time ago.
How long until Brian kemp feels comfortable enough to start wearing his pointy white hood in news conferences?
Manchun is not a democrat, he’s a republican in sheeps clothing!
President Biden should declare voting day a federal holiday so everyone will have time to get to the polls!
It takes a black woman to stand up for democracy in Georgia. Everybody else should hang their heads in shame.