House Speaker Nancy Pelosi goes one-on-one with Chris Hayes. Get the latest news and commentary from Hayes weekdays at 8 p.m. ET on MSNBC.
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Watch All In With Chris Hayes Highlights: July 15 | MSNBC
America is
23 in education.
37 in healthcare.
52 in gender equality.
No high speed train.
Highest number of homeless people.
Highest number of incarcerated people.
78% of people live paycheck to paycheck.
Stock market is not economy of Americans, where 90% of money belongs to top 10% of population, it’s wallet of the rich!
Let’s talk like adults, instead of name calling!
I have left ample of proof on my playlist, if you like to check…
Let’s make our country better…
A non citizen troll
Not so great after all, are we?
@Jim Morrison -Yes. Yes you are “Jim”.
But the only Spaceforce!
2nd in the world in gun deaths–after only Brazil
BIDEN 2020: Because seriously, do you really want 4 more years of
Don Hardcastle Fox doesn’t supply legit statistics. But all they have to do is convince YOU. Which they’ve done.
Don Hardcastle You ought to worry about the voters, not some rich dude scoring on his name.

Hunter’s not going to vote your guy out—we are.
@Don Hardcastle who cares? At least HE’S not out killing an endangered animal
@hanna maria I’ve noticed that the SAME miserable, selfish pos that BAN women from exposing their breast in public to feed their babies, like trump, who finds it “disgusting “, are the ones who think being made to cover their POSSIBLY germ ridden face holes, is an egregious affront to their freedom, and “unnatural “….gtfo!
@We are all connected Jesus Christ WEPT woman!!!
Calm the fcuk down!
Breastfeeding is the LEAST of the worries of a Trump supporters!
Most Republicans feel you should be able to go topless…..
A real actual president would be getting impeached for this type of incompetence.
@Don Hardcastle It didn’t fail, the republican senate failed.

@xeon22that’s where it ended, to be sure! However, where did it start? The Steele dossier?
How did that come about?
Documents show funding came from the “Hillary for America” campaign and the DNC……………
You’re burnt Joe…
@Don Hardcastle what I find interesting is that he was Really great friends and close to the orange POTUS
family and especially Ivanka .. SO explain that 1….
@Don Hardcastle I have done no research into what you are ‘alleging’ so I will not comment on that but if the Rule of Law as we know it is destroyed it will be too late for the NAYSAYERS in the country to say, ‘Oh I didn’t know…’!
Chris Hayes is second to none. Totally Not boring.
this Chris Hayes is a Talentless, Leftist Hack ( in George Soros pocket )
Absolutely a great journalist. Bravo Chris!
@Warm Violet
Wrong. Fauci, though not perfect is out only hope. The problem is possible such as yourself who revise to believe science and instead, listen to a tv character who was wrongly given the most important job in the world.

@Warm Violet womp womp womp
Lookie there what a good parrot you are.
Seems noone taught you critical thinking skills.
Are Republicans getting tired yet of picking up the presidential rattle and putting it back in the pram.
You would think, this will be interesting to see how this all unfolds.
Or changing his DEPENDS?
Lol!! Well said.
@Jeremiah Bachmann The military will not go with Trump. They will go by the Constitution. They take their pledge seriously.
No, that seem to enjoy it.
Everything about Trump is upsetting and hard to watch.
I feel like we are all on a gigantic bus watching a drunken Trump swerve all over the road endanger our lives with a smile on his face.
@Dale Blake
A maniacal smile.
Trump is the sickest man I know. Vote blue on every level you can.
@Marisa Dalla Valle But Pelosi makes sense, stays on task, speaks clearly, and honors her oath of office. Trump cannot hold one thought, slurs his speech, jumps from half an idea to half of another, lies, denies, deflects, has no plan except to blame someone else. Vote and get rid of Trump before we have no country left and the Whitehouse just becomes more of a backdrop for Trump to enrich his businesses and sell products for friends.
@Weber Conservative Nah. It’s more like people need a barf bag when the Orange Fuhrer starts talking.
Fauci will go down in History, Trump will go down in infamy.
To paraphrase: “The Day Trumpsky Was Elected in 2016 Will go Down As A Date In Infamy!“
Joyce Smith To quote an old British comedy film trump will be shouting “Infamy! infamy! they’ve all got it in for me!
@Brenda Heeligan “will be”? Nah. He already is!
All things trump and his administration is NONSENSE!
Nailed it!
President Junk is a 2 headed snake, with his approval of course senile Navarro go after Dr Fauci.
When you hear a young child like Trumpsky, what can you expect!
Fauci. Gotdangit, that’s an honorable man and a profile in both courage and grace under fire.
He’s showing how to stand up to a bully and stick to your principles. He’s a strong man.
Which makes a leader. Don’t you wish he was the president??
Janet Skelley heavens yes, with all that I am.
This administration has gotten dangerous smh
“Gotten”? They’ve been dangerous
Are u just now seeing this?
Actually no but it is still shocking and hard to percieve how we got here. There’s a mean spiritness in the country that I’ve never witnessed before
Fauci: I wore a special suit to do my job.
Trump: I’d wear my birthday suit to do my job.
Trumpsky: Especially if that included an underage girl.
If by some miracle Biden is allowed to take over when he wins the election, we need to do exactly what this evil puppet is doing…but breaking the rules to help the people instead of creating an authoritarian dictatorship.
Oh you poor crybaby Jeremiah! Lmao
@Dale white what is it with the toddler rhetoric? Almost as if you haven’t moved on emotionally and intellectually from that phase of your life… Grow up.
But yet the cult will still vote for donni. I don’t get it. Smfh
The only time I want to hear/read the name Trump after Jan 2021 is when I hear/read he is being handcuffed and led away.
Soon as he opens the doors you’ll hear clicking of the cuffs.
what about a firing squad for TREASON???????
And on his wife to criminal trial and down the road to prison for his lifetime.
Vicki D ‘
Hospitals should ignore Trump and keep sending data to the CDC.
I don’t think DT has any authority over hospitals.
@Marty Baldwin
Nah it won’t get skewed because the collators like Worldometers will still have the data to collate, actually probably more accurate data because the health services can add in the overall death rates so you can see the true effect of covid19, so far it is looking like the confirmed deaths are only about 50 percent of the total increase in death in the US according to early studies, let me put that in context: You can not be that far out by chance only by policy, yes you can only ever under report by virtue of the nature of the thing but the rest of the west has a typical “at any point” under reporting ratio of 2:1 which then improves as services catch up but never a 1:1 ratio, or even close.
Darth Wheezius Thanks for that information. I always hear about underreporting but not by 50%! Yikes.
@Marty Baldwin
Those were initial studies which should always be a worse case scenario but it is worth noting that unlike in the UK where samples were taken for testing as and when the system caught up to the outbreak the US was not doing this so many people who died will never be recorded correctly especially as in the beginning the only reported cases were of people tested when alive(still in policy in Florida right now) and US testing was basically non existent. Now where some states have tried to correct numbers, NY for example thus uplifting their reporting places like Florida have restricted their reporting. I am waiting for the next round of studies to be published because I think the overall death rate is the one to look at because when you look at the increase you have to ask “OK I can’t confirm absolutely what these extra deaths were from but what was the new factor in play during this period?”.
I’m hoping they make copies in triplicate and then send them to both while keeping their own records. You know, just in case anyone is contemplating any…shenanigans.
The Trump Administration’s attitude toward the American people is adversarial. His policies and his language aren’t indicative of public service. He’s always looking to punish someone.
That’s what his father taught him to do…many already knew of the Trump family and on how some of their wealth was made/acquired.
Money talks and BS walks…even when it’s the truth.
Time to “Punish“ Trumpsky: Vote him out 11/3/20!
They seem to forget that every teacher is also somebody’s child. My child is a 30 yr old teacher and I am worried sick about her. I want her to quit but no luck so far.
Hi, Thumper. I’m a teacher in Houston. We are being forced to return to the classroom in person in early September. I texted my parents today and asked them about me making a will. My mom cried.
I’m a teacher of 32 years I love my kids but I can’t go back to school and teach I resigned so maybe talk to your daughter about teaching online that’s what my kids did for me I think it’s going to work really good at least I know my students are safe and I’m safe until this is over and it’s a new adventure teaching online
Thumper my two grandkids are in college out of state…I don’t want them to go back for fall semester. I feel your pain.
I wish I could retire, but I can’t, I have to go back to school and risk my life: thanks, trump, thanks desantis!
Now, not to wait till 1/20/21!
Dr. Fauci is everything dumpy isn’t. That man is a pure soul and all America has right now. If you are with trump you are the problem.
Especially if YOU voted for him in 2016.
Say it again! Spot on!
Why hasn’t Congress tried to do anything to stop Trump from stopping information from going to CDC?
Why haven’t they stopped Trump and sent him to an asylum or jail already!!!
So much for government check and balances
When corruption gets out of control!!!!
@s after seeing mary trumps` book on her uncle, maybe congress needs to relook at the 25th Amendment for Trump?
King Trump is more worried about his taxes being shown than people dying from the virus. American Facts people