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Watch All In With Chris Hayes Highlights: July 14 | MSNBC
I really hope the RNC convention is just like Donnie’s Tulsa rally.
A lot of empty seats and people creatively trolling him online!
@Urban Stuff How much for each answer? China, Ukraine or Russia?
@Urban Stuff you are on the wrong side of the neighbor hood,Fox fake news is that way< wish for as many Trump supporters jammed in the building as possible…they need to have beach balls bouncing around the room..people crowd surfing and everyone should get a free bottle of bubbles they will all blow at the same time when Trump gets on stage to celebrate his majesty….We need lady’s sitting on men’s shoulders screaming and yelling at the top of their lungs…We need those same lady’s trying to throw their underwear on stage…
We need t-shirt cannons blasting all over the place…We need to create a form that tells Trump supporters if they write down their address they will receive a Make America Great Again hat and Underwear. tell them Some lucky supporters will receive a pillow with Trumps picture filled with Hydroxy pills- Then only give them one pen….
We need people tooting on birthday horns and screaming in little mega phones…
Perhaps even have a special kazoo group playing the National Anthem as people join in with their free Trump kazoo…We need to make sure that air conditioner is not working and every person in that building is sweating like crazy…
We need only one bathroom for the entire family reunion..I mean Trump rally….
I think you get the idea..
@mophodgmail I actually like giving them a bonus from time to time..
Plus the stupid
they say is funny
I am guessing they as well are saving up for their kids college…
@Elmosweed what a brilliant idea!! I like the way you think
DeSantis is absolutely incompetent to deal with the pandemic in Florida as well as being highly ignorant of the facts and should resign

@KALDOUT WNZ “The more we protest” Please continue the protests and riots. Let the American people see who, “normal ppl,” really are.
@Peter Bills For a brief moment forgot how easy it is for some ppl to take a comment completely out of context. Allow me to explain sprout; The topic of discussion is conducting a convention in the midst of a pandemic. My thought is . . . why protest ie DISAGREE, OBJECT, etc. Let them carry on.
I agree any Governor following Trump thru this has the blood of Americans on their hands now.
Crazy Idea:
Perhaps if we had a person that could be in charge of the entire Country.
You know like a boss that does not let his managers run a company.
Especially in a time of crisis.
Our Country should think of something like that
@KALDOUT WNZ As many people as possible shoved in a non air conditioned convention center all blowing bubbles at the same time
@Elmosweed The visual you present is about as serious as some ppl take this pandemic. There is absolutely no convincing them otherwise. Tragic, and senseless..
Even trump’s hair is a lie.
@Serai3 Don’t know why you say this. This is serious. I just need to know what he is doing that is so bad?
@stray fiftynine how about NOT disbanding the pandemic response team just because it had Obama’s name on it?! How about not sending our PPE to freaking China?! How about NOT appointing Jared Kushner to head his response team, you know, because he has never even held a freaking government position much less handled ed a freaking pandemic?! You cannot be do dumb as to think that’s all a job well done. If you do, you are indeed a useless moron.
@Fred Nielson What should he have done? Pandemics happened. It came from china. Aren’t they responsible for the pandemic. What and how did he surrender to the pandemic. He closed the country when the experts said he didn’t need to. Economy was going great till it hit. wasn’t it? He is trying to open us back up. Is that bad?
@Elmosweed First time I have heard that. Where can I find these facts?
@Gloominusdm Why are you calling me names. I am just asking. It is like your are mad at me or something. Why?
Trump can’t walk a dog let alone leading America’s deadliest pandemic.
Worst President in US history.
Not a leader just a disgusting tweeter
@Steve Fitts tRuMP 2020 for death or jail
@sinklairlewis Just tell me the name and author. Thanks.
@BLAIR M Schirmer totally different one is human and it’s not mental midget trump
@stray fiftynine So you admit you live under a rock you numbskull.
I don’t think Trump is trying to win this election. It looks like he’s had enough. I’m not saying he’s going to lose, but I am saying I don’t think he really cares if he does.
He’s setting it all up so when he loses he can play the victim card and blame it on his imaginary vote-by-mail fraud. I would love to see him convicted of at least one of his major crimes – how about the one Roger Stone is keeping? Any crime will do. Oh, and it’s time to restructure the powers of the presidency, to avoid the abuse we’ve seen over the past 4 years. He thinks his “authority is total” and in many ways he’s right.
Except he will be in prison if he doesn’t win.
@Peter Bills when did Mr. Bidden say that. He is in a lot better health than trumpet.
He wants to win and will do whatever he has to. #VOTE
Except for one thing, Jason. If he loses, he will lose everything and possibly wind up in prison which makes him a desperate and dangerous man capable of doing whatever it takes to stay in power. We must be prepared for that eventuality –he either simply calls the results invalid and refuses to leave or he uses the chaos of the pandemic and civic unrest in the streets to cancel elections to simply stay in office. I sure hope someone has a plan for either eventuality. To say it can’t happen is foolish. No one has been able to stop him yet.
We need to move forward Trump needs to be kicked out of office but we can only do that if we vote
@Peter Bills vote to make sure it happens. Repugs will do anything to win. I’m tired of all the winning that the Buffon said would happen

@Mike M Take someone with you, when you go to vote…..
T R U M P 2020 ******* //////// T R U M P 2020 ******* //////// T R U M P 2020 ******* ////////
@Steve Fitts nah what if another pandemic comes in Trump would just play golf and blame other people
@Mad Max 2.0 EXACTLY!!!! Hahahahahaaaahahaasob…
Trump is a dark cloud on American democracy and civility. There is no silver lining, only poison in this cloud.
Manditory IQ tests for all future presidential candidates
So, what are we lookin at here…? An IQ of at least 90….85…..where is Trump?
@Sean Molloy He managed to recognise an elephant in a cognative test so he must be above 12, ignores a major pandemic so must be below 30
Mandatory IQ tests for VOTERS!
And their taxes and divestment of business interests
And psych evaluation to assure capable of healthy decision making and problem solving
Covid 19 is salivating for the gathering in Jacksonville. MAGA – Many Are Getting Afflicted.
@David Hale Take off Your MAGA Hat & Throw It in The
David Ellis yeah ok sweetie. Sure thing whatever you say honey.
@David Hale you seem triggered david do you need a safe space
Good one!
David Hale
Trumpvirus will leave the country when he loses the election.
T R U M P 2020 ******* //////// T R U M P 2020 ******* //////// T R U M P 2020 ******* ////////
It would seem Steve is having fitts.
@Fred Nielson Must be the Lysol twitches
RazielBorn: Funny thing about power ; when you have it the world is your oyster. When you don’t, the world looks right thru you. Who’s going to feel sorry enough for a loser like Trump to take him in? All his relationships are based on transactions and without the power of the Presidency he cannot transact with anyone. I don’t think he will be allowed to keep the billions of dollars he has made off the American taxpayers and that’s basically all the real money he has. The rest was a myth he created to keep himself afloat when his papa’s money ran out and the bankruptcies made him financial poison to everyone but the criminals who used him to launder their wealth. Now even his brand is toxic.
Off to Russia?
Oranges poranges doesn’t care if all the poor and middle class die. It would make a small portion of our fellow Americans very happy.
@Sandy Allen I agree but, they were in control of our money before this and they’ll be in control after this.
@Steve Fitts I hope I’m right there at the pearly gates to see your face as you desend. Bless your soul!
trump said during the recession that he loved it, when people lost everything they had, he said people like him buy it up for cheap.
Steve Fitts
Dory Woody And this too
Jobless Americans to Ivanka Trump: “Find something new”. I’d start looking now if I were you.
@Joe Slapperasski ivanka and Jared are filthy rich..
@s because as he said it creates JOBS..
Martin Moyes And this
@CherBear well if they did anything against the government they can go by by. If the justice dept becomes loyal again hopefully the entire crime family goes i can hope atleast.i would even go to church again if that works
@s just because you’re too stupid to comprehend the plan doesn’t make it a bad plan.
He HAS to have people there to adore him. Well, he just might be killing off all of his supporters…..???????hummmmmm
He’s killing off all of us
Half are prob already gone..or don’t vote anyway..i think the trolls are just having too much fun being trolls to
Theresa Morgan And this as well
In Canada, if you lose your job due to COVID-19. you get $2000 a month in aid.
Yes we do and it was just extended to the end of august
How about “Hit the road, Jack” as a campaign slogan?
So could we get a petition to change trump’s name to “the road”.
“Find something new” you mean like a new president and administration?
Worst president of anything, anywhere, EVER!!!!
And then some.
North Carolina wouldn’t do it, so they had to go somewhere even MORE STUPID!!
Unfortunately my niece is there.
He/they are just adding salt to the wound
Endangering more lives.
It is insane.
Why still no Nationalized testing and tracing.
No production of P.P.E.
@Kimberly Morris I have cousins that recently moved there to help their parents who are in their mid eighties..then this crap even worse..desantos is a useless tool..and trump is his master
140 000 deaths AT LEAST
70 000 new cases TODAY
Republicans STILL heard screaming about 4 Americans murdered in Bengahzi.
It keeps their ignorant base triggers and they know it. Four years of investigations seven hundred and fifty million dollars spent and they still couldn’t prove a thing, oh yeah and let’s don’t forget Hillary’s e-mails. What a waste of breath they are.
**maybe Ivanka could borrow melania’s,””, I REALLY DON’T CARE,, DO YOU””, JACKET… The trumps have really never cared,, about working class Americans….**