Watch All In With Chris Hayes Highlights: August 3| MSNBC

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Watch All In With Chris Hayes Highlights: August 3| MSNBC

Watch All In With Chris Hayes Highlights: August 3| MSNBC


  1. Every republican president has given a recession but this takes the cake 🤕

    when will Americans wake up?

    1. Many Americans know but they have to stick with Trump to save face for the horrible mistake they made in 2016. SAD but True. The others are just brain washed and the wealthy 2% are continuing to grow their Wealth…..As this time said, “Wake Up Americans.”

    1. If Lightning Strikes something Trump done it says the dems cuz they blame everything in the world on him

    2. Yup! And then a Democrat has to step in and clean up the mess and get us back on track just as Clinton and Obama had to do. They know trickle down REAGANOMICS don’t work – they don’t care. They don’t care about grossly growing the national debt. They are greedy.


  2. It is staggering that the GOP are not even being subtle about their election interference now they are literally doing it out in the open …. either some rules need to be strictly enforced or introduce some new ones to control these anti democratic GOP slime balls !!

  3. t’rump: “We’re the best in death rate.”
    Swan: “Umm, you’re looking at the chart upside down.”
    t’rump: “Ohhh. **flips chart over** We’re the best in death rate!”
    Swan: “Sigh. 🤦 “

    1. 😂You cannot ask that question because I do not have a chart for that just cannot do that😂😂

    2. What about when he boasts – we’re lower than the world (death rate) – poor Swan is like uhhh what?

    3. @Masha Spikego Trump’s claim was, as Swan pointed out, deaths (so far) divided by cases (so far). This is true – the US has the lowest ratio of deaths to cases … so far. It is trivially true b/c cases get counted long before deaths occur, and cases have risen steeply in the past month. The deaths/cases ratio is always going to dip before the cases run their course and we have new cases outrunning the current death count. Death, as the experts say, is a lagging indicator. Trump is pretending it isn’t.

      This lowered ratio is not good. It is extremely ominous insofar as it demonstrates exponential, runaway spread. We, and this calculation, are woefully behind the curve. Nearly all other nations have lowered and held down their caseloads, so their ratios more accurately reflect all deaths divided by all cases. Their results are mostly in but ours are still pending. Comparison is thus apples and oranges. Make that one orange.

      Trump’s claim about us “leading the world” in testing is another trivial truth. We do b/c we have to, and we’re coming up way short. Exponential growth is busting our balls at every turn. It works like loan shark-type compound interest. You’d think a real estate genius would instinctively understand the threat, but this one defaults on his loans and declares bankruptcy, so maybe not.

  4. Moscow Mitch is absolutely playing the role in plain site !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is he related to Putin?????

  5. Hey Trump doesn’t want mail in ballots for one reason only …. the Russians can’t hack mail in ballots !

    1. @Elmosweed the only truth is Trump is going to take No Brain Biden down even easier than Crooked Hillary.

    2. @Laurie Lovelady you dumbasses believe the Hillary lie about Putin while she tries to deflect from herself being investigated for spying on Trump. You MORONS give Putin an awful lot of power like he’s a God that can change the whole election of the USA. It just goes to show how brainless like Biden you Commiecrats are! They never even showed any kind of proof of tampering Morons!

    1. @The Blue Arrow 39% still support him, even until now.If the majority rose up, his supporters will too. Trump is already taking step to de-legitimize the results of the next elections, should he lose.

    2. We will see more deaths, more disorganization, more unemployment, more disassociation with reality, more homelessness, more hunger, more racism, and on top of that huge possibility for WW3. 😢

    3. If the impeached trump gets reelected the world will turn their backs on the US and give up on them.

    1. Americans paying GOP to be in senate only to have them not wanting to do anything to improve the country and people’s lives, they just stood by trump regardless of what outrageous laws he broke and just stay in power and get richer.

    2. Just on love and compassion is what we need right now… we need a leader that will look after his citizens. 💕💕💖💖🙌🙌😘😘

    1. What I fear is this: at night, when multi-generational families sit together around the dinner table, they do NOT wear masks to break bread. THAT’S when the most damage will occur, even if the little ones are asymptomatic.

    2. @sk8queen I’m thinking parents should get paid to teach their children at home. Schools that do open safely, have to cut classes in half anyway so they won’t need as much money, until things change. My children are grown but I have grandchildren and I am scared to death for them

  6. The President knows in a Shark tank, and if , I mean if he lose he will go to jail or become a target for PUTTIN.

    1. Silver Jones They didn’t “send it to us”. It is extremely contagious, and it spread here, as well as around the rest of the world.

    2. @Silver Jones correction: trump pulled a move from Frozen….he

    3. Dolores Reynolds it ain’t like he pulled a little dip can outta his back pocket than took the lid off then five seconds later it was all over the country

    1. **and if you don’t trust the mail,,, you can fill out your ballot,,, and drop it off at one of the collection sites,,, where you drive up,, and put your ballot in the collection box.. that’s ,,emptied by poll workers every night,, for weeks before November 3rd…..**EVERY PATRIOTIC AMERICAN MUST VOTE THIS YEAR**

    1. The Post office issue has been talked about from the Media for many months. They saw it coming. Imagine a man that doesn’t know a Stamp from a letter and he has decided to INTENTIONALLY DELAY THE MAIL. In the history of the Postal Service this has never happened. it was through Rain, Sleet or Snow….the mail must go through. Now it sits in the mail processing centers, in trucks or on the floor by Letter carrier cases. The Trump regime just do anything no matter who it hurts.

  7. Republicans’ definition of fraud: More people voting for Democrats. Just goes to show you that they don’t want democracy, but a one-party rule like China and Russia.

    1. Razor that was a very stupid comment you just made. Think man think before you open up your pie hole

    2. News flash people people look trump is a BUSINESSMAN and what does a business man do he wheels and deals trump has used the American money made deals with foreign countries he owes foreign countries if they look close enough they .find that this only part of what’s going on trump my people is in trouble a broad

  8. Love him or hate him, Obama just received a standing ovation at a funeral. Doesn’t get any better than that.

    1. Desperate Hussein giving a political speech at a funeral. He’s dying to protect his hailed legacies

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