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Watch All In With Chris Hayes Highlights: April 7 | MSNBC

Scum that are in our government.
Gaetz can slither whichever way he wants; ultimately, karma will catch up with him.
@FACTS ONLY haha guess who believes lies and denies reality.
Keep that head in the sand.
Or you’ll hear all the laughter at the gullibility of Trump supporters.
Biden is doing a good job.
Keep watching notnewsmax and listening to Qonspiracy theories.
And if we are really lucky Karma will let us watch it all
Karma! More deadly than Madusa!
Karma is expert at her job & works very well with Maya, who’s eternal duty is to offer mankind those objects that entice the senses.
And Geatz has always had daddy there to clean up his messes, now that ol’ Matty there is a public figure of more than a little notoriety, his ability to slip by under the radar is gone. While Maya offers the objects of the senses, it’s Karma who delivers the just desserts that accompanies them. ALWAYS!
At the moment QAnus are in the back yard, pushing Cheerios into the ground and waiting for donuts to grow.
Love it!!!!
“A very firm denial” is the only thing Stormy ever saw that was firm.
Lie very strong and very firm….and trumpty will believe you…
….& 3 week old brylcreem!
If he has done nothing illegal he has nothing to worry about. But he Does seem very worried.
Once someone denies something, I think you can credibly close any investigation into them.
So far, that strategy’s worked brilliantly for GOP’ers! Why change when the policy emboldens adherents, allowing them to become even more outrageous and criminal?
Gaetz’s buddy Joel Greenberg has been singing like a bird, can’t wait for all the details to come out.
My popcorns are ready.
I hope he’s in protective custody
That didn’t turn out so good for epstein.
My popcorn is ready, as well!
Other “prominent Florida republicans” have been implicated by the Greenberg evidence but not named yet. The governor?
@PaulScott Rock Thanks God Trump and Barr are not in charge.
I hope Gaetz is losing sleep worrying about this but I’d bet he’s not. He’s so accustomed to avoiding responsibility for his actions, he’s probably partying like a rock star.
@FACTS ONLY Not one word of that is a fact. I feel silly for reading it. Regurgitated propaganda.
Notnewsmax bs.
@Tori O so not one word of that is facts because you did not hear it on your fake news Democrat aligned Communist news outlet like this one? Do you really think these fake news outlets would ever report anything negative about China Joe Biden? Just more proof you Democrats are more brainwashed than ever.
They will still vote for him
Gets charged extra for the skidmarks when he gets his white robes laundered
@David Galehouse
BREAKING NEWS-Biden administration spending a staggering $60 million PER WEEK to house ‘illegal’ unaccompanied minors.
THATS $3 BILLION DOLLARS PER YEAR DAYCARE! You can’t make up this liberal insanity folks …
ALL Being paid for by YOU the American taxpayer.
Just think with that money could do for poor Black Americans or any Americans out of work due to Covid.
Like China
Joe Biden said on January 8 with his own mouth “NO MORE AMERICA FIRST”
Good people do good things.
Hearing Don “talk” was such a dramatic reminder of the dark destructive period from ’16 until Jan 20….So obvious why Gaetz and Don are buds…Anxious to hear Greenberg reveals…Think Joel has 33 indictments.
Exactly how is the family of Matt Gaetz’s debutante fiance handling all this really good news? Just the kind of guy you want to welcome into your family right?
It’s Florida, dud-ette! They routinely make up their own versions of reality!
Her name is Ginger Luckey. I sh*t you not.
@David Galehouse NO WAY !!

Joel is gonna flip on me faster than a New York minute!!
“….the denial was not only a denial, but it was a very very firm denial…..”
The Super Genius………
We were also “looking at it very strongly.”
@Mr C

You are sooooo fabulous……nice to hear truth
If I go to my voting station in Australia, all I get asked is my name, and the official asks me, have I voted already, and when I say no, they ask me what my address is, I tell them, they mark my name, and address off their list, and then they hand me the ballot papers I need. No show me ID with a picture of me, or anything.
So you see, Australia has better Democracy than you do.
That guy defending the law in Georgia… is rude! He won’t even let you speak! GOOD JOB Chris!!
His whole “Long lines? No big deal” schtick seems to ignore the fact the wait time in said lines was 8-11 hours in some cases. Until early voting was introduced to Boston I routinely stood in line for 1-plus hours at my polling location, so I can attest that the time tax is NOT negligible.
Gaetz refused a breathalyzer test & yet charges were dropped. George Floyd promised full compliance with police & was brutally murdered after being suffocated for close to 10 minutes. Wonder why the two outcomes are so different.
When the time comes, just vote! You and I are smart. Just frigging vote!