A jury in Austin, Texas, put a price on the defamatory behavior of Infowars founder and host Alex Jones: more than $49 million in damages awarded to the parents of Jesse Lewis, 6, who was among the 20 first graders and six educators killed in the shootings in 2012 at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.
RELATED: Alex Jones to pay Sandy Hook parents nearly $50M
The damages, delivered by the jury Friday, were less than the $150 million sought by parents Neil Heslin and Scarlett Lewis, who testified that the conspiracy theorist's false claims that the school massacre was a hoax made their lives a "living hell” of death threats, online abuse and other trauma from Jones and his followers. Texas law could reduce the damages further.
Jones faces two additional defamation trials involving Sandy Hook families that could lead to additional damages awarded by juries.
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#AlexJones #Trial #Live
those that believe in the easter bunny will believe anything
what are you talking about shawn
@Larry C fake news fake court and your a really not to bright
@Larry C had to change what I wrote the first time YT wants me to be nice
Wow, this witness can’t talk. He’s been barred from answering certain questions?
Fix your audio please.
Question is can you go around America, telling people that something is not real, that it’s fake and potentially profit from that. If one profits from that should the remedy be for those affected to claim compensation from that business model. I love some of Alex Jones work problem is he is exactly where he wants to be, dont you get it yet you have just given him the biggest victory.
what ‘work’ do you love of his?
Until these court cases, I didn’t know AJ was such a sleaze bag carnival barking grifter. He’s just like TV evangelist financially exploiting people’s need for meaning. I was pretty indifferent about AJ before, sometimes even entertained. I think these cases have exposed him.
Sad that aj even a thing.?

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@Azmat Samuel That’s 100% true
where else can I find this famous Mrs Fiona??
Mrs Fiona is always active with t e l e g r a m

That’s her username
@Andrah Balbina I also traded with her, profits are safe and over 100% investment returns sent directly to your wallet
OMG, this is a joke. The Prosecutor is such a worm.
Whoever hired the sound guy for this should be fired.
They’ve been working on the railroad…