President Donald Trump's urging of Ukraine's President to investigate rivals coincided Russian President Vladimir Putin ad Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban pushing a disparaging view of the country to Trump, according to the Washington Post. #CNN #News
Washington Post: Russia and Hungary helped sour Trump on Ukraine

Oh my goodness now Hungary is involved?
@Alex Silver It’s Where’s Waldo with red hats.
Wearelt another paid Russian troll
@GEOFFREY BAKER idiot, as idiotic as humpty dumpty trying to buy Greenland
@beth HodgesAll European countries
@88Gibson LesPaul the entire Muller report! Lol are you deaf and blind cnn has been fact checked and issued numerous retractions what world do you live in hahaha
Here w go again…
Something is weird Putin. Russia must have been mentioned over 500:000 times in 3 years
@Steel Magnolia Based on all your rambling comments you don’t have the sense God gave a turnip.
Steel Magnolia holy sh!t! Did you just go back to the 70’s for that reference?
Skar Scalp the Facebook ads reached millions not just a few people. The dnc server story was debunked by members of trump’s own team so using that as a justification is weak and pathetic. Try dealing in real facts and not bullsh!t conspiracy theories . Critical thinking? While using a fake conspiracy theory? Classic.
@C. Reck conservatives are cowards and traitors.
This is like Satire now right?
I just want to see trump ride a horse without a shirt on
Wow I thought about that too lol! That will be clutch! So he can join his other two buddies.
The wind fiuh mess up his one long strand of hair
Don’t forget the RED tie.
A horse with two asses.
@Jessica DeGroot Those ties are the biggest ties the likes of which the world has eves seen before. I’m sorry there are no spelling errors in my statement
Trust me, you forgot Poland and Romania
Poland PIS is due onyidselout so thej wont touch till December.
@M S Buddy. Looks up the history of your “country”…you don’t have one. Also, anyone that speaks the truth about your s***stain of a “country” is a “Russian Troll”? K. Wonderful logic, pal. Never set foot in Russia. Ya wild ukrainian trog.
@Randy Smith Did you READ what you just wrote!!?!?! OMG that’s Exactly what I said!! A large majority of “ukraine” is Russian!!! The rest is Polish, Hungarian, Slovak and Romanian. “ukraine” NEVER existed as a country up until the Communists decided to create it. The history of Russia begins in 859 – 862…ok? The first capital of Russia was Novgorod/ old Ladoga — in 882 the Russian capital was moved to Kiev, a Russian city that has literally nothing, and I repeat, NOTHING to do with the BETA ethnicity/ nationhood known as “ukraine.” “ukrainians” are major mix of ethnic Poles and ethnic Russians. History of “ukraine” –1991.
@Jacky 95 ukraine was created wrongfully, and shouldn’t exist. A majority of Europe’s problems stem from that Communist BETA state. If Russia, and Poland were to partition that mess, Europe will better off. The main ethnic groups in “ukraine” were either Russians, Poles, or Jews…”ukrainians” were nowhere to be seen. Y’know why? Because they only came into existence when the wretched Communists told them to.
@Randy Smith You, sir, are the one that is delirious. You just said it yourself — “ukraine was the heartland of Russia and Kiev was it’s capitol in the 16th century….”??? It NEVER existed. It has been a part of Russia/ Poland until the Communists decided to murder millions of Russians/ Poles to create your little BETA state.
We live in a parody of ourselves. We are characters in a poorly written dystopian novel.
WaspoCommies are low intelligence, autistic lowlife.
Yes you russians live in a parallel reality and that’s why Russia is the only third world country in Europe
do zuckers try to slice salami or pepper zucker hearts? Hungarian cuisine are great and Magyar ét jó barát! Your spicing here is as mild as zucker molasses. LOL
The title sounds like a mix drink.
Rich B Hungarian sour trump 😂
Indeed. The only word missing is ‘pour’…
@RJ commie Clinton and her band of commistia kooks.
reality tv isnt even trying any more.
We have reality tv sitting in the White House pretending that he is still on a tv show.
He’s still working toward that Emmy.
Something Informed folks already know🤷♀️ we’re just waiting for the ending we know as well🤷♀️
JizzleTV0783 and what’s that?
The ending is dems are trying to spin anything they can to win an election. Scheme to influence public opinion and itll work for on some and wont on others. There will be no removal from office or jail as some idiots suggest. 4 years of Russian collusion nonsense and multiple investigations haven’t worked, so they want to bash him on some Ukraine link, when really it’s Biden who sold us out for his own self-interests to Ukraine and China – at a minimum.
Jordan well said but there gunna keep pushing this BS narrative
It’s the old dictator strong man club!
How dare they not let blacks and browns have a hostile takeover of their countries!!
Derek Lowe You’re an idiot. Go back to Fox.
Lmao why are these people employed and making millions
Please turn off the lights when you leave.
I’m sure Jeff Zucker is watching and he’s happy to hear you say that.
Zuker Comrad , Putin’s media slave.
@Youhaw Redrum Putin juddo what should do
Hey media, do your homework:
“Impeachment is the process by which a legislative body levels charges against a government official. Impeachment does not in itself remove the official definitively from office; it is similar to an indictment in criminal law, and thus it is essentially the statement of charges against the official’
Yes? And? Impeachment by congress then trial by senate for removal. What is your point?
TheMoonShark squirrel Clarity!
Washington Post 🤣😂
Did zucker tell you to cover this as well?
Why does this guy look like Steve Martin went to his first feminist rally?
Synux Your attempt at a “joke” is pathetic and shows your ignorance and how misinformed you are: Steve Martin *is* indeed a feminist, and a strong critic of Trump. Guess u simply wandered over from crazy town @ Fox News to try and insult someone’s looks because u have nothing intelligent to say.
sounds just like the trump playbook – does Zelensky have his own Q or is it the same one trump has?
The devious Putin (thinking of bedbugs): “Hey, Mr. President, why not hold the G7 at your great Doral!”