Washington Governor Jay Inslee talks with Rachel Maddow about how his state is coping with being on the front line of the coronavirus outbreak in the United States and the planning going into dealing with the surge in cases as the virus spreads. Aired on 3/9/2020.
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Washington Planning Ahead For Expected Coronavirus Surge | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
This Governor seems to have his priorities straight, unlike the Bozo in the White House who called him a snake. I think we all know who the real snake is, and he’s orange in color.
Jonathan OBrien please stop using pronouns. Who is not paying attention? We cannot read your mind.
He is my governor, and a great leader. We are lucky to have him.
Libby Workman Thank you, I thought I misunderstood his comment.
michael j. You’re right! He’s my governor too.
@michael j. mine to and I agree.
In other words USA has no leader , lead yourself
@Beverly Vinson feel the Bern fading away for good and vote for Scherie Murray Jamaican immigrant for Congress she is intelligent and for family values
Say my name. You will be set free
@Beverly Vinson KZ is a troll probably still living in his mommas basement lol
“Lead yourself” yeah that’s why they banned group gathering in my county. Literally unconstitutional.
@debbie ellis true!! .

1970’s: “If you tell two friends about Faberge Organics shampoo with wheat germ oil and honey, then they’ll tell two friends, & so on & so on & so on.”
Now: “If you give two friends the Corona Virus then they’ll give two friends the Corona Virus, and so on and so on and so on.”
It’s exponential, this is scary!
With an up to 14 day incubation period it’s more like you’re giving it to 10 friends. That’s a frightening exponential
I’m not sure if the statisics work like that with infectious diseases.
This is not pur mathemetics.
That shampoo sucked, nobody told anyone.
“If a family member of mine died due to coronavirus infection, after a doctor refused to use intravenous vitamin C, I would challenge his or her treatment in a court of law. I would win.” (Kenneth Walker, MD, surgeon) http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v16n07.shtml
@3LD – If it worked like that, 500% of world’s population would have died already. Just look at the numbers from China. The epidemic has practically stopped here.
States need to be on the front foot coordinating amongst themselves and sourcing test kits from WHO, Germany, UK etc. Accurate numbers are required to understand the level of services required to mitigate against Coronavirus.
Bono Budju I can see a time when bidding wars will start between states to get the test kits and the same with a vaccine, when and if it becomes available. If Trump has investments in big pharmaceutical companies (which I’m sure he has) he will withhold anything as long as he can make money on it. I so hope I’m wrong, but if there are delays in anything that the people need, especially if they can be gouged for it, ask yourself who will benefit by it? I have a feeling that is why he is so complacent about it.
CMaylene omg
Uk Germany Italy korea japan are getting the test kits from …….. China
Bono Budju USA too proud to buy from a third world poor country like China
You ACTUALLY think the UK HAS test kits . You FOOL.
since the country appear not to have a good leader, look what just happened recently with some GOP lawmakers that w’e exposed to COVID 19 Including the “leader hahahaha” of the US. Apparently every one of us has to go by our own skin..
Check out how many Americans died of the Swine Flu before Obama even stepped up to the podium to give a single speech.
In August 1989, just two months after Trump launched his Trump Shuttle Airline, one of his Boeing 727s made a crash landing at Boston’s Logan International Airport. The shuttle was to fly white-collar passengers between New York, Washington and Boston. The passenger jet had malfunctioning nose gear that failed to deploy. The nose and underbelly of the plane scraped and dragged along the entire length of the runaway upon landing with sparks flying. The pilots had to perform an emergency dumping of fuel to avoid a greater catastrophe. It’s all on video.
Trump purchased the airline for 365 million, and in 3 years, it never turned a profit.
And when Trump was asked by reporters about the crash landing in Boston, he said, and I quote: “It was the most beautiful landing you’ve ever seen.”
This is the type of dangerously irresponsible sociopath America is dealing with.
David J I’ve got to copy your comment for my son who is a pilot. It’s telling. That “beautiful” description that Trump always says……oh man……
Katherine M.
I know right. It’s so shocking that I wouldn’t even believe it myself if there wasn’t video of it.
He’s got the nuclear football?
@Thomas Rogers “the most beautiful firework the city of New York has ever seen”
David J. This happened not long after Trump purchased Eastern Airlines, right? I loved Eastern. There was also a People’s Airlines, wasn’t there? They were perfect for National flights.
Trump seems to have a knack for taking the best that America has to offer & running it into the ground.
Just wait until the in most states non existing paid sick leave comes around to bite even the people who make the right decision to stay home and lose their jobs over it. trump’s answer is to propose a payroll tax cut instead, which surely mostly benefits corporations who are willing to abuse it.
The RIGHT WING Gvt in the UK had enacted laws to pay sick pay to everyone from day 1 even if they are not ill and self quarantining or told to stay off work.
Sometimes I think this administration is doing a slower version of Hitler’s extermination plans to get rid of the lower class people. If they succeed can we really see trump jr. taking out the trash or Jared fixing a blocked toilet.
@DATING HARLEY QUINN Unfortunately, the right wing in America doesn’t exist anymore. Its just made up of a bunch of wanna-be right wingers and bodybags with no backbone.
A payroll tax cut, won’t help anyone in the short term.
You “think”? This is an obvious fact.
I dont supose Washington State would be willing to share him? Maybe put him in charge of the country?
@Mata Pendejos oh the irony
Women talking about politics

Mustafa Darrar thats what im saying, get him out of WA
You can have him. Where what country is smaller than Washington, because he can’t handle what he has here. He puts on a nice interview but it all just bs.
Your new POTUS.hope he run.you would be in great hands.
Hard truth – Covid19 is surging. That’s what you get when you vote a clown as President!
Funny how the weak minded mainstream media sheep keep blaming Trump and NOT THE CHINESE GOVERNMENT for the spread who knew about it and silenced and continue to silence whistle blowers… Then want to blame Trump for the spread in the US yet he wanted to keep these people in isolation yet granted a ship is not the best solution but keeps them off the main land and possibly infecting others knowingly or unknowingly… The numbers in the US compared to the US population is extremely low… Yet the mainstream media wants you to believe it’s in every town and city while they mislead you in to panic and fear and in such ACTIONS they slip in saying it’s all orange man bad fault… When are you people going to wake up and realize that the main stream media is the enemy of the people not the president… They have attacked him since BEFORE HE WAS EVEN PRESIDENT… So no matter what he does or does not do or say or not say they are going to attack him… Then PROUDLY BOAST ABOUT TWO GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS WHO ARE TAKING SELF PRECAUTIONS… LIKE THEY ARE GLAD THEY POSSIBLY GOT THE VIRUS…. All along you know who profits from all this spreading misinformation and fear mongering NOT YOU! It’s the mainstream media who profits… Just keep putting money in their pockets to lie to you… That’s my opinion have a blessed day and be safe out there every one!
I despise Trump but the virus doesn’t care who the President is.
This is a contagious virus. It spreads during incubation (very atypical).
And infected people don’t get sick in some cases.
@John L blaming China doesn’t change the situation.
You’re no help.
@Libby Workman The people in control of the CDC are idiots. The funding went to medical purposes that are useful or did you miss that part? Selective intelligence is still stupidity!
Your truth is about as hard as duck butter and smells the same. Grow up moron..
New Orleans gets first case and the mayor wants to continue the parades. Smh
R B Stay home and keep your family safe
R B Is the Mayor going to be leading the parade? Wow! Smh at the incompetence of this current corrupt administration. No test kits, wow again. Your Mayor promoting public gatherings as a , I’m not as yet sure if it is labeled a pandemic yet,? Stay safe and your family too. It’s being left up to individual Americans to stay on top of it and not trust anything that this current administration is doing. Looking at what and how other countries are working on containing the spread of this novel virus puts America back in the dark ages. God help us.
what about the indigent, homeless, etc.?
God help them..if this gets going in their community its over for them
Screw them . Give another tax cut to the wealthy and we will be fine! Puke!!
My city has homeless encampments on every other intersection. Some have porta potties, some don’t. When this thing hits the encampments, it will spread like wildfire.
@piny 09Your logic is flawed.. People die..viruses spread..
@Jenn Xeno… and if you don’t have insurance? Please reply.
Can we just swap out Trump for Inslee please.
He is realistic because he has faced the enemy. Good luck Governor.
I wouldn’t take trumps advice on a paper cut
Ya ask Joe LOL !!!!!!!!!1
@John B tRump has a lot of hood advice about Adderall and Sudefed
@John B Ya, Joe would say, “what virus?”
Suggest tRump can generously use his hotels for free as quarantine locations, and watch his head explode.
@Michael Clagett No, they present their own health care challenges.
@Joan Mullally in tRump’s world, fake news present its own healthcare challenges. I wonder how avoiding this virus compares to his own personal Vietnam of avoiding STDs
@Michael Clagett Oh, but he gets this stuff and has an affinity for it because his uncle taught at MIT. WORST POTUS EVER.
You’re not listening.
What an absolute MORON YOU are.
I wouldn’t call blowing the last two months “planning ahead”.
June 2020, RIP USA, maybe the test kits will be ready then.
Everyone should be check for FREE.
Trump has had 3 months to prepare he rather Golf, Lie and stick his head in a Sand Trap and watch the Nasdac
Jay Inslee is a leader who actually inspires confidence, unlike our national leadership. Thank you Governor Inslee!