Washington Governor Jay Inslee talks with Rachel Maddow about how the state of Washington is calculating the forecast of the spread of the novel coronavirus as well as the state's strategy for building testing capacity for the virus. Aired on 3/9/2020.
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Washington Drawing On Multiple Partners To Build Corona Testing Capacity | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
CDC needs to get those tests kits out to every state with labs contracted to analyze the specimens ASAP.
Has t’rump figured out how vaccines work yet?
He thinks it’s what you use to clean the carpet. Vacuum, vaccinate. Tomato, potato
Trump: “can’t a flu vaccine work for Coronavirus?”
Trump would’ve loved if it could so he could say he’s smarter than scientist and came up with a plan.
@Annie I’m waiting for him to take credit for electricity
Joeneyrd It doesn’t matter if it’s a politician, doctor or whatever, there is only one thing we need them to be when we require them; COMPETENT. So stfu with your ‘holding hands’ garbage.
@Genghis Smith Hep me, hep me mr. politician! LMAO @ another mindless minion!
Here comes the scary question. Who pays for your test? If we have to gulp that down, how much will it cost? From Gig Harbor, WA.
Gregory S
Trump said Mexico is going to pay for it.
the cost should be covered by funds of Homeland security and / or CDC, or other provision under EMERGENCY CRISIS funding. (of course, some lackey has to fall on their sword to convince Trump of that – so GET READY and start talking…. I volunteer IVANKA or JARED.).
I heard most major insurers have decided to cover it.
This is what a responsible leader sounds like. Why did Trump go out of his way at a CDC press conference to call Inslee “a snake”?
He is always projecting himself onto others, I suppose.
Because he’s telling the truth and Trump hates honest people making him look bad.
Trump…. Putin’s grift that keeps on grifting. “If a family member of mine died due to coronavirus infection, after a doctor refused to use intravenous vitamin C, I would challenge his or her treatment in a court of law. I would win.” (Kenneth Walker, MD, surgeon) http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v16n07.shtml
“When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.”
The Yeti hates any one with integrity.
Governor Inslee doesn’t look or sound like a snake at all. He appears to be a decent, intelligent, principled leader with integrity. Essentially everything that Trump isn’t.
I live in Wa. There are only a couple things he did that I didn’t like. There is a whole lot more that I was impressed with.
David J You came to that conclusion in 4:07? Lmmfao
Well, anyone who threatens Trump with actual leadership ability will always get trashed in twitter. Inslee probably laughed at the snake remark.
he is a wolf in sheep clothing and the washington nursing commission is purposefully putting people at risk. The first notice on the disease just went out on Friday yet we have known about it since December. They are still telling nursing that have been exposed but are asymptomatic to go about business as usually. So no wonder 95% of the residence in the life care home are sick. if your licensing board says do it, and you dont, you lose your license, so these nurses had no choice. The licensing board is giving wrong and dangerous information . They should be held accountable for every death. There is no excuse. I knew at the beginning of January this was really bad. They had even more information and yet did nothing. It is now mid March and the information they are disseminating is STILL wrong. Not only will we hurt the professionals on the front line, but all their vulnerable patients. It absolutely disgusts me their lack of concern .
Yes! We love our governor over here in the PNW.
The WHO declared a test developed in Germany the de-facto standard a month ago. The US could have adopted it but didnt. And here we are scrambling and struggling thanks to the trump regime.
the pre U of W test is only testing 10% positive on highly symptomatic people and the U of W test is closer to 80% positive. I would be very very surprised if Washington isnt doing a lot of false negative testing. Could be the test or more likely those getting samples. If you dont get sputum from the deep lung, you likely will miss the virus.
Lol, gani, you lefty and righty cult worshippers deserve each other. You’re equally pathetic and have everything in common.
thank you for your programing skills , consistently on the ball bringing information rather than propaganda, thanks again.
This guy is a threat to Trump because he has the capacity to think.
I am sure your wife must threaten you everyday.
I wish we had a governor like this! He understands exponential growth. Washington has started the first drive thru testing.

States need to take control now, like the state of Washington. Stop waiting on the government.
Because we focus so much on DC we tend to forget about all the terrific governors.
@Karen Byrd Agreed
@Karen Byrd That is the truth. I applaud this governor and hope others will follow him!!
The only way to keep the numbers low is – test as little as possible!
Per Trump I bet.
I wrote this on the day of the first US death.
To all friends and family here in Washington state and specifically here in Whatcom county, I just wanted to talk about the current situation concerning the virus Covid19 or “coronavirus” that WILL soon be upon us. The man who has died here in our state had pre-existing chronic illness that increases a persons chance of dying from the virus. That being said, he was not going to the hospital immediately because of his thinking his issues were just worse than normal for him. This case (as of right now) is a case called a “community transmission”, meaning that the person he got it from is unknown. The time it takes for people (even sick ones like him) to have a fatal case is 3-5 weeks. This man has not traveled outside the state at all lately or had any known contact with someone who did. The incubation time for the virus is currently at having up to 7 days, without having any significant symptoms at all, to be infected and contagious. The state just today changed the previous rules of having certain necessary conditions to have occurred before any testing of a person who is showing possible symptoms of this virus, to now include people who have not traveled recently or have to have had a proven close contact with someone who has traveled to one of a few of the major infected areas around the world. Meaning, even the people who had suspected matching possible symptoms could not be tested before today. All of these factors combine to create a strong case that the virus has been spreading for 3-6 weeks without people in our state knowing and with a federal government that is seemingly concerned only with calming the stock markets and Trump’s ego, ignorance and/or disbelief of basic science, incompetent leadership, lack of keeping experts in the committees and positions responsible for handling communicable disease, etc., etc.. He has put Vice President Mike Pence in charge (instead of an expert immunologist, as would normally be the case) of the leader of the government’s response. A man who, in some aspects, is even worse than Trump himself concerning the virus and it’s a potential threat, and the relevant science surrounding it. Worse than that, the first thing they officially did was put out orders that ALL future CDC and other federal government employees must run any and all official communications, warnings, and guidelines about this virus past Mike Pence before being allowed to be released to the general public. IF you, or anyone you know, think this is some ploy by Democrats or the media then you (or the people you know believing this narrative) probably will be unconvinced by an argument based on the facts, without the new Republican cult leader to say what info is real or not, but I will say it here anyway. Trump is a proven pathological liar who also is and has been showing every sign of a bad case of narcissistic personality disorder. He also shows unusual leanings towards an authoritarian/dictatorship preference for a ruling style of government and he has shown again and again how he will literally say or do anything to try to promote himself or to downplay his responsibility for any decision or role he has played that might show him in a bad light. He only cares about himself regardless of consequences and to continue to live in or enable the Trump/Faux News Channel fake reality that has been created is a mistake. Trump has EVERY reason to lie and cover-up the facts about this entire pandemic and his response and responsibility to it that affect the US and even the rest of the world. The stock market is losing years worth of gains right now in just days because business supply lines are falling apart due to this virus and those fortunate enough to even have stocks see this news and don’t fool themselves by avoiding the facts. Calming the markets (only 50% of Americans have ANY stocks and just 1% of the ultra-wealthy owns 40% of ALL available shares) at this time is not even possible. And yet, Trump is ready and willing to risk a lot of American lives on trying anyway. Trump also (in 2018) had fired the people that ran the entire system, and was meant to be permanently in place for events just like this one. He (Trump) only shows disdain for those who tell us any truths that may make him look bad and retaliate against the ones still willing and selfless enough to try. He is trying to stop the dam from bursting and it will not work. There is no fake reality he can build up that is strong enough to stop the deaths that WILL come from his actions (or lack thereof). Any president we have had in the past would be selfless and deferential to scientific understanding on something like this and, as always, Trump is showing his true self to us all by doing the opposite and risking all of our lives in the process. There are things that can be debated in good faith, but the science and protocols that have been carelessly tossed aside in favor of misinformation and his promoting ignorance by covering up the facts of this situation should not be up for debate, just because they make him (rightly) look bad. This virus is at a 2 to 2.5% fatality rate worldwide. That puts the low end of estimations at 20× the death rate of a bad flu season. That also means, with a low estimate of 40% exposure to the American population of 326 million, that 130,400,000 people are expected to get this virus. That would put American lives lost at around 3,260,000. We will probably see closer to 3% though, because the list of pre-existing conditions that make for a much higher chance of a person to have a fatal outcome is mirrored by the diseases that are much more prevalent in Americans than is common the rest of the world.Diseases like diabetes, or chronic heart, or lung problems. Get all news and info from legitimate (and preferably state or world) sources to avoid misinformation and denial of facts that will be coming from our traitor in chief, and don’t fall for the propaganda coming from the same one who is shooting the messengers of the truth, just because he could not change their message. This is a time for science, reason, proper preventative measures, and even love, compassion, and prayers to help us all get through what is about to envelop this country and the rest of the world. There will be plenty of examples of both the best and the worst of humanity, and even life itself, in this time of crisis. Let us act in the ways inspired by the words and actions of the best of us while we all confront this threat together. The United States and it’s people will need it as we get through this coming threat and the dangers during this time. Good luck, stay safe, stay smart and do what you can to help. We will be needing it.

Well that was book your wrote but, thanks.
brilliant except for the “prayer” thing; the latter is used by old format (creation’s) unawakened slaves!
I totally believe that. I cannot believe how Trump is acting right now. It’s unbelievable.
They have been planning for this better than the federal government.
Just imagine how safe we would all be under a Biden or Sanders administration should a global apocalypse breakout!
Look at how Iowa turned into
The cost for coronavirus testing kit is only 10 Euro each.
But Mr. “very stable genius” said that everything is under control. And because he said that he has a natural expertise!
Thank you Governor Inslee!
Corona spread prevention & self-healing measures
There are few patients in the tropics and subtropics. It’s a weak point of corona virus.
When the patient manages and rests in a hot and humid room of about 30 degrees,
it is expected that virus proliferation will decline, disappear. from Korean doctor
Rachel Thank You For Introducing Us and US to who should be running this country! Pleasure to meet you Governor!
Best regards,
Frank EffingPhillips
Rachel Maddow is safe, the virus only infects men and women
It’s all about the money. That’s what matters to all these higher ups. We’re all expendable in their eyes. We’re all pawns to them.