A rally in support of Trump is set for Wednesday in Washington D.C., and Mayor Muriel Bowser joins Morning Joe to discuss preparedness for any possible violence that could arise. Aired on 01/06/2021.
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#Washington #Trump #MSNBC
Washington D.C. Braces For Pro-Trump Rallies | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Phil Collins sue trump for playing ur music
Lol, I know it, really.
Presidential Medal of freedom for Stacey Abrams. Someone whom truly deserves it.
@frictionRx9 bitter much?
She should be the DNC Chairperson because Perez is worthless. Under Perez the House lost 11 seats.
@E Hole – Just shows how pathetic people like @frictionRx9 are. Also shows how awesome Stacey Abrams is when the only thing these idiots can criticize her for is her weight. The Democratic party owes Stacey a debt of gratitude, because there’s no way they would have been victorious in Georgia without her efforts.
@Kindred Hey Kindred. It’s always nice to hear an intelligent and articulate response to an ill-informed and shallow post. You gave “friction” the big “WTF”. Nice work! Let’s enjoy a great day in American politics.
‘Uncle’ Joe, you got that?
“Pro Trump”!
Sad. Very sad.
Stay safe, folks. The walking dead are in town.
@LOSER TRUMP Hahaha true
If you watch the walking dead and any zombie movie you already know the way to deal with them…….
@ancietman womp womp
“Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body.” -Hebrews 13:3
Neegan would shut that ish down!
Individual-1 knows if his coup d’etat fails, then he will go to prison. He is a psychopath and doesn’t care what damage he creates.
@Jason Milton grow a pair…the orange turd lost bigly. Losers
@Kathy Jacobsen Fake News!! Biden rigged the election by have millions of Dead People vote!! They also dumped thousands of Trump ballots into river!!
@Jason Milton
LOL. There may still be some people stupid enough to believe that.
@Jason Milton who believes this shi.??
@Jason Milton what a sad, sad little man you are. Grow a pair, your orange turd lost bigly. Idiots
Trump lost. Deal with it.
“First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, …” – 1 Timothy 2:1-15
“All things are lawful for me,” but not all things are helpful. “All things are lawful for me,” but I will not be enslaved by anything.”- 1 Corinthians 6:12
@Daisy Fields spam
This is the opposite of a victory parade.. strange folk.
Participation party for second place
The Gravy Seals are gonna ball their li’l fists and stamp their diabetic feet just because they didn’t get their way. How adorable. They need their safe space.
They should be home in their man caves (mothers basements) polishing each other’s “emotional support rifle” barrels
Meal Team Six is ready to cropdust DC with their moms cooking…
Gravy Seals #idied

@T D

Meal Team Six
Don’t forget the Cream Berets

When the FAT ONE hides on 1/20, I think he’ll eat himself to death, like Mr. Creosote: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxRnenQYG7I
We all know if you go looking for trouble it isn’t hard to find, stay safe folks
@Paul Drusbasky STFU k k koward
With America’s current state, it’s actually looking worse than most third world countries.
Many fourth world countries are better than the US controlling Covid. Learn from them.
@bill wilson With this US got the membership in the fourth world countries forum. So many illetrates.
@Paul Drusbasky Antifa or blm was responsible for a black grand father getting killed in St. Louis while trying to protect a business. So far i haven’t seen any black people getting killed. And according to Biden antifa was just an idea. Why was it ok when the thugs stormed the supreme court over Kavanaugh.
This is the first time in like 5 years…where I actually feel hopeful for the future of this great country. We have a lot of work to do. Be good to one another.
I’m really glad to hear that, for you, and I really wish the sort of Americans that support democracy, freedom, the rule of law, science and common sense, that you get the kind of nation you want to live in. It’s been worrying to put it lightly, to have seen all the chaos the last 5 years.
Yes, we did it, We did it, didn’t we? Glad and proud of America and Americans again. We have a bigger heart than hate. Right on, Georgia, right on, Democrats!
Not a branch on any of those family trees.
One of the wettest days we’ve ever seen from the standpoint of -water- maga tears.
here in Texas has been raining for 20 hours non stop 70+ millions of losers
I imagine there are a lot of villages missing their idiots this week.
10 thumbs up!
Biden should call on all the dems to go to their local trailer parks and move all the trailers to different spots while the trumpanzees are gone
I have a question. Since drump tweeted about this protest, if someone dies, isn’t he criminally responsible?
Morally, maybe. Legally, no.
Amen to the comment on Georgia voters. Saved by the poor, the young and the “colorful.”
And that is the last nail on his
coffin. R. I. P.
RIP…sorry I hope his after life corrects the error of his ways….I hope it will be an ugly one with the amount of pain he has put the US thru….time for forgiveness for trump has long gone…he needs to pay the piper before he passes and after!!!
They refuse to wear masks but they have no problem wearing white hoods.
Isn’t THAT the truth.
Excellent comment.
You said it! They also don’t have any problem wearing a mask when they break laws.
And still wearing them
You racist
disgusting that we even have to worry about this, all because a bunch of crybabies cant handle the truth.