Was there a quid pro quo? Conway says she doesn’t know

White House adviser Kellyanne Conway could not definitively say to CNN's Dana Bash whether or not there was a quid pro quo involving President Donald Trump and military aid to Ukraine, saying "I don't know whether aid was being held up and for how long." #CNN #News

Was there a quid pro quo? Conway says she doesn't know


    1. @Laura Juranek Ooo so clever. I’ve never heard that insult before. OMG can’t make this stiff up. Priceless.

    2. @Laura Juranek ooo. BAM. You got me. You’re so clever and smart, although you are seemingly incapable of actually responding to the points I made in my comment and only capable of ad hominem attacks. Pretty typical ineptitude seen at epidemic proportions from CNN audiences, so I’m not surprised.

  1. Question: Kellyanne is today Sunday?
    Kellyanne: I submit the other 6 days of the week end in the letter “Y”.

    1. With facts. The more they lie. The better. That way we can use their own words against them. All is on tape. They can change their lies as much as they want. Is like digging deeper in their own grave.

    2. As many times they want. The more they lie the better. They r digging deeper N deeper their own graves. The truth is going 2 catch up with them.

    3. With them. Sooner or later. Hopefully is sooner than later b4 they destroy this country with their pathetic lies.

    4. Fun facts. Morning Joe banned this pathological liar 4 a reason. Bcuz she lies everytime she opens her pie hole just like Drumpf.

    1. @SANDWORMGOD 01 well see that’s the thing.. In this particular interview she really wasn’t lying about anything. She just dances around the question, changes the subject and refuses to stay on subject. It’s a rather effective deflection tool, I’ll give her that. Bcuz then it gives stupid people on the internet a chance to say “what is she lying about!”?? She didn’t Lie bcuz she refused to honestly answer one question, lol.. So I’m sure now you’ll just respond with some sorta “i told you so” you people are funny like that🗿🐒

    2. @Jesse Harris Well from a stupid person on the internet to a complete MORON on the internet. Where is the quid pro quo? Why did Joe Biden threaten to withhold US money until a Ukrainian prosecutor was removed (his words, given freely on film)? Answer me that. If you want the corruption to continue then carry on voting for career politicians. I don’t like Trump but he got elected. He’s not a politician and that’s whats pissing everyone off. History will judge the politicians. I look forward to your reply MORON. Have a nice day.

    1. I don’t know what you guys mean, she was constantly trying to get her to answer the question. That is the focus, trying relentlessly not to let someone being tricky change the subject. If all she did was correct her, she would have spent her entire time doing that

    2. Dana Bash was literally trying to drag her kicking and screaming to the truth while maintaining a baseline of civility. It’s complicated as an interviewer, you can’t just be outright hostile to a guest. Putting your own emotion and disgust into your response/followup can taint the interview when you want them to actually voluntarily sit there and answer your questions even when you know it’s heated and they are lying to your face like Kellyanne does.

    1. @Sonny Tuft LMAO
      Yeah it’s all about how her bullshit is so hard to take.
      It’s hard to listen to constant lies and her screeching voice is definitely a hammer on my ears.

  2. Let’s just revel in the fact that she’ll never have a career after this dictator leaves office. Byeeeee.

    1. At the time there were 12 people fighting to be his rival. By the way can you explain the film of Biden bragging about withholding aide until the Ukraine’s prosecutor was sacked? GO ON GIVE IT A TRY>

    2. @SANDWORMGOD 01 Sounds just like what trump said to Ukraine, he wasn’t going to give them Aid until Joe and his son were investigated.

    3. @mike fightfan Where in the conversation does it say that? You cannot just assume things. Remember Obama asked Joe did he really want to run for president. Obama knew there were skeletons in the closest. Unfortunately you all hate Trump so much you’re blinded to the reality of it all.

  3. She’s is clueless like everyone else in this corrupt administration. CNN continuing to waste oxygen speaking to this woman.

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