Warren’s answer about male candidates’ odds draws laughter

During a town hall in New Hampshire, Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren answered if she believes male candidates have a better chance of beating President Trump in 2020 solely based on their gender. #CNN #News


  1. I’m trying to get better every single day by crafting lies about my friends and learning the politics of throwing them under a bus

  2. There’s a better chance of Warren being native American than ever being president. At least she can’t lie about being president.

    1. Jamtommy1 She refused Trumps offer to get a DNA test to prove it and receive one million dollars.

  3. I dont want to sound sexist, but I believe we as a nation is not ready for a female president and the feminist views

  4. I choose a leader based on their merit as an effective and efficient problem-solver, how things are done, gender doesn’t matter.

    1. Wow! You grouped together in my post? My message never changed for so many years, I am PRO-PEOPLE, I have lived with the grassroot for more than a decade and their capabilities to lift themselves from poverty is so minimum. They have potentials, I heard them talking few English words, the desire to learn more is there but the opportunity is never there except coop credit and 5-6 credit.

    2. Luke Garcia Sen. Elizabeth Warren released the results of a genetic test showing she has a small but detectable amount of Native American DNA. The report concluded there is “strong evidence” she had a Native American ancestor approximately six to 10 generations ago. But many have misconstrued the results — including President Donald Trump, who wrongly claimed Warren “doesn’t have any Indian blood.”

    1. @Arkybark Yeah, and the dems aren’t going to win elections talking about it. The point is the same. You want to win elections and make changes, or keep losing? People who care about identity politics already know who’s on their side.

  5. Yes people should chose someone they can trust. For example I could never cast a vote for someone who backstabs her friends and allies, or lies about her ethnic background to get a better job.

    1. This is such a tired old bogus excuse. Stop hating and buying into the lies. There are 2 sides to a friendship and Warren & Bernie were the only ones there. You hope she lied, but it could have been said. Or Bernie could have been unclear on his words. Fact is to call her a lier make you look petty. Fact 2, her DNA did show American Indian. And she never benefited from that fact. Fact 3, her kids went to public school and her youngest was moved to a private. Instead of listening to half truths, find out the full version. Don’t take my word for it, please do a little research. I am not bashing Bernie because if it’s not Warren, I will vote blue. But in all my research, I personally like Warren. May I suggest Times interview – interesting facts on all the candidates.

    2. Trump Weinr I figured I had to use small words for your small mind. Was it too much for you to read? Do you prefer pictures like your idiot president.

    3. Trump Weinr those were not mental gymnastics! Those were facts. Maybe you aren’t familiar with them in the days of ‘alternative facts’, but real facts are verifiable and not spoken into truth by a bully.

    1. @LordSlag what’s wrong? Throwing a temper tantrum cause some people won’t easily believe or want to question your zero backed up facts lmaoooo

    2. @xxdarkslayer lord I don’t have to defend common knowledge, lying traitor. Your bullshit fools only you, fool. Move to Russia, trumptraitor.

    3. @xxdarkslayer lord Lying is clearly all you have. No matter how much you ignore the facts I cited, you’re still just an evil lying traitor. Move to Russia, trumptraitor. Whine more about being accurately described, loser:

    1. Lol who wouldnt? A celebrity scam artist won the presidency in 2016. Shes right. He changed the game forever.

  6. Warren: I want to be better
    Yang: I am the best candidate right now to fix our countries problems.

    You’re older than Yang, how much longer do we have to wait for you to learn from POCs to be a better person?

  7. 1:50 “it can’t just be somebody who looks like what president look like in the past”
    I think that means Andrew Yang 😛 #yang2020

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