At the CNN Democratic town hall in Charleston, South Carolina, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) said that she is ready for a convention floor battle this summer if none of the Democratic candidates reach a delegate majority during the primaries. #CNN #News
Warren: Will run until convention even if behind in delegates

notice no actual explanation for the ignorance of democracy.
Please watch this video to see for yourself how Liz is lying through her teeth on this issue.
We have a tweeing president, A real leader doesn’t need to tweet. A real leader stands tall. Only birds tweet.
If you go to Warren’s Twitter you will find one thing repeating in almost ALL of her posts. The over-use of the words “I and ME”…there is never an US. It is all about “MAKE MEEE PRESIDENT BECAUSE I HAVE A VAGINA! I AM GOD! ME ME ME!”
It is grotesquely bad.
@meikgeik sure, but he did this first:
@Anul M and then watch this one. Not lying.
She is losing in her own home state lol.
@Cynthi Carlson Aahh, bless your little heart
Squid SQuiddly
Get over yourself. no one here attacked Bernie. Yet you are all outraged. So touchy. The anger you show is exactly why Trump is in with the Russians to back Bernie. You.
Let me rephrase in a way that might not get you all bent
Vote blue no matter who
Keep in mind that whatever POTUS is next after Trump has a huge mess to clean up. It may take their entire term. This person may not have the time to fulfill all your hopes and dreams. Quit being divisive and support the next Democratic president whom ever it may be
@Fake News CNN Lost to Nick Sandmann what? No ones is in support to murder actual breathing infants. In addition a cluster of cells that aren’t remotely developed down the pregnancy stage, is a matter that is discussed between the doc and patient, not by the state and some crazy that thinks they know more of the development of pregnancy than a educated professional.
@jo mar You’re wrong. Democrats want to make sure, that if a baby survives after abortion, that it is legal to kill it.
It is the very definition of infanticide. Cannot be more clear than that.
@democrats are pedos lol sure, what ever u say
Don’t know why she reminds me of Peggy Hill
Short hair and glasses
“Me llamo es Pocahontas.”
they both faked being another race.
@Noah Marriott que John Redcorn quotes
Anybody remember how the DNC colluded to get their candidate in, and not the one the people wanted (Bernie)?
Yes and remember how they all voted for Hillary……loyal supporters
@Candy JohnsonCanoli oops, you just stirred em up.
Here come all the MSM talking points about Trump.
Here come the people that think about literacy programs when the millions of human beings murdered and starved to death under socialist and communist leaders are mentioned.
Shut up about freedom….. read this propaganda I have for you.
Remember when you guys keep voting for the DNC (Bernie’s one of them).
*only to take delegates from Bernie*
@Tim Marshall if she was going to help him she would say she would support the candidate with the most votes. Thats what Bernie would want even if that candidate wasn’t him. She isn’t progressive not supporting the popular vote is the least progressive thing you can do.
I dont understand why Bernie is a Independent Senator and votes in the Senate as a Independent…yet runs for President as a Democrat ….would it not be better to run as a Independent for him?
@Victoria Grayson because he wouldn’t have a chance as a independent. But if he gets screwwed by the DNC in a contested election he needs to run as a third party to give a finger to the establishment.
I’m not voting for Bernie. If he wins, I would have to support him. Until then, I’m not voting for Bernie.
@Holly Hilt have you seen the stock market???. The phrases worst stock drop in history and best economy ever don’t quite gel.
So 3 million dollys were not donated by new super PAC? BS
She is literally going to drop out after super Tuesday
Fake News CNN Lost to Nick Sandmann Define what a communist is
I think she won’t. I think she has been working in secret with the DNC this whole time. She is the “STEAL IT” shoe in candidate that the DNC will try to rig it for.
Fake News CNN Lost to Nick Sandmann Bernie really would be “Crazy Bernie” to do this
Fake News CNN Lost to Nick Sandmann Omar good luck with that. She’s been slandering him all campaign. She’s not being no VP
Especially after she LOSES Massachusetts!
So they’re hoping the Super delegates sway the election against Bernie even if he has the most delegates
@Kevin Arzola BOO HOOO must be hard adjusting to puberty Skippy. Pro- tip it’s time to stop when you have lowered yourself to personal insults dude .
ThE DuCk you’re an idiot
@Kevin Arzola
No Bernie didn’t campaign hard for Hillary Sanders knew he had convinced his supporters she was a monster and they likely wouldn’t vote for her and they didn’t. Just like you are not convincing Democrats to vote for Bernie.
He very sourly campaigned for her sucking off the DNC resources insisting on being flown around on carbon spewing private jets while the rest of the
campaign staff flew commercial
I’m not shocked that while thousands of volunteers braved the heat and cold to knock on doors until their fingers bled in a desperate effort to stop Donald Trump, his Royal Majesty King Bernie Sanders would only deign to leave his plush D.C. office or his brand new second home on the lake if he was flown around on a cushy private jet like a billionaire master of the universe,” said Zac Petkanas, who was the director of rapid response for the Clinton campaign.
Sanders’ flights — usually on a Gulfstream plane — cost the Clinton-Kaine campaign at least $100,000 in total, according to three people familiar with the cost of the air travel.
“We would try to fight it as much as possible because of cost and availability of planes, but they would request [a jet] every time,” one of those sources said. “We would always try to push for commercial. At the campaign, you’re constantly trying to save like 25 cents.”
Sanders’ private jet rides are hardly unique. There are plenty of socialists who ride in private jets and want to raise taxes at the same time.
@Kevin Arzola
Bernie is just one heart attack away from dropping dead ! Even if there was no reason not to vote for Sanders — there would always be that reason not to vote for an old man with one heart attack under his belt and already past his life expectancy .
Bernie wanted to eliminate superdelegates.
He had to avcept the current compromise option..
Please stop being disingenois Elizabeth.
The Last Son of Crypto you all will not rewrite history. You can easily look up Bernie tried to eliminate all superdelegates but the dnc only agreed to only letting them vote on a second ballot if a candidate doesn’t secure the majority of delegates. Bernie has successfully captured the lead in delegates and now they are trying to force a second convention to screw Bernie with super delegate. They will not cheat him again without losing almost all black, brown, working class, and young voters
@Too Much Passion yet, he wasn’t well known and still gave her a fight, hell even now there’s information coming out showing that the majority of the DNC was rigged from the start filled to the prime with Cliton supporters. Yet, she lost to a failure of a business man
@dandagod official You can easily look up “Bernie Sanders is a super delegate” and you could easily look up “democratic primary vote totals 2016”
Let me ask you a question. Why was Bernie even at the convention then if what you’re saying is true? Hillary Clinton locked up the delegate count before June. Hillary won the popular vote by almost 4 million votes in a voter pool 1/5 the size of the general election.
This time, there’s too many candidates to actually win the delegates needed to win. In fact, it’s Bernie’s strategy to win the primary completely relies on that. You could google his AP interview about his “revolution” where he says exactly that, himself.
Rewrite history? lol
Nothing that you say is substantiated by the facts. I’m not accusing you of anything other than being misinformed.
@jo mar She also beat Donald trump by 3 million votes… … … Isn’t it funny that the person who got the most votes is the one who ended up out of a job?
@Too Much Passion yup
She’s lying. Bernie was forced to have that position by the DNC. And if you noticed, she basically ignored the question and shifted it toward a Bernie issue
Bernie just wanted them to get rid of the super delegates before he gave up his delegates. Liz said the primary was rigged. Bernie does not have super pacs either. She is a liar.
@Terry Tater also, if you guys havent heard, before the Iowa or the other one, primary when the donation report was going out, after it was sent out she got a large amount of donation from a super pac and hasn’t been report as of yet.
And a new Corporate Super PAC said “Warren, I want you in this race.” But why Warren? “I’m a Woman” ta-da!
Lunatic lying lizzie, like Hildabeast she thinks her vagina matters to anyone except that corpse she’s married to
The fake Indian. No thanks.
“Write the rules” Bernie wanted to remove Superdelegates! That is a FACT!
It Truly is incredible how disingenuous Warren is.
@Me ,Myself and I Nobody Else Bernie respects the popular vote and believes in democracy. Communism is letting government chose our leaders. Superdelegates and people who support them are the communists.
@President Donald J Trump GOOD
Please watch this video to see for yourself how Liz is lying through her teeth on this issue.
Yep. Even worse is SHE KNEW he wanted to remove them. He only wanted to double check ON STATES HE WON in 2016, which is MORE than reasonable.
Warren is why we will have Trump in 2020. If the DNC tries to toss Bernie in the trash and force us to gulp down Warren I will not vote.
@Me ,Myself and I Nobody Else lol wtf you on about, trump is already doing that and he has been riding the economy of obama for the past 3 years and now we all are going to feel the trump economy crashing.
Wow, she’s off the reservation.
We tried to accept her but with her constant lies we sent her packing.
Been hitting her peace pipe a little too hard.
Please watch this video to see for yourself how Liz is lying through her teeth on this issue. Thank me later.
No pun intended.
Losing scum along with CNN.
Bernie is a freeloader. America doesn’t need Socialism. It needs to get back to the middle, lower the National Debt and take the country back.
The virtuous guidance to “be kind” or “show kindness,” translated: “Do AS I CHOOSE how I WANT you to behave, in order to please ME.”
nice to meet all you sexist Bernie bots!
randymanAU I think your a Bloomberg, Buttigieg and Warren bot all wrapped in one
randymanAU and nice to meet you cupcake
@randymanAU lol, sure bud sure. When a candidate claims another one said a women couldn’t be president, when there is video evidence of said cannadit telling kids and a young girls that a woman can be president. Yet, she still hasn’t spoken of it, because it back fired and now is using Hillary talking points, of vote for me cause I’m a woman.
She is a joke
“hey everyone, im the ‘unity’ candidate! and by ‘unity’, i mean DIVISIVE”
“Hello Somebody!”
She is cruel and lies to suit the topic. Tired of this. Keeps playing on the “little folks” donations to pull heart strings. Warren is not to be trusted.
She charged my friends kid for a “SELFIE” …..10$ for a fucking picture. They walked off and never returned lol. Not sure if she does that with everyone or what but it was bad…
Sometimes it takes people a while to catch on to a scam artist.
Not one of these or 99percent of the rest of the democrats can be trusted unless your trusting them to finish what they had plans of doing but because they were already for fact known to be doing and this is( documented by the right investigators ) which was selling this country to the ones who paid the highest dollars to them.Theres 1 percent that hadn’t been paid thats the reason they weren’t on the oh crap we have been caught list so lets impeach before we go to prison, but the 1 percent is still on the record.You fools go ahead and make noise over these rats but when it hits the fan and it will don’t hide your face in the sand and say you didn’t know or you don’t believe cause you have been told even by them.WE HAVE DONE OUR HOMEWORK AND CHECKED OUT EVERY LEAD SOME TIMES UP TO TEN TIMES AND THIER RECORDS ARE WHAT TURNS THE STOMACHS OF MANY STRONGER THAN YOURSELVES.
Ani Ross, you could not have stated it better….she is to the point of being vindictive, I think she is driving herself insane.
@William Royer the only way a teachers UNION….would have let her be dismissed her for pregnancy would be she was unmarried. That was back in the 70s and 80s…its probably a Liz Lie….
@Squid SQuiddly OMG….she’s awful.
“Screw the people because… rules?” Sounds like just the president we want…
g4macdad We shall name her “ Eagle Running Dry”.
That’s exactly what Bernie said in 2016.