Sen. Elizabeth Warren, at the 2020 Gun Forum in Las Vegas, speaks with MSNBC's Craig Melvin about the lack of research and attention given to gun control. "100 people are likely to die from gun violence today," she said. "If 100 people were dying today from a mysterious virus, we'd be all over this." Aired on 10/2/19.
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Warren: We Need To Treat Gun Control 'Like The Public Health Emergency It Is' | Craig Melvin | MSNBC
Trump-“hello Poland…I need a favor” “that’s P.e.l.o s i”….next up
Trump-“hello Chechnya”…”yes, it’s spelled s.a.n.d.e.r.s”….lol
Hunter how is 150k a month that suit you?
Folks ignore the trolls Register And Vote Blue!
Thank you
Trolls = Anyone who doesn’t agree with me
“WeGiSr 2 vOtE”
“sMaSh FaSh”
“LiTeRaLlY hItLeR”
“GuNs BaD mE nO lIkE”
Nah, I’m not with the sheep. Rather think for myself than follow the fake Indian or any other control freaks on the left.
How many guns do you have to ban to fix CRAZy?
PreOrder your MSNBCannibal Defense Shield now at (soon to be announced website)
Warren either wont learn about guns and gun laws or she is just flat out lying . Either way its frightening
Warren talks with forked tongue, she heap big liar.
ssri’s + guns = mass shootings and suicides
pharma & nra own all politicians via lobbyists.
Ssri’s are proven to be placibo by their makers and to cause suicidal ideation and violence. Can my neighbor on antidepressants, own a gun?
No, thats why they want MANDATORY mental health screening in schools.
Ask any of these kids about tyranny
*Why? They don’t even know what the word means lol*
She’s going to make a WILD claim that she’ll reduce gun deaths by 80% in 8 years, but the only policy implementation she can even give a weak example of is the POSSIBILITY that a 7 day waiting period COULD decrease suicides by about 10%???
Idk how her supporters can’t see right through that
F.B.I. /U.C.R
33,000 annual gun deaths, 22,000 are suicides, 90% of gun homicides are committed with handguns.
33,000 automobile deaths a year.
There are 71,000 annual Home Invasions and estimates of 108,000 to 2.5 million lawful defensive uses of firearms annually.
I will defend myself, My family and my liberties no matter how many idiots and ivory tower gentry say otherwise. COME AND TAKE IT.
You are too stupid for this world.
@jeck jeck
Apparently youre too stupid to refute it.
My gun is broken.. 16 years and it still hasn’t gotten up and shot someone, I need a refund. And health crisis? Is that like addiction being a disease? I quit smoking, I must be a demigod and miracle! Or maybe i just know better and addiction is a choice. The stupid is strong with this lady.
*The stupid is strong with every single one of those subjective idiots.*
dear scared losers and fearmongers and people ignorant of math
350 deaths a year from ALL “assault weapons”
450 people struck by lightning a year
800 people last year died falling down front steps
700 people killed by BAREHANDS
1500 people killed by sticks and stones
3500 people drown in a pool each year (banning pools will save more children than “gunsafezones”)
5200 deaths by choking per year
40,000 deaths by car per year
47000 deaths caused by depression (suicide)
50,000+ deaths by flu
400,000+ robberies/crimes a year are stopped by civilians with guns
cough you are more likely to die from your front steps on your way to vote against ARs
you are more likely to die from being coughed on, than by an ARs
you are more likely to die on your drivethru food and/or crash than an AR
wake up and smell the coffee they dont want to control guns they want to control YOU
Metal detectors and ARMED GUARDS work pretty f****** good at protecting airlines and politicians dont they?
so why arent we doing the same for our children instead of listening to politicians who lie as a career?
btw these numbers can be found easily on the CDC, and FBI and other government and educational websites. check them yourself
Warren has all the smart words
How many rights are people willing to sacrifice for lives? What’s more important? Are we nothing more than sheep if surrender our rights? Is Napoleon always right?
Wrong wrong wrong CHIEF SPREADING BULL!
Warren/YANG/Bernie 2020. NRA FOR JAIL!
jeck jeck Bernie’s our the race he just had heart surgery
@Bones Jones
lol, he’ll be back in a week or two:/ Bernie 2020!
Look into those 40k people killed by guns and tell society the truth. Be a mental sheep or learn.
What will you do without freedom?
Will you fight!
Fight against that no we will run and we will live
Aye fight and you may die run and you’ll live…at least awhile and dying in your beds many years from now would you be willing to trade allll the days from this day to that for one chance JUST ONE CHANCE to come back here and tell our enemies… That they may take our lives but they will never take OUR FREEDOM.
ALBU GU BRATH- Scotland forever
wait, warren needs to go back and check the plan before answering. i.e., needs to check with her corporate donors and her party handlers before answering. the same and only people she will serve if elected.
I believe Warren is the real health hazard to this country.