Warren proposes contract to free women from Bloomberg NDAs | CNN town hall

At a CNN town hall in Las Vegas, Nevada, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) urged her fellow Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg to sign a contract the senator wrote herself that would release people who have made allegations of sexist and misogynistic behavior against Bloomberg from nondisclosure agreements.

She went on to talk about her wealth tax and climate change plans.

#Warren #CNNTownhall #CNN #News


    1. Exactly, why spend all this energy going after him?? Let me know how your going to beat trump or get out of the way!!

  1. Harassment NDAs aren’t the ones that worry Bloomberg. He’s got NDAs muzzling people who know about his shady business deals as well.

    1. CNN is a hateful, toxic and ugly place. It is perceived by most intelligent people as some kind of cruel and shallow money trench through the heart of the journalism industry, a long plastic hallway where fake news liars, convicted felons hired as talking heads, despicable race hustlers, protected perverts and other assorted butt-fuckers, thieves, pimps and whores run free.

    2. @prometheus5700 …think that’s funny? How about mini Mike paying 450 million dollars to get scalped by a fake Indian.
      The Dems have no chance.

    3. @Strawberry Hellcat he doesn’t not have a monopoly on real-time stock market information— where do you come up with that bullshit? that’s absolute horseshit.

      and where are the links to illegal business practices?

    1. When did Lizzy become the leader of the “Me to movement”….I hope I don’t have to put up with this voice for 4 years!!!

    2. New orders from Putin and GRU’s newest trolls in 🏭🏭🏭 must be to oppose Warren by throwing as many triggering catchphrases as possible: Obama, gynecologists, #MeToo.

    1. @Shubhansh Jain
      Oh no you silly scam phone call center agent from India. He wasn’t referring to the big lady’s “bobs and vagana”.


  2. Warren has already lost. She’ll be gone in a month. And instead of going after Trump, she goes after Bloomberg. The Democratic self destruct machine at work.

    1. @Entitled Millennial well, the orange orangutan, the incompetent clown, for over three years has had “the walls closing in,” “bombshells” going off, “the beginning of the end,” and lets not forget about “Trump/Russia possible collusion.” And look over there!!! He’s still POTUS. What does that make the Democrats and DNCIABCNNBCBS? All guns blazing non stop, 37 hours a day, 18 days a week, 1432 days a year, and NOTHING they have done has had any effect. If Trump’s a clown, what does that make his accusers?
      We can all watch the Democrat clown show. It’s on DNCIABCNNBCBS. The “debates” between these mental midgets is comedy gold. Have they declared Iowa yet?

    1. This will dog him enough already. It’s between HIM and the public. NOT him and HER. I want to see how he handles it on his own between now and the election. He doesn’t have to answer to her. He owes his answers to voters. We don’t need her getting in the middle.

  3. See all the trolls hanging out on CNN. Stick around and you’ll see your next president. And you won’t see DT on CNN.

    1. Dean Oldfield Funny Bloomberg was right about one thing. If the DNC runs a Socialist they will be handing Trump the Victory

    1. @Connor McGregor ill gotten? How the hell is it illegal if you voluntarily exchange your money for goods and services?

    2. weve long lived in a system operating under exploitative monopolistic capitalism where 99.99% of wealth is the result of inherited money and capital which was quickly used to control the political system, all while the environment,
      infrastructure, market failure, and technological progress are all held together by public spending while people see less and less of the benefits of the system… meanwhile american nazis galavant around the globe murdering and plundering to guarantee that your poisoned cheeseburger only costs 2 bucks.

      Muther fucking families of like 5 people are inheriting millions of acres of land their great grandparents stole from the indians and are worth more money then the rest of the country’s millions of working poor combined

      our entire system is based on theft and exploitation and only brain washed americans are unable to perceive it

    3. There is no point in explaining to these morons ​@Dmitri Fukov. They are driven by envy and anger, and they dont want to understand logic.

    4. @Vivek Bagaria well people tried to give them the choice of the red or blue pill in the matrix.they chose the blue when the red cures their disease

  4. From the contract-making expert: a contract from which only one party benefits.
    Yeah, that’s a contract, alright! Bloomberg’s bound to sign it.

    1. Bloomberg benefits in that if he has nothing to hide he gets to avoid attacks like this in the future.

      Unfortunately for him, he does have something to hide – rampant sexism that he was at least okay with and possibly an active participant in.

    2. Ok Mr Contract making expert… do you think that she actually expects him to sign it, or do you think she is making a point that he can’t sign it because he has too much dirty laundry?

  5. We are living in a regime now. Thanks to the uneducated and rich narcissistic.
    I would love to see some civility back in Washington.

    1. that’s why women in politics is a bad idea,instead of concentrating on real issues,their brains are locked on this BS…it sounds like a divorce court.

    2. Just like when Bernie told her a woman couldn’t be president, or when she was “fired” for being pregnant, or when she claimed to be Native American on her Bar exam.

    3. @Andrew Simich she just can’t tell the truth, she forgot to tell the story about the girl that gave her $ 3.00 of her last $6.00 to help her failing campaign, ” SHE COULDN’T EVER BE PRESIDENT ” PER BURNIE SANDERS
      DONALD J TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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