Reacting to reports of Russian interference in the 2020 election, Sen. Elizabeth Warren tells Lawrence O'Donnell: "This is a national security threat. If Americans come to conclude that the result of an election – any election – is not true, that is it is not really based on how Americans voted, then that undercuts our democracy." Aired on 02/20/20.
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Warren On Reports That Russia Is Interfering To Help Trump In 2020 Race | The Last Word | MSNBC
You know things are messed up when you need a plan for democracy.
@Street Team Tony You, your opinion and your inflated sense of importance mean nothing to me so, I guess we’re at a dilemma, buffoon.
@Enclavious Firaga Yea, but I don’t have to pretend to care about whatever 2nd rate country You come from or it’s politics. Now say away from Our elections.
Losing elections happens. You win some and lose some. Because you lose some doesn’t mean you need a plan for democracy
3:14 “We gotta come over those walls”. They have to come over walls to win.
@Raptango_NA proof buddy, how do we know if you’re right or wrong? No one is saying you’re wrong, but link something reliable as proof that is not a partisan article.
@Raptango_NA Keeping minorities from voting is a major R strategy and they’re willing to go to any length to do so. Remember, the Rs cannot win an election fair and square: Reagan used Iran to win against Carter. Bush W. needed the SCOTUS. trump needed Russia and now he needs Russia AND the Ukraine. Rs are scared of real competition. Both Bill Clinton nor Obama each won two terms fair and square. Shame on the GOP.
@Raptango_NA you are a mindless Russian crypto bot or are you a paid traitor, to us the American people ?
More Trolls here than Zul’Farak.
now why would you say that !
truth what exactly has president trump done for that accusation!
@rob young the sad reality is that Russia is a better friend to America than the Democrat party and any of it’s satanic pedophile candidates. The storm is here so craw back under your rock before you become a stat.
‘Stop the hammering ‘ O’Donnell is a better comedy than SNL
I feel bad for you Dems this is happening to you. 

I’m Proud to support Elizabeth Warren. I promise Russia is not helping her! says otherwise
Rory Blake she is getting in the way of candidates who actually have a shot of winning, she has no chance.
Jump ship brother, your girl Warren has one foot in the grave and her other foot on a banana peel.. lol
She lies with every breath. She needs somebody’s help
amercans take the time register to vote
@Lets use Common Sense I suppose at the top of his list of 300 accomplishments is the WALL PAID FOR BY MEXICO (you know the one that the wind blew down and an 8-year old climbed easily. How stupid can people be?
@Ray Shelton sure. Everyone is a bot
I am registered. Trump2020
ray sheldon I am sure what you say is true to you ,when I voted in 2016 I seen all those russian soldiers patrolling around the voting booths roughing all of us up real bad ,twisting the arms of americans and making them vote for trump espeacialy those democrats that voted for trump and the humdreds of thousands that have been made to attend the trump rallies across america!
@j wright lol…i I like that. If you were dumb enough to be swayed by a Twitter post or comment on youtube, or tv ad I don’t know what to say. Sorry I’m a Russian bot can’t help myself.
Paper ballots please NOTHING ELECTRONIC
Reform takes time. Vote!
@specialP having 8 iPhones hacked since 2015 through the audiovisual voicemail and verified by Apple I do NOT trust anything electronic or through the AT&T network- I worked on a campaign and due to the hacking geo connect was compromised all of the candidates iPads malfunctioned and we had to stop going door to door to get signatures to get the candidates name on the state ballot- that’s why I say paper ballots only WITH NO CHADS- MIchael BOlton NEED not apply for chad verification simply circles and the use of a black marker and run the ballots through the counter machine
Even with paper ballots, the Rs will cheat (as they did with Bush vs Gore). There’s no end to their cheating.
only when democrats lose what made it speacial in 2008!
Protect our elections
@Terry Waltman Duh. We already have that. Why wouldn’t you want Voter ID to make the election as fair as possible.
north carolina voted for ID LAW required to vote but our democrat governor overturned what we voted into law!
Indeed, only citizens should vote and not illegals. I didn’t vote in 2016, never voted in my life actually but I’m voting for Trump in 2020
Bernie or Burst!
@j wright…every citizen with a valad I’d should be able to vote…one woman, or man one vote.
Most certainly Trump again 2020.
gambit when all else fails you’re a racist or a russian troll!
The ruskies are helping commie Bern

@darknite 123222 cynacism or stupidity….either way, this country can do without your kind.
@Gambit2483 what. You don’t like your candidate smeared as a Putin puppet.
Let’s start with the basics??? ( meaning, no facts!!)
No, she’s just trying to couch the discussion in terms that even a trump cultist could understand.
If she said any real facts they would pull her DNC corruption badge.
If DNC steel the nomination from Bernie, Bernie has all the right to go to the general election as independent.
Hadeel Al-Zubaidi although id love to see Bernie run as an independent, he doesn’t have the guts to do it unfortunately.. DNC pulls all the strings.. it’s already been decided in the back rooms…
I’m sorry but if the DNC really wanted to screw the openly socialist Bernie all they would have to do is make him form his own party. Instead they let him pull from their delegates and donors, and debate on their stage. They can justifiably kick him out of the party. That would definitely screw him.
bernie let hilary win and hilary let trump win. No ghilane Maxwell subpoena testimony.
He’s not a Democrat . not sure why they allow him to run as one .
@1986prs no other choice then 4 more years!!!!
Gopees are traitors fact
Mueller Report page 2 “the investigation did not establish that the Trump Campaign coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities”
Trumps been harder on Russia than Obama or Bush.
I think I’m going with Warren.
AWESOME! I am voting for Warren too.
Ha! Warren called him Moscow Mitch. Love her!
@Mike K -Chump can call her Pocahontas or anyone names like a 10 year old, but it’s not gonna change the results. His bullying and name calling is ridiculous, and if you think it’s funny your the problem not the solution.
I call her, Moscow *itch…ok, now we’re even. Hip hip hurray…and the band plays on!
@Mike K- “Your orange baboon is so much funnier. The republiKKKlans never could meme, still can’t. Hope you’re ready for a major downfall.”
This topic takes me back to the Cold War days. Sadly, there are no more Jack Kennedy’s out there. Today John F Kennedy would be viewed as a moderate, or slightly right Democrat.
John Kennedy was a straight shooter. It may put some off. But you got it straight. I would urge anyone to revisit John Kennedy’s PAX Americana speech at the American University.
It says a lot.
John Kennedy was further right than Trump. The Democratic party is left of Karl Marx today.LOL
@trainwreck told ya – John Kennedy had integrity, something that tRump has never had. The republiKKKlan party is as fascist as Putin is.”
Elizabeth is awesome and on task go girl !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“Majority rule” eh? We’ll see what you have to say about that come the end of the primary
Me too. She killed it in the debate!
DNC stealing my votes!
I’d like to see an end of the electoral college as well when the Dems win ….you know the Reps would have already done it if they had lost three elections after winning the popular vote!
“we need to come over those walls” I love it. The repubs will have a startled look about them.