Michael Bloomberg has come under fire for his 2008 comments on redlining and the subprime mortgage crisis. Sen. Elizabeth Warren tells Lawrence O'Donnell, "Anybody who thinks that the banks should have been allowed to be more racist should not be the leader of our party." Aired on 02/13/20.
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Warren On Bloomberg & The Practice Of Banks ‘Redlining’ Minority Communities | The Last Word | MSNBC
Never voting for Bloomberg
I’m voting for Madonna she is promising free head jobs Again
D J I’m guessing you liberals don’t know what the word troll means, because apparently to multiple people on the left, if you disagree with them, you’re an internet troll.
@D J “Blue no matter who” is what gets Trump reelected.
When I was growing up on the reservation with my janitor dad getting ready for my job that I would get fired from for being pregnant and to go to Harvard to teach one class for 400k…I thought a lot bout redlining
Shes just like us regular folks
Thank you! This women is just plain garbage.
If only you FELT as stupid as you SHOULD. I would ask you what entitles you RacistSacksOfShit to spew racist anti-Native stereotypes – and what entitles you to demand that a woman who has _one_ native great-great-great-grandmother should either grow up on a reservation, or NEVER EVER SPEAK OF HER – but the lot of you, put together, given six generations to think about it, would _still_ fail to produce a coherent thought.
@Private Bonespurs OH the hypocrisy! Its palpable with this one.
The media keeps ignoring reality ….and it hurts us all in the end.
@Elaniago . 99% of this country can’t explain redlining.. Liz probably can’t. Mike can……
Adam ruins everything, explained it wrong.
The Google results are wrong. And the tv will Never explain it..
@Elaniago . They denied loans to White people on houses in Black areas. They created ghettos.
They always try to blow it off as denying loans to some black people. That’s Not what happened
@Julius Ebola . White people don’t know what it’s like to be a black person in the ghetto, in America. And black people don’t know what it’s like to be a slave to a mortgage til you die. These are generalizations but they are statistically true. All bankers are bad. Nationalize the reserve, like before the civil war. It’s funny that the southern racists hate the bankers, even though their idiocy led to bankers hijacking the fed in 1913..
Stop fighting other regular people, pawny
xxx xxx Your Jewish Media handlers have taught you well.
Not a very flattering thumbnail photo Lol
A picture of a toad would have been easier on the eyes.
OR Wait throw an Indian headdress onto her !
Tommy Flan-AY-gan’s mentor. Yeaaaah. That’s the ticket.
Really showing off her high cheekbones! As Lizzy once said Native American all “have high cheekbones”
warren on bloomberg? now that’s a revolting image, thanks a lot nbc.
“We don’t know whether the information is inaccurate.”
Based Bloomberg 2020
Remember when we had non-biased journalism?
Yeah, me neither.
@Russian Bot . Back before we invaded iraq…
Yes, I do. But I am old and it was a very long time ago. News for-profit changed everything. You have to pick a side and sell, sell, sell…. to keep your viewers interested and tuned in. No matter what you want to believe, some cable news show will tell you the truth you want to hear, if you look hard enough. Even lying, cheating, scamming, and corrupt Trump found Fox News and the people that watch it believe the truth is what they are getting. It is very sad. Most of what we see is option news and they do not have to disclose that is what it is and present it as real news and people eat it up. After all, it is telling them exactly what the wanted to hear.
@Rebel Geek . It was Clinton. The 96 telecommunications act led to rapid consolidation in media. Just in time for iraq..
@Russian Bot I’m 65 years old and there never has been unbiased reporting and there never was long before.
Never yellow journalism has been a problem since the printing press was invented.
bernie supporters are takers
Audit the fed!
*o,o3% is facebook’s taxshare*
what is your’s taxshare?
Buying elections the new normal!
Buying it with our money – bribing us with our money
Cluck…Cluck Cluck…Cluck…Cluck Cluck…
Warren knows all about the plights of minorities, being Native American and all…
I think her native name is “Chief Wannabe”
Chief Fullofbull.
I’m just donated 5 bucks as Warren suggested.
to Bernie though
@Brandon J read a book
@ShawwwHa Go meditate.
@Brandon J . Or he could give it to trumps golf resort! Lol. Then trump would vote for him cause he’s the most corrupt president in US history..
@Brandon J I will

@Brandon J . Trump put our troops as live bait around Saudi oil…. cause they pay him good
I lost all respect for Lawrence O’Donnell as an actual reporter the other night when he insisted in a sweeping generalization that Bernie “could not win big” supported by no evidence whatsoever. Go back to writing fantasy fiction!
Yeah, I saw that crap too.
Warren destroyed her own campaign with repeat and continuing prevarication. She has lost nearly all credibility. Stop trying to foist her on us MSNBC.
1. Never voting for Bloomberg
2. Never voting for Warren
3. I hate valentine’s day