The Georgia Senate race must have record turnout, Democratic candidate Rev. Raphael Warnock tells Tiffany Cross, in order to combat new voter suppression allegations, and more.» Subscribe to MSNBC:
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Warnock, U.S. Senate Candidate, Addresses New Alleged Voter Suppression Tactics in Georgia | MSNBC
Americans continually elect people who don’t give a crap about them and in fact go out of their way to screw them. Unbelievable.
@Jean Knitter nypost? Why dont you reference national Enquirer?
Antony B
Yes ! Exactly
I will never ever !! understand why Americans continue to vote for multi millionaires

Mitch McConnell, David Perdue, Kelly al……who have never done anything for the hard working people of America & struggling communities…it is like you have to beg for $$$
Politicians are supposed to be representing the people… and wanting to jump at the chance to give the people what they need…not arguing among themselves to the point of peoples’ desperation
Watching from
Vote very thoughtfully
@The True Fire Lord
and isn’t that incredibly sad
and so so harmful this year especially
Why would anyone in their right mind vote for multi millionaires ?
Oh…maybe I just answered my own question
dare to vote thoughtfully
@Elvree Smith
@Katherine Raven It’s sad we are being separated through devious ways. Globalist controlled media & politicians. Add to this equation rigged elections.
This is not as simple as you make it sound.
that how the gop wins, when people don’t(can’t) vote
@Antonjlavey i don’t know. guess kind of like on the walking dead?
Don’t worry, someone at the “place of counting” will cast their votes for them.
If nobody votes how is their a winner? You have been reported for gas lighting, which is hate speech under YouTubes terms and services.
Dems, are we still believing all woman or does that not include black women? Seems Mr Warnock was a little abusive to his wife
oh wow
oh yes
funny, how this vote determines if the American People receive “proper’ stimulus checks and relief going forward, its that simple.
@BILL W interesting, these politicians.
Noh yes
oh wow
@BILL W You’re mistaken, Bill. Pelosi got the bill for the $2000 checks passed in the House last Monday, December 28, the day after Trump said he’d sign it (you can look it up). The whole issue this past week was in the *Senate* precisely *because it passed in the House*
If you watch any of the debate in the senate, which went on through yesterday afternoon (it’s on YouTube), you’ll see that it’s the Republicans who are against the additional direct payments and they have been since the beginning. Both houses passed the CARES act and you probably got your first $1200 check in April. Less than a month later, on May 12th, the House passed the Heroes act that *would have* given you *another $1200* right away a month after your first check. But Mitch McConnell famously refused to put it on the floor of the senate for a vote and he’s the Majority leader, the one person who decides what gets to go up for a vote. That’s no secret, Bill; McConnell made it clear publicly that he didn’t think any additional check was necessary all the way back at the beginning of May. And he hasn’t changed his mind. That bill is still sitting on his desk almost 8 months later. Only in the last few weeks did Mitch finally agree (reluctantly) to the reduced $600.
It’s always like that; Democrats want to spend big and send everyone money, Republicans are concerned about spending too much and sending the country into debt. They prefer to keep taxes lower. I personally don’t feel strongly one way or the other, but the only person that’s kept more direct payments going out to working people is Mitch McConnell and (most) Senate Republicans. So let’s give credit where credit is due.
That said, some senate Republicans sided with the Democrats and argued for the additional $2000 over the last couple of days, including Josh Hawley, who’s a big Trump supporter. Hawley gave a great speech yesterday pleading with McConnell to let them vote. That’s the reason why people felt so strongly about the senate voting on the additional $2000 after Trump proposed it and Pelosi got it passed in the House last last month; it would have passed the Senate if Mitch had just let it go up on the floor for a vote before the end of the day yesterday.
@Jean Knitter Trump lost. He was not re-elected. Are you ok?
@Dr. G i follow this VERY closely, and i dont miss ANYTHING. but what you fail to mention is that trumo asked pelosi to bring forward a stand alone bill in JUNE, for 2000 a monthe for 6 months, and she REFUSED a stand alone bill with no pork in it.
It should be unbelievable that voter suppression is STILL taking place in America. We should ask the politicians, why this is still occurring?
Sadly.. very unfortunately 100% true
look what happened when dt started stirring the hornets’ nests
It has been simmering under the surface…and not so far under for all these many years
@Alex Hamilton if you really believe what you wrote. Your eyes are wide shut
@Kommon Cents ugh…once was too many
@BILL W enough already…this is SO old
@Adam Kendall oh ya…no clue what is going on , indeed
There is absolutely no such video you have been listening to too much blahblahblah.
What a dumb comment
by all means…send dt a donation

This is what he looks like
This is what is other face looks like
Used to be folks fought for their right to vote.
We’ll see if folks are going to let themselves be suppressed or if they’ll overcome the efforts to block.
I would vote just to spite those that work to block me from voting.
Ain’t anybody blocking you from voting. This is just the real racist people trying to jin up some controversy.
@Adam Kendall you mean like the dead people voting and all the fake ballots?
@Justin Kase -You mean the ones that were proven to be alive? Silly redumblicans…tricks are for kids.
Hoh wow
oh yes
The Rich trying to cover their Lies with money. GA isn’t fooled – VOTE
@Kevin Preston any economic system that supports BLM and ANTIFA is good
@Veronica Lyon ya because Obuma sold our jobs to them.
It’s funny they’re already calling the runoff election fraudulent
and the runoff is a Republican controlled election!
@Veronica Lyon tell that to the live organ donars
@Veronica Lyon The Uighurs would disagree
I’m amazed how many people think this is a hoax how many more have to die?
It is a hoax mam, we’re ignorant if satan devices!
Someone they know.
@Emsley Wyatt I don’t know anybody that personally died from it
@Daniel Da righteous seer Rogers Then sir you are truly blessed. I pray you never have to experience that pain.
Its not a hoax because no one is getting sick because people are. The hoax is what they are blaming the sickness comes from. Doctor whistle blowers are reporting the symptoms seem more like altitude sickness, oxygen starvation, red blood cell clumping. Classic bait and switch. Distraction and throwing somebody under the bus. Look to ref radiation poisoning. Ever see the movie Chernobyl based on true events? Pay attention to the symptoms in that movie. See if they are familiar to what they say covid does.
If the GOP are not using voter suppression then they are not breathing!
@Imaginary Person LOL! Good luck with that!
God bless you all, vote democrats, vote vote,
@Imaginary Person You are being reported for spam.
Dems, are we still believing all woman or does that not include black women? Seems Mr Warnock was a little abusive to his wife
Goh yes
oh wow
Vote for racial division vote democrat.
GEORGIA, VOTE BLUE!!! Get the Criminals Out Of The Senate. We Need to get Control Of Covid Virus to start Healing Our Country!!!
@C.Profits some might argue that a lot of people should be eliminated we’ll just leave it at that. Some might say you could start with crooked politicians, people that don’t contribute to society etc…. but what do I know
@Coco Crisp It’s like you want everyone to know you’re stupid. If there is one thing Russians would want from America it is to stop fracking.
That you don’t understand this gets to the core of your objective stupidity — your incuriousness — but its not exclusive. You don’t understand economics, either.
On the plus side, you’re amazing at outsourcing your opinions to other objectively stupid people so you can just repeat their vapid platitudes. That’s an easy work day for you!
“The Corona virus is a Democratic Hoax that will disappear like a MIRACLE!”@Twos Junk
@James FACT my man…. FACT
@Twos Junk Vote Red vote Fascism.
Vote Red vote Confederacy.
And there’s Perdue. Pasty, fighting gravity, aging before our eyes AND he is not wearing a mask. That is all we need to know.
Racism will LOSE. AGAIN!
Dems, are we still believing all woman or does that not include black women? Seems Mr Warnock was a little abusive to his wife
Goh wow
oh yes
I thought insider trading was a crime? So we have to republican criminals running for public office? What the hells going on!

David G
yes, it has been, hasn’t it…for the past 4 yrs…

dt & family ….with their many fingers in many pies…ripping off Americans like America has never ever seen
Biggest conartist ever
So SO beyond time to get rid
If Georgia doesn’t VOTE BLUE twice, Senator’s McConnell & Graham will hold Biden & the US to RANSOM for the next 4 years…Think about that
it won’t be holding the U.S. for ransom, if the repubs hold the senate, they might be able to save our country from the chinese democrats.
@Education is key You need more educating…McConnell & Graham are fukin poison
Yoh yes
oh wow
@BILL W complete nonsense
@Education is key How easy is it to sit in the Senate when you’re sitting in jail for insider trading? Hard to vote for someone who cares more for their bankaccounts than for ordinary americans.
A calm, committed and articulate man.
He’s certainly committed to beating his wife.
Know who else agrees with me? Oulèye Ndoye, Raphael Warnock’s ex-wife.
But this is America, and while I do not agree with you — empiricism doesn’t agree — I’ll still defend your right to say objectively stupid things like you just did.
Goh yes
oh wow
Only NINETEEN DAYS left in Trump’s Presidency!!!
Dems, are we still believing all woman or does that not include black women? Seems Mr Warnock was a little abusive to his wife
@Education is key Sorry, but I don’t understand your question?
@Education is key Are “WE” supposed to believe EVERY woman whether black, yellow, brown, white or albino tells the truth in EVERY whispered, shouted or implied abuse case? Some men lie & some women lie too.
Toh yes
oh wow
Yet we are forever changed. Sad

Vote blue for BLM riots, socialism, abortions, transgenders, and your money being given to illegals!!!!!

The democrats running to serve Georgia the republicans are running to line their pockets and they could care less about Georgians.
Loeffler and Perdue made $8M insider trading while Americans were closing businesses and filing for unemployment.
Which they need to do time for. Martha Stewart did her time. Time for them to do thiers time. I guess Trump will pardon them after the election.
Who was closing these businesses, stupid?