WaPo: Meeting On Military Response To Trump Riot Included Flynn’s Brother | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Rachel Maddow shares new reporting from the Washington Post that the Pentagon now admits, after days of denials, that Lt. Gen. Charles A. Flynn, the brother of disgraced former Trump NSA Michael Flynn, was involved in a key meeting on the military response as Trump supporters rioted in the U.S. Capitol. Aired on 01/21/2021.
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WaPo: Meeting On Military Response To Trump Riot Included Flynn's Brother | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC


  1. I still believe the reason these Republican congresspeople and senators are “calling for unity” is because further investigations on the insurrection will point directly to some of their members.

    1. Jowana Bueser there is no doubt that you’re correct. To help many understand what happened and is happening: please take a little time to listen to: *** Masha Gessen: “The GOP Has Turned Into an Autocratic Party” | Amanpour and Company*** ***Masha’s interview is 17 minutes long she talks about what separates Trump’s behavior from that of the average autocrat….and how the Republican party is complicit***

  2. We all knew this would happen folks. That’s why Trump lined all the agencies with his cronies! Why are we acting surprised?

    1. @Basil Fawlty actually you are the jerk. Again…grow up. BTW – II never said you were American. Learn how to read as well. 🙄

    2. @D.R Olsen ” this is what’s wrong with America…people like you who….etc”

      “I never said you were American”

      You’re doing what Trump does. Say something & then lie about whether you said it or not. That’s really pathettic.

      Learn to tell the difference between truth & lies……….🙄

    3. @Basil Fawlty Delusional Basil…I said that is what was wrong with America…tons of people who are not American live there…so, stop being judgmental when now you are assuming that everyone who lives in America is American!

      You are the one like Trump…saying my comment was stupid, when all along you couldn’t even read! You must learn to be nicer to people. Clearly you have no idea what you are saying. Go back to school, learn how to read and stop being a sad individual. You are the pathetic one.

      Grow up Basil! Stop spreading your hate!

    4. @D.R Olsen There you go again. Very Trumpian behaviour. You said something, then lied about saying it & then got all aggressive when it was pointed out to you.
      You’re behaving just like Trump does.
      How fascinating.

  3. It makes sense Mitch McConnells remarks about ,”Very Powerful People”, were involved with the sedition. Disturbing!

    1. I think you are right! This is probably the most disturbing news. A US General denied help to our legislators in fear of their lives. A General with direct connections to someone trump pardoned for wrong doing. Flynn had made connections with A Russian diplomat. Trump has accepted money from Putin Russian banks. This is awful.

    2. Yes. Remember they were briefed last week. They all came out saying it was chilling what they learnt but they can’t discuss specifics. What is WORST is that people in the Republican Party is still defending that man #Disturbing

    1. Goons were put into the Defense Department right after Secretary of Defense Mark Esper was fired which would explain why the Army always said No brother Flynn was not there! And “Billions Spent on U.S. Defenses Failed to Detect Giant Russian Hack.” But of course COVID-19 is more important (with due respect). Agree with Alexandria-Ocasio-Cortez the safety of the country comes FIRST & Must find out how deep the setup was that just happened at the Capitol building. Also no one is talking about the children of President Trump who can also do a lot of damage to the USA. “Whistleblower says Ivanka, Jared got security clearance over experts’ advice.” Maybe the Defense Department will say lies to this also. Why is a newspaper finding this out? Where is the Security people of the USA Military? Maybe Russia is protecting us? I believe its time to give a lie detector test to all the top USA Military with questions even about Trump & his children, etc. its a good start even though they may not count in court.

    2. Yap yap yap about traitors but dont worry when madcows pet russiagate docs get declassified and expose some traitors.
      Bbbbut its ok when weeeeeeee do it.

    3. @Rocky Car I believe he is a civilian now and in light of the circumstances your security clearance was probably deleted sometime ago. What it’s going to be most interesting, if I think what transpired is correct, he is in the process now of writing a book because he spans both the Obama and Trump administration and I believe he knows who did what to whom and where all the skeletons are buried. I believe this is why there was such an interest in having him indicted so that he would be silenced. He is kind of an ultimate whistleblower. We support whistleblowers. It’s going to make for a very interesting read.

    1. @Eric Fields
      Still babbling and trying to incite. It’s what you kids are good at.
      Just keep on hating!

    2. He should be fired and lose his pension at the very least,it looks like he was part of the conspiracy.the whole pentagon needs to take lie detector tests,it was more than him who stopped the army from rescuing the capital he had to have other people in pentagon to go along with it also. One man cannot stop it by him self.he should be tried for treason and get what he deserves traitors everywhere in trumps govt.

  4. The scene from the movie, Brave heart, where they called for reinforcement but they backstabed him so he was captured and dismembered.

    1. You’re just NOW seeing a coup?? tRump ORDERED guards to defend themselves but not to fire or take any action against the crowd. He sent an email out with orders to stand down and not use deadly force but to defend themselves if under personal attack. This was reported a couple days after the attack/coup. They also told some officers to stay home, due to safety concerns. There was a recon tour the day before. The details are still being sorted through, but I think we will be sifting through this crap for the next year at least.

      This was a top-down planned attack, not a riot or a rally that went bad. So yes, a coup.

    2. The “quid pro quo” impeachment hearings last year would have told you that. For those rancid senators to push back on that collectively so hard the way they did?….ooooffff…

    3. Your are funny. The coup worked, Biden and the Generals used the Capital “jay walking” incident to overthrow Trump on the 6th. Remember what many Dems said, “Antifa is not real” and BLM burning, looting, murdering and causing 1 billion dollars in damage were “peaceful protests”, plus Harris said they should not stop, but you MSNBC brainwashed hyper-partisan fools just keep on using your denial and selective memories. I would expect nothing less. PS, No intelligent person would call the Capital breach “Insurrection” because no protesters had guns which show no intent.

  5. Who else remembers that sudden spate of firing and rearranging that Trump did, right around when Biden got cut out of the Pentagon info stream? That was when Trump started laying out his little coup attempt.

    1. This is where the whole thing falls apart….multiple safe rooms in the Capitol basement…no way the crowd’s getting in there….bodyguards were well armed enough to take several of them out…..attempt like being a little bit pregnant.

    2. Blmantifa is still rioting??? How come joe/Dems are not shutting down that sedition? They have destroyed so many minority businesses and so much federal property…

    3. Goons were put into the Defense Department right after Secretary of Defense Mark Esper was fired which would explain why the Army always said No brother Flynn was not there! And “Billions Spent on U.S. Defenses Failed to Detect Giant Russian Hack.” But of course COVID-19 is more important (with due respect). Agree with Alexandria-Ocasio-Cortez the safety of the country comes FIRST & Must find out how deep the setup was that just happened at the Capitol building. Also no one is talking about the children of President Trump who can also do a lot of damage to the USA. “Whistleblower says Ivanka, Jared got security clearance over experts’ advice.” Maybe the Defense Department will say lies to this also. Why is a newspaper finding this out? Where is the Security people of the USA Military? Maybe Russia is protecting us? I believe its time to give a lie detector test to all the top USA Military with questions even about Trump & his children, etc. its a good start even though they may not count in court.

    1. Blmantifa is still rioting??? How come joe/Dems are not shutting down that sedition? They have destroyed so many minority businesses and so much federal property…

    2. I thought the exact same. Why was Flynn talking about martial law? They are seditious traitors that’s why. And they have been caught.

    3. Goons were put into the Defense Department right after Secretary of Defense Mark Esper was fired which would explain why the Army always said No brother Flynn was not there! And “Billions Spent on U.S. Defenses Failed to Detect Giant Russian Hack.” But of course COVID-19 is more important (with due respect). Agree with Alexandria-Ocasio-Cortez the safety of the country comes FIRST & Must find out how deep the setup was that just happened at the Capitol building. Also no one is talking about the children of President Trump who can also do a lot of damage to the USA. “Whistleblower says Ivanka, Jared got security clearance over experts’ advice.” Maybe the Defense Department will say lies to this also. Why is a newspaper finding this out? Where is the Security people of the USA Military? Maybe Russia is protecting us? I believe its time to give a lie detector test to all the top USA Military with questions even about Trump & his children, etc. its a good start even though they may not count in court.

    4. @Education is key But you don’t care about traitors, right? Cops are still getting by with murder so yes the protests continue. What were you all protesting again? White male privilege? You were not happy with the way 81 million Americans voted so you felt you as white men had the right to just go ahead and install a very stupid man as dictator? Poor babies.

  6. If I were an egotistical kind of person I would, at this point, be screaming “I TOLD YOU SO”!

    But I am not, so I won’t.

  7. Mr. “My Pillow” made a video re on his way to a meeting with GENERAL FLYNN after the attack to make further plans to overturn the election! FBI needs to go get them ALL!

  8. He should be court marshaled, loose his pension, be dishonorably discharged and jailed for crimes against country.

    1. According to the Post, Flynn is not part of the chain of command that can deploy troops, but let’s see where this goes.

    2. I adore everything you stated. However, ‘the Lucifer-President” PARDONED him.
      I hope this new administration will be able to repeal the pardons of CRIMINALS such as he, and let him suffer the deserving punishment for his CRIMES.

    3. @Dezzilio Devellini No he pardoned his brother who was admitted to lying to th FBI. Both brothers were generals. Both brothers are as dirty as homemade sin.

  9. While are we even having a discussion about this?…this guy should immediately be released of his position followed by investigation.

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