MSNBC anchor Nicolle Wallace slams Trump’s immoral behavior and argues that he will do just about anything to win re-election. Aired on 09/16/2020.
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About Deadline White House: Before getting into cable news, Nicolle Wallace worked in politics, including as President George W. Bush’s communications director during his administration and for his 2004 re-election campaign. Those experiences helped contribute to the knowledge and unique point of view she brings to this program. Wallace leads dynamic discussions on the political stories driving the news cycle with Washington insiders and well-sourced journalists. She also provides in-depth reporting while delivering up-to-the-minute breaking news to viewers.
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Wallace: ‘We Have Never Covered Anyone With No Shame’ Until Trump | Deadline | MSNBC
We created a society based on people having ethics and a conscience. We never accounted for not only a Trump but his sycophant base that have no grip on reality. If we don’t smack it down hard now it will only get worse.
Hi miss Fleming hope this email find you in a healthy state. Are the states court room open or are we just moving slow because of this Covid virus?? My mailing address is po box 60573 palm bay florida 32906. Just updating you..
Shouldn’t you be torching a cop car or spray painting your street name on a monument.
@Triangle Automotive, Inc My mom’s dead, you’ll have to go through Jesus.
@first last Excellent read thank-you for the link.
@Troll Hunter something told me you would say that.
Sociopaths do not feel shame
No they don’t, your right
Yes they do, Psychopaths Don’t feel shame.
What we see as shame, his base see as strength.
Trump 2Q2Q, you do realise that there is no such organisation as “antifa”, so how could antifa be facing life in prison? Just because Faux News always refer to the “organisation” you may erroneously think that it actually exists. Next thing you will be believing that the “deep state” will be facing life in prison along with all the liberal child eating paedophiles that Faux and QANON will have you believing in. When people are so gullible it is no wonder that Trump is in power and likely to get another term or two, or three.
@Gscalenut ohh stop with that antifa not being organized. That talking point is weeks old and completely untrue.
The military industrial complex is real AND organized
To indict and imprison ANTIFA exactly who are you charging and what is their address? Simply stating that ANTIFA is facing sedition charges and imprisonment for life is just pandering to the Faux viewers who think that ANTIFA is a person. Imprisoning a corrupt incompetent president is a FACT. Imprisoning ANTIFA is fantasy.
@Trump 2Q2Q The Library So this won’t be like all the countless other times that right wing nutjobs claimed Dems or organizations they don’t like, are going to be charged? Tell me Einstein, how many Dems have been charged during Trump’s reign of terror, how about naming them? Yup, that’s right, none, lmao. They say a sucker on the right is born every second, thanks for proving it.
Does this sound like a man who feels shame?
In a 1996 Manhattan ribbon-cutting ceremony for a charity called the Association to Benefit Children. The association was celebrating the grand opening of a nursery school that would serve children with AIDS. Trump unexpectedly appeared at the event and took a seat on on stage alongside top donors, even though he had never donated to the charity. The seat he took belonged to Steven Fisher, a developer who had donated a hefty sum to help the charity build the nursery.
“Nobody knew he was coming,” Abigail Disney, another donor sitting on the dais, told the Post. “There’s this kind of ruckus at the door, and I don’t know what was going on, and in comes Donald Trump. He just gets up on the podium and sits down.” Trump had never donated to the charity.
Trump played the part of a big donor convincingly. Photos from the event show Trump smiling, right behind Giuliani, as the mayor cut the ribbon.” Trump later performed the macarena with Giuliani, Kathie Lee Gifford, and crowd of children, and then slipped out of the function without donating one red cent to the charity.
November of last year, Trump was ordered by a judge to pay $2 million in damages for illegally using funds intended for charity to boost his 2016 presidential election campaign.
Trump had to admit to personally misusing charity money, according to the New York’s attorney general office, despite having previously denied any wrongdoing. The fine adds to several other investigations into allegations that he is using public office for self-enrichment.
The lawsuit last year states that Trump, and his three money grubbing useless children – Don Jr, Ivanka and Eric – broke campaign finance laws in 2016 by using Trump Foundation’s tax-exempt status “as little more than a checkbook to serve Trump’s business and political interests.
Trump and his talentless children, had violated their fiduciary duties as officers and directors of the now-shuttered Trump Foundation. As a result of that failure, charitable dollars — consistently and over many years — often benefited Trump rather than the causes he repeatedly claimed he supports.
There was “a shocking pattern of illegality involving the Trump Foundation – including unlawful coordination with the Trump presidential campaign, repeated and willful self-dealing, and much more,” the suit claimed.
In the agreements, Trump admitted to misusing funds from the foundation, which he dissolved last year, including to pay for a portrait himself that cost $10,000. He also agreed to pay back $11,525 he spent on sports memorabilia and champagne at a charity gala.
Trump also directed the foundation to use money for charity to buy a Tim Tebow helmet for himself, and to settle a couple of lawsuits.
Trump also admitted in the agreements to directing that $100,000 in foundation money be used to settle legal claims over an 80-foot flagpole he had built at his Mar-a-Lago resort, instead of paying the expense out of his own pocket..
The biggest donation that Trump’s fake foundation ever gave appears to have been to contribute $264,632 to fixing a fountain outside of the Plaza Hotel, which he owned at the time. “It shows you what this “foundation” was all about. Which was basically all about advancing Trump’s interests,” said Brian Galle, a professor of tax law at Georgetown University.
In addition, the charity foundation paid $158,000 to resolve a lawsuit over a prize for a hole-in-one contest at a Trump-owned golf course, and $5,000 for ads promoting Trump’s hotels in the programs for charitable events. Trump admitted these transactions were also improper.
But let’s be honest, what Trump did wasn’t just improper, it was downright criminal and reprehensible.
Trump Iowa rally, Jan 9 2016.
Trump: “My whole life I’ve been greedy, greedy, greedy. I’ve grabbed all the money I could get. I’m so greedy. Now, I’ll tell you, I’m good at that – so, you know, I’ve always taken in money. I like money. I’m very greedy. I’m a greedy person. I shouldn’t tell you that, I’m a greedy – I’ve always been greedy. I love money, right?”
Thank you for posting!
I pasted and copied it:)
Trumps foundation has been close. The entire family is banned from open a foundation/none profit. Those nazis stole money from sick kids. Based on my understanding of being a human I would vote to castrate them in public.
Truly a product of his culture.
@Marissa Nicanor, funny, I was just thinking about the fact that they went through a billion dollars in months from campaign contributions….can’t imagine how it happened.
You are very talented with the written word. Thank you for your comment. I was never bored
Person, Woman, Man, Camera, TV doesn’t have the IQ to understand shame!
@1j007zm or the less informed.
@Triangle Automotive, Inc Bingo
@1j007zm what did I win ???
@Triangle Automotive, Inc Yeah you won alright!! LOL!!
@1j007zm your just a tease.
Ever look at Barron trump and wonder how miserable that kid is
Barron DOES look miserable. Which means he may have a chance of being normal.
Poor Barron. He looks just like his father but he has Melania’s pout. Does his father actually spend any time with him? He’s always doing rallies, press briefings (poorly disguised rallies), tweeting, watching Fox (fake) News, and golfing. There’s not a lot of time to spend with his teenaged son. Barron’s probably better off being ignored.
He’ll probably be the next generation of malignant narcissism after Ivanka. Most people shouldn’t pay for the sins of the father, but the Trumps are the one exception that need to be made an example out of.
@markmac Millions in Russian money? American taxpayers money? Whose money Exactly? Majority of us already know he is lying. Trump is broke. He can’t even afford campaign advertising.
I mean, at some point, a person gotta look his or herself in the eye and ask themself, “Am I cool with having a President–Donald J. Trump–who is CRIMINALLY INSANE…?”
Everything is so wrong its just insane. I sometimes wonder how approximate 50% of the population is okay with Trumps behavior. We are living in a Horror movie.
Randy Couch That is a gross over statement with an underlying tone that is BS
@Randy Couch Lol, you must be a Fox fake news viewer. Tell me, how confused do you get when Fox journalists tell you the truth and then you have to go to their opinion folks to get the fake news you want to hear?
@David Gray . Fox News has more viewers than all of the fake news outlets combined! Hilarious
Randy Couch -Thank you for all the views you give to other new broadcasts
@Peter Reagan When your guy is a jerk…attack the other guy.
Trump don’t know that word shame. PLEASE
“We have contained the coronavirus…it’s pretty close to air-tight”.
— Larry Kudlow, White House National Economic Council Director, February 25, 2020
“We will not see diseases like the coronavirus come here.”
— Kayleigh McEnany, Fox Business, New York City, February 25, 2020
“I will never lie to you. You have my word on this,”
— White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, May 1, 2020
‘The President never downplayed the virus.” – Kayleigh McEnany
“I wanted to always play it down. I still like playing it down.” – Trump, March 19, 2020
“I think the world is looking at us as a leader in COVID-19.”
— White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, July 7, 2020
Don’t forget the POTUS saying ” I have a Hunch it won’t be so BAD , people go to work sick everyday ” !
Thank you for posting this:)
Dr Fauci – “this is not a major threat to the people of the United States and this is not something that the citizens of the United States right now should be worried about.” – January 21, 2020
@Peter Reagan Um, Fauci’s not the president. Misdirect much?
This incompetent administration is killing us, literally.
That Speaks a lot about the American Voters (Evangelicals) & their Moral Ethos, than Trump……
@Lenor Gewissen Well said.
@Lenor Gewissen Nothing corrupts like religion. Blinds the ability to think. At least these evangelicals have been exposed for the power grabbing hypocrites they really are. They’re shameless just like their Lord & Savior “Donald”
Vihari Royal You are so right!!! I’m a practicing Christian and we DON’T practice a religion bit a RELATIONSHIP with Christ. He is a false prophet and a wolf in sheep skin….. horribly disgusting and criminal!!! He will get what he deserves in this lifetime(I hope) or when he is judged by the almighty.

@Maria Fernandez Good for you. Nice to hear a Christian speaking out against this false prophet, trump.
We took a cockroach and made it President.
He used to do this in the dark but as President he could not be change. so now he does everything in the open.
He no longer runs from the light.
That’s about the best description of him ever.
Please do not insult the cockroaches.
@James Martinez I agree, do not insult the cockroaches, ha!
Healthy roaches recoil from light.
Shame and humility is not in his very limited vocabulary and moral compass.
@Diane WargoOnly the evil one’s want a cult to follow them.
@Diane Wargo Great leader blew it and your too stupid to understand why.
D J Not the way you have lied and threatened people. You took this to a whole different level. He did nothing to deserve this kind of hate. Covid is not his fault and he literally has done everything to stop it and resolve it. Your lies a re horrible. Trump did not even start any wars while in office and has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize! You haters are awful and really demonically possessed with hate. You all chant the same things. I have never seen anything like it. You should have felt that way about Bush and Obama when the murdered millions in their wars. Go away
Michael Timely He did not blow anything you are simply a twisted whack job!
S H You are voting for Biden that makes you the SUCKER
Laugh at him. Laugh at his stupidity. Thats how you get him, not by shame.
Yep just like you laughed on election night 2016, remember that, whenever I’m feeling a little down I just watch the fake new shows on election night 2016 and it make it all better.
@Triangle Automotive, IncVA?
@Unknown Variable V.C.
@TheMaryam1891 Your comment makes no sense – ergo – bot!
Exactly…and, by telling him his net worth does not even begin to compare to Bezos, Bloomberg, etc.
Trump is the most ridiculed and hated politician in the history of the western civilised world in the last 75 years and he makes Nixon look like Peter Pan
Mr Fugazi Actually millions of people absolutely love him! Not joking they do.
You people who hate Trump are absolute psychopaths? I wonder all the time who you really are. Your behavior is insane.
@Diane Wargo If you want to see a sample of insanity,,,,,,LOOK IN THE MIRROR
tom lloyd You look in the mirror
@Diane Wargo – Who pays you, Diane? Putin? Does he pay you in dollars or in rubles?
A man without shame, empathy, morality, honesty, integrity, princple, justice and conscience.
…Just perfect for the so-called Christians who support him. They have none of those qualities either.
Do your research…same words could describe Biden. Look at what he did to his first wife, women he has encountered, proven plagiarism (ABC News reports), contradicting himself (ban fracking…I am not banning fracking), etc. All politicians are weasels, so you have to focus on policy.
He’s a sociopath. He’s too broken to feel.
I have been saying this since the John McCain statement.. & I’m not Republican… just a decent human being….. this president is totally shameful and ignorant……
Well said !
@Danny Coker Yes, very well said!
Doesn’t matter if you are republican, it’s about being an honest and decent person. It would be nice to be united as Americans again. Time to take that division back from trumps spewing vitriol.
I hope nobody wastes a vote on Kanye West Kardashian.
There will be some jackwagons that don’t know any BETTER.
Sadly watch in unapologetic cringe. I can’t even. Cringe factor is just to much for me to watch. Does Kanye even understand what the Trump administration is doing to him?

Ok, the joke is over. Enough is enough! Trump and his enablers need to go…in shame.
Jewel l No he is not going to jail you are!!! I promise you that it will be you!
Jewel l You will be exposed
Diane Wargo – oh a Russian toll. Is it you Igor? I hope all is well in St. Petersburg.
Go straight to Jail.
In irons