Nicolle Wallace discusses Bernie Sanders' implication that the Democratic establishment is attempting to take him down through Joe Biden, and explains why she believes that is not the case. "It's a lie," Wallace said. "He's flat broke, he hasn't had a single ad on the air… the Democratic establishment had essentially turned their back on Joe Biden before Saturday night." Aired on 3/3/2020.
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Wallace: The Democratic Establishment Had Nothing To Do With Biden's Super Tuesday Success | MSNBC
No, two candidates skipping the race the day vefore supertuesday must be a coincidence.
@seattleite not a shock? It’s not a shock to u that Pete and kloba drop out at the same time? And Warren and bloom for some reason stick around to suport Biden?
@BlueBallsExotics no, it’s not because of their policy positions and the path forward for their campaigns. It’s not a shock they would go for Biden. Warren still had a decent chance of surpassing 15% in many states.
Bernie Bros told me it wouldn’t matter. They said the “MSM” was lying when they suggested Biden votes were being taken by Buttigieg and Klobuchar.
’16 out of 16′ they said for super tuesday.
Now it hasn’t happened and it’s all ‘rigged’.
@eddyk That’s what you get with Bernie Bros. They are no different to Trump supporters. The whole world is against them and everything is rigged against them if their candidate didn’t win. It is either the deep state or the establishment. It is never Bernie’s fault that he can’t garner enough support among black Americans. No, it is the establishment that fixed it.
I was shocked by the level of abuse and hatred they were throwing at Clyburn for endorsing Biden. Some were calling him old dog and saying that his endorsement doesn’t matter. I guess it does now and see who is crying now?
MSNBC are bunch of liars. They are saying the DNC has nothing to do with Joe Biden’s surge? That is why you have Pete, Amy dropping out and right away endorsing Sleepy Joe, Beto coming out from his hibernation to endorse Joe12345, Susan Rice, Barbara Boxer, and Harry Reid all at the same time out of the blue and you want us to believe your Baloney? By the way even Hillary Baloney came from the woods attacking Bernie.
So Uncle Joe congratulation on your Super Thursday senate Victory, celebrate with your sister (Sorry wife), make sure to have a recorder, and contribute by calling joe1234321
DNC you just unleashed your worst nightmare
@Sergeant Tibs More like, “Yes, *I* can!”
Better joe than a Communist
What are you fools going to do? Take out your frustrations on some innocent trash cans and shop windows? I think the cops are ready for you this time
The gaffe-prone Biden is being propped up by mainstream media it is unbelievable! This man is going to be the butt of the joke for the right wing RepubliKKKans because of his regular “senior moments”!!! He did it again on stage today with his wife (whom he called his husband) and his sister he called his wife- Aaaaaaarrrrrgggghhhhhh!!!!
The Establishment had nothing to do with Bidens win?
And you can say that with a straight face.He got a huge cash endorsement from the Politicians in that area. And I’m sure two ppl dropping out of the race,right before Super Tuesday to consolidate votes behind Biden. But that’s not the Establishment getting involved
Nooooo these are all a string of perfect timed coincidences
Right…..just neutral…like you didn’t give free positive coverage and boost to Biden! Yeah, don’t focus on his problems…so excited he is doing well?? Didn’t learn from Hilary’s loss, did you??
The game is rigged against Bernie – NO NOMINATION, AGAIN!
Even Trump seen what the DNC was doing
@Natalie Deyton Trump only pretends to be stupid. Obama failed to get 50% from the Republican congress what the Democrats gave Trump in less than two years. They gave him everything except the wall.
Perhaps he should go into a 3 horse race as an Independent. That would really screw the system up and he could easily come out a winner with such dissatisfaction with politicians amongst the voters
she thinks we are stupid.
You most definitely are stupid if you think a far left socialist has any chance of becoming potus. He’s a spineless loser his entire life and still manqged to become a multi millionare because of suckers like you.
Jis Yang kicks and freebies? wow like lower taxes improved quality of life? never heard of a politician promising such things before
@Jis Yang that what you speak of sounds like a boomer reference
Unbelievable. How do these people sleep at night?
Bijan Mehrpour please please please save this comment!!! Because I will and I’ll @you when Trump wins in November

Its Bernie supporters who cant sleep at night. Thats not a problem though because most of them don’t have jobs, so they can just sleep all day.
They actually believe the lies
Answer..they think about how much money they’re earning.Everyone has their price in America.
prostitutes & other drugs
Now they’re trying to rub it in our faces. A new low for MSNBC. I hope your prescription drug commercial profits are worth it!
HA! Perfect.
Are you crying? Go take it out on a trash can.
@hans haslang like yourself?
Are you kidding me? This is the boldest lie I’ve ever heard. Joe Biden won because the Democratic establishment rallied behind him.
@JSINmartini you mean with the DNC and the Media doing every dirty underhanded thing they can to fearmonger and lie about Bernie? Yeah, that would be just the same.
Trump called it long before it happened, and most libs dismissed him as a conspiracy theorist for it.
@Alex Tan probably they saw vice president Biden the ticket and clicked on him because of Obama. Sheep are easy to herd
@albert costa I like him too but his history is terrible it just screams getting slapped by trumps small hands. Can’t wait for Joe to get ripped appart in debates by trump plus his mental health… this will be brutal.
the title should’ve added “and other things we lie to you about!”
It took the Democratic establishment to coerce candidates to drop out and gang up on Bernie to give Joe a chance instead of supporting the candidate capable of effecting significant change and beating Trump. Unfortunate and stupid.
Yes it did. Many endorsements and suddenly drop outs at the last minute before Super Tuesday… The black congressman rallying the old black peoples vote… All the events in the past few days signal tricks played by the DNC and establishment insiders
We always had a feeling we lived under a 1 party system, the establishment system. This election cycle should leave no doubt.
it’s a great party!!! if you’re rich
*EXACTLY.* I call them Demopublicans.
“The Democratic Establishment Had Nothing To Do With Biden’s Super Tuesday Success,” *_says a salaried representative of The Democratic Establishment._*
How many times would I have to puke on this abusively-insulting liar, before I felt like we were even?
MSNBC is trash. Used toilet paper has more use than this channel
Uh oh, the DNC is rallying against Bernie again!!
Is this title a joke? You guys are delusional.
Ugh, this is gross
they are so anti-Bernie its disgusting. They were pushing Biden and tearing Bernie down for the last few days. They were in panic mode about Bernie.