Portland “Wall of Moms” organizer describes the horrific experience of being teargassed by federal agents: “It was frightening. I want to tell you that I handled it like a champ and I stood my ground, but I did not.” Aired on 7/22/2020.
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‘Wall Of Moms’ Organizer In Portland Speaks Out After Teargassing By Federal Agents | All In | MSNBC
I read on of the Moms was molested by her arrester. Groped, upskirt grab. Disgusting.
@Jose Martinez russian bot always getting spanish names
You know, women who are tired of men thinking they can grab us by our privates without permission just might be surprised when a posse of women show up led by Lorraine Bobbit. But of course, with the so-called president who brags about grabbing women by their privates is their role model. Trump Era cannot end quickly enough. I say crimes against Americans by these fanatics should result in deportation.
@DM Tea

@Richard Petrey that’s exactly what they are doing
Leaf blower technique is used in Hong Kong.
It reminds me the protest in Kiev years ago… they were able to resist long time and destitute the president. Wish you well.
MOMS & DADS peacefully protest. Thery’re weapons of choice you ask?? SUNFLOWERS !!! and yet, they’re attacked by Trumps-Stormtroopers… where the heck is my camera, i’m about to win a Pulitzer…
Yep. Trump wants his own Euromaidan protests here to impose Martial law before the election.
@Dawn Anderson Get back into ur burlap bag.

Whenever there’s an opportunity to arrest his own citizens using stormtroopers in unmarked vehicles, you can bet Donald J Trump will be found Russian right into it. It’s by far the fastest way of Putin down liberal insurrections, many people are saying.
I’ll see myself out.
@Whicker Boy lol snowflake
brilliantly said, ty ms barnum and all of the moms, and mr velshi! if those nazis dare to do this in my town too then i will also be out there, as a mom/grandma/great-grandma!
We could use some REAL fathers too
This fool has to go, he’s looking for a fight!
Here’s an idea—-u and ur brood of chickenshxx radical leftist Marxist anarchist demonRATS go into south Chicago, Portland, Seattle, east LA, Bronx, Harlem, Baltimore, Cleveland, St Louis and stop the rioting, shooting, murdering, and destruction. Since u hate America and the Constitution, u can use all the water balloons, spitballs, squirt guns, and whistles u like. Let America know when u GET THE JOB DONE!!!
@Whicker Boy don’t know you but I know yo kind! Serious issues!
@Mike Byrd U don’t know jack squat!! Just grab ur water squirt gun and get to Portland.
Paramilitary secret police storm troopers face off against America’s moms …images of Trump’s authoritarian neofascist Amerikkka
@Whicker Boy to say hi to your boogaloo buddy France I’m sure you look great in a Hawaiian shirt
MOMS & DADS peacefully protest. Thery’re weapons of choice you ask?? SUNFLOWERS !!! and yet, they’re attacked by Trumps-Stormtroopers… where the heck is my camera, i’m about to win a Pulitzer…
@Dawn Anderson What do U look great n…..a burlap bag?
@Dawn Anderson Whicker Boy is just a troll cutting and pasting. Getting rubles for submitting rotten words against true Americans.
@Baron E Well, they’ll b SPITTING SUNFLOWER SEEDS if they don’t behave themselves!!!!
Trump’s thugs pushing moms. What bravery.
@Whicker Boy Fuckwad!
Big tough guys tear-gassing mothers. Their families must be proud of them.
@Whicker Boy Mate, you need anger management therapy. Where is your evidence that moms ‘hate America and the Constitution’? At least talk to someone; you’re bat sh%t crazy!
@Whicker Boy hush . America is now great again. look at those brave warriors of Trump defending themselves against those moms on the street .
@pittarak1 just get ur butt to Portland and RESTORE LAW AND ORDER!!!!
We are NOW back in 1933 Germany.
Here’s an idea—-u and ur brood of chickenshxx radical leftist Marxist anarchist demonRATS go into south Chicago, Portland, Seattle, east LA, Bronx, Harlem, Baltimore, Cleveland, St Louis and stop the rioting, shooting, murdering, and destruction. Since u hate America and the Constitution, u can use all the water balloons, spitballs, squirt guns, and whistles u like. Let America know when u GET THE JOB DONE!!!
One must ask themselves “Which side am I on?”
The only shithole country I see is The United States of America a.k.a The Divided States Of the Land Mass Between Mexico and Canada.
Trump think he’s the Darklord or something
Here’s an idea—-u and ur brood of chickenshxx radical leftist Marxist anarchist demonRATS go into south Chicago, Portland, Seattle, east LA, Bronx, Harlem, Baltimore, Cleveland, St Louis and stop the rioting, shooting, murdering, and destruction. Since u hate America and the Constitution, u can use all the water balloons, spitballs, squirt guns, and whistles u like. Let America know when u GET THE JOB DONE!!!
He and the republicans sure act like they are from the dark side and care nothing about our Constitution or Rule of Law. People like Whicker Boy appear to be anti-Americans and love dictators. This is not how America operates. Trump cultists hate being told what to do, yet they support these SS stormtroopers to quash American’s rights to free speech. This is like 1939 and it is time for our military to drag all these anti-Americans away, and out our our White House. If you love Putin and dictators, why don’t you just move to Russia? We are not a autocratic country. Tear gassing mothers, children in cages, refusing to deal with a global pandemic seriously and calling it a hoax and being anti-maskers while people are virulently sick and dying– what a fascist regime this administration has proven itself to be.
@Whicker Boy “radical leftist marxists anarchist demonRATs” lmafoo
You’ve become like Argentina under The Generals….except worse. You mistreat the Moms, they didn’t. Shame, shame.
People are now protesting a Secret Police Goon Squad that kidnaps people off the streets.
Now there’s something all True Americans can get behind.
I want to know where they find the kind of people who are so dysfunctional emotionally, so morally bankrupt that they are able to tear gas peaceful protesters in the country they share. What does the job description say…can you be an aggressive, mean, emotionally disengaged, psychopath? WE WANT YOU!
The Holocaust showed us how evil people can be to their fellow man. It can go so, so, sooooo much worse. It has to be ended RIGHT NOW.
casey massey they are trained to have no emotion and they are in a war mentality.
They work for Betsy DeVos’s Brother – Blackwater!! They are thugs.
If they come to my city I will start a wall of moms myself, and in my city there will be thousands of us.
Hope u like being jail bait, and jail cells with their “food.”
Here’s an idea—-u and ur brood of chickenshxx radical leftist Marxist anarchist demonRATS go into south Chicago, Portland, Seattle, east LA, Bronx, Harlem, Baltimore, Cleveland, St Louis and stop the rioting, shooting, murdering, and destruction. Since u hate America and the Constitution, u can use all the water balloons, spitballs, squirt guns, and whistles u like. Let America know when u GET THE JOB DONE!!!
@Whicker Boy Troll
Sharon, you got trolled by neo-nazi basement dweller, who’d never have the courage to stand up & be known for his evil views, as you would stand up for the good.
Baking cupcakes by day.

Protecting strangers by night.
That’s some real superhero stuff right there!
Is this the United States or 1970s Chile or Venezuela or 1930s Germany?
How do y’all know their federal agents? No one can see their faces, they could very well b the proud brothers behind those gears.
Whether you’re a GOP or a Dem, you have to admit that what Trump is doing is totally disgusting. Sending undercover federal troops in the United States when they aren’t doing anything wrong. Protesting is part of our constitution. This is not China, this is not Russia.
@BigBoogookie You’re delusional. God put Trump in place because of punks like you.
Keep ur ugly face hid.
Here’s an idea—-u and ur brood of chickenshxx radical leftist Marxist anarchist demonRATS go into south Chicago, Portland, Seattle, east LA, Bronx, Harlem, Baltimore, Cleveland, St Louis and stop the rioting, shooting, murdering, and destruction. Since u hate America and the Constitution, u can use all the water balloons, spitballs, squirt guns, and whistles u like. Let America know when u GET THE JOB DONE!!!
MOMS & DADS peacefully protest. Thery’re weapons of choice you ask?? SUNFLOWERS !!! and yet, they’re attacked by Trumps-Stormtroopers… where the heck is my camera, i’m about to win a Pulitzer…
@Whicker Boy You’re in deep, bro. Hatred fills your heart and it’s not going to lead you anywhere good,
@BigBoogookie Hey Big Booger. u and ur brood of chickenshxx radical leftist Marxist anarchist demonRATS get on over to south Chicago, Portland, Seattle, east LA, Bronx, Harlem, Baltimore, Cleveland, St Louis and stop the rioting, shooting, murdering, and destruction. Since u hate America and the Constitution, u can use all the water balloons, spitballs, squirt guns, and whistles u like. Let America know when u GET THE JOB DONE!!!
They are heroes. Someone needs to capture all of this is on video, and make a commercial. #MomsAgainstTrump
I, personally, don’t believe those are “real” federal agents. I think they are mercenaries that DT hired.
That’s because you are stupid. Shut up, quit embarrassing yourself.

Well its said 2 be US marshals, dea, ice agents
So proud of our wall of moms. Would love to see a wall of moms across America instead of Trump’s ego wall on our southern border.