Republican Georgia Senate nominee Herschel Walker acknowledged in a new interview that he sent a $700 check to a woman who alleges the money was provided to reimburse her for an abortion, though Walker denies the check was for that purpose. #CNN #News
Walker acknowledges sending $700 check to woman

The fact walker was waiting to pull out that dollar tree badge is absolutely pathetic.
@greg lewis It was horrible for Hershel who couldn’t keep a coherent thought and continued to lie. All of his lies are easily debunkable. What part are you thinking we missed?
I think we may be looking at Dollar General quality…. Just sain’.
Herschel Walker is a shining example of why the NFL needed to make better helmets!!!
He’s a shining example of how better civic education would make a far wiser constituency.
That RIDDELL helmet he wore at UGA had no cushion on the inside.

He really may not remember her due to CTE.
Walker is just mimicking Trump’s lying style, “don’t know” “do know” “don’t know” “maybe” “do know” “don’t know”, “I did” “I didn’t” “I maybe”.
@J C <<- - - -DemocRAT troll bot
@J C <<- - - -DemocRAT troll bot
@Robert Kidd whine more salty boy
Herschel Walker has multiple personalities, and if you want to know more about him, he has a book and each of his personalities has a chapter.
Why is he using this one now and which one will he be using as a Senator?
I like the movie The Three faces of Eve
I’m guessing the GOP constituency is hoping one of those “personalities” actually has the competence and brains to do the job? I can’t see any other reason for even considering him.
@Chris Albert His vote. He’ll vote the way they want him to every time.
If he wasn’t running for office, this check would be nobody’s business, but he is running for Senate. He’s certain the $700 wasn’t for an abortion. If he’s so sure that check wasn’t for that, logic would have it that he’s then sure what the money was for, yet he claims he doesn’t recall. Anyway, the thing with the police badge is pathetic. He seems to truly believe his honorary souvenir makes him a real police officer.
He initially said HE DID NOT KNOW THE WOMAN. Why do you have to check if it’s your signature if you know you didn’t write the check? If someone asked me did, I sign the credit card receipt for $250 at Chucky Cheese, I don’t have to look at the receipt because I HAVE NEVER EATEN ATE CHUCKY CHEESE!
He’s like a kid with a toy, playing cops and robbers. Wouldn’t be surprised to see him running down the highway on foot chasing cars and trying to make traffic stops, making the siren sounds with his mouth.

He’s definitely unqualified for being a damn senator!
@Frank Monteagudo we’re not commenting about Sleepy Joe… We talking about this fool… #Walker
@Jim Wheeler exactly!Trump supporters are conflicted people.
“i sent her money and she did what she wanted with it” and.. he also knew she did NOT want the kid at the time. what did he think she was gonna do with $700? set up a trust fund?
That check was sent before the 2nd pregnancy and birth of a child
Typical wife abuser: Blame the wife.
It’s the Maga way of answering questions
Right… and when the photo of the receipt comes out, he will claim that he thought it was “for a friend”.
Odd that it hasn’t…but then again unless his signature is somewhere on it it’s just….a receipt.
Men who want to take away a women’s right to choose as long as it’s not the ones they impregnate should never hold office. I pray the women of GA send a message loud and clear
Yes women and men of Georgia vote BLUE 2022 2024
They are too dumb for that in Georgia…..
@John Perez Just like a pastor evicting people is comical but hypocrites are the definition of being a democratic candidate’s being.
There was a scandal at Southern Methodist University in the 80s about paying football players, and a interviewer showed the school president an envelope with his handwriting on it that was sent to a player that had cash in it. The president looked at it and denied it was him when they already had proof that it was. This reminded me of that
Here is the recommended clip that explain that all:
But I thought he didn’t even know who she was,this dude just can’t stop lying
He has multiple personalities. Herschel didn’t know that woman, but Hershey did
@Chris Albert

Sort of like a black gump, lying is like breathing with these types.

@DERRICK BAILEY definitely
Hearing Herschel lie is like listening to a child explain they didn’t eat that cookie !
You know what though…yo mamma!!!…
You’re hypocrisy is running deep!!!… so deep you don’t even know it…?
@Harold you’re kidding right??… what hasn’t he lied about is the question…
Whoa whoa whoa!!! He was lying? Shocking absolutely shocking.
But Hershey Bar said “It’s a lie!”. How many people out there still believe him?
@David salo The 36% of Americans that still love Trump.
He’s trying to claim he sent it to her because she’s the mother of his child, but that child wasn’t born until several years later, and only after the mother refused to get a second abortion at his urging.
Blatantly lying. Perfect GOP quality.
Bahahaha that is rich!
And he has a long history of not paying for his children until the courts order him to
Nice catch
Wait, I thought it was a lie and you didn’t know the woman? Wait you were lying? I’m SHOCKED!!!! I would have NEVER expected that!!!
@Chris Albert, yeah, one of them got her knocked up, and another one of them talked her into the abortion and paid for it, and a third one got her knocked up again, and of course he has no recollection of any of it.
@Chris Albert kinda terrifying that isn’t disqualifying as a elected official.
We know that the check could not be for child support, since at the time it was issued to the lady, she had had no children for him.
@Jim Wheeler
Yup, one was Harry, the other was Hershey, and Herschel is completely in the dark about it.
Herschel getting this far in the first place is the crazy part
@Greg Tennessee <<- - - -DemocRAT troll bot
@Greg Tennessee <<- - - -DemocRAT troll bot
@Greg Tennessee <<- - - -DemocRAT troll bot
@Greg Tennessee <<- - - -DemocRAT troll bot
@Greg Tennessee <<- - - -DemocRAT troll bot
First he said he did even know the woman, then he admitted he wrote the check, then it turns out he had a child with her. If you are going to be a pathological liar, you have to get better at telling the lies.
Okay! Lol I’m like…… I already know the man is less than smart. However, please learn how to lie sir lol
he should take a few pointers from Bill Clinton.
@Robert Kwiatkoski he has enough pointers from lumpy. He’s just not smart enough to keep his lies straight
Hell yeah
Interestingly, he didn’t report why he wrote the check, he wrote it in the time frame of the abortion, and it happened to be approximately the same amount as the procedure.
Knowing Walker he might of switched personalities and got her a ‘sorry for your loss’ Hallmark to put the check in.

She was pregnant with his child that she had later, there wasn’t an abortion
@Mr Breeze pregnant twice. 1st pregnancy aborted. 2nd child carried to term. This has been all over the news
” I don’t know that woman and didn’t send her money ”
” OK, that’s my signature on that check, but I don’t know what the money was for ”
” Alright , it may have been for an abortion, but I didn’t know she was pregnant ”
” Look, it may have been for an abortion, but that’s not my baby ”
” ..Well, that may have been my baby, but I didn’t know it was my baby ”
” Okay, that was my baby, but I thought the money for for groceries ”
and on and on and on and on and..
Underrated comment.
2nd only to “I didn’y ever talk to my son about his business affairs”
“She’s the mother of my Child”. Well he wrote a check to her before she was the mother of his child and it is super coincidental that this check is reported to be dated around the same date as the abortion. So that’s one point. The other point is he simply has no credibility