1. Ukrainian warriors are fighting for their lives, their wives, their sons, their daughters, their mothers, their fathers, their land, and their freedom. What are Russian soldiers fighting for?
    Slava Ukraini!!! 🇺🇦 🇺🇲

    1. Ночью наши ученые чуть-чуть изменят гравитационное поле Земли, и твоя страна будет под водой. 24 часа, б…, и вся твоя страна будет под водой Атлантического Тихого океана. Ты с кем шутишь, б…? Ты подумай, б…! Ты понял, чем кончил Бонапарт, чем кончил Гитлер, все остальные? Ты совершишь историческую ошибку! Твой папа тебе благодарен не будет. Забудь его, твоего папу. Твои генералы тебе говорят – не начинай войну. Еще не поздно! Еще только 21 июня 41-го года!”

    2. Well from the sounds of it they’re fighting for their lives too. You either die trying to survive or get shot because you won’t fight. I’m not saying that that’s an excuse for what’s going on, but it would be a shitty situation to be in.

  2. During the Russo-Finnish Winter War of 1939, 250,000 Russian’s either froze to death or were slaughtered due to Stalin’s incompetence. If little Finland can inflict such pain on Russia then just imagine what Ukraine is doing to Russia. SLAVA UKRAINE!

    1. @Tommy Gun РККА потеряли 12 миллионов , Вермахт 10 миллионов. 30 миллионов это гражданские советские граждане. У вас западное видение войны. В финской войне у финской армии катастрофические потери и РККА наступало зимой. Никто и никогда не наступал успешнее зимой. Пример: лапландская война где 500.000 финнов с немцами ,ничего не могли сделать с РККА составляющими 200 тысяч.

    1. its great to see the wagner warriors deal with the enemy like they do and this guy shows just how good they are.
      but remember every one makes a mistake sometimes !

  3. I continue to Pray for 🇺🇦UKRAINE AND HER PEOPLE.🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

  4. His math is simple. A war crime tribunal is 1,000 times better than a death by Ukrainian artillery or his comrade sledgehammer.

    1. I consider War crimes tribunals tedious time-wasters. They tend to bend over backwards for the accused, providing them with lawyers who are intent on testing the law to the nth degree, and as is their wont, demonstrably indifferent to the brutal (disputed) facts presented by the prosecution. That is the Law – and it sucks. It has been hijacked by avaricious grandstanders.

    2. it’s definitely better to do some time in hotel-like conditions of Norwegian prison (and don’t forget, he did 4 years in Russian prison, so it will be definitely a cakewalk for him) than to be sledgehammered.

    1. In 2006, a UK citizen was poisoned with Polonium-210 and in 2018 several UK citizens were poisoned either Novichok. 😳
      1 gram of Polonium-210 is enough to kill 50 million people and sicken another 50 million. Russian created Novichok is more deadly than nerve agent VX, which killed Korean Leader Kim Jong Un’s half brother is 2017.


    3. @Lasse madsen For sure. People die routinely trying to cross into Canada along Quebec borders every Winter.

    4. @janine wetzler I laid pipes in northern Norway during winter. Beautifull but deadly if you aren’t prepared. The cold is no joke.

  5. People of Azerbaijan stand with the heroic Ukrainian people. Karabakh is Azerbaijan! Crimea and Donbass are Ukraine! Slava Ukraine! 💛💙

    1. Режиссёр I’d like to think so but I cant say the same about their leader and their military forces.

  6. I’m glad he made the decision he did, these are the kinds of things that help stop wars. The human element shouldn’t be underestimated

  7. LOL. He equates his participation in an illegal invasion with legal Ukrainian soldiers who are protecting their land. Such easy, non-challenging questions you asked.

  8. Andrei’s facial expression, his eyes, look how relaxed and confident he is in this interview, not nerveous in any way. There are some things you can’t hide if you are not specifically trained to do so (there’s no reason to believe that he is). Andrei is clearly being honest in his responses. It’s an individual question whether he deserves sympathy, but we must have empathy for him. He ultimately did the right thing.

    1. Barely a truthful word left this individual’s lips. How much experience of interrogating war criminals do you have?

    1. It is hard for him to be a spy, as a lot of his story were checked and verified by people like Vladimir Osechkin, a Russian human right activist with a lot on insiders in Wagner, FSIN and FSB. So it would be difficult to say that you were on the front line or were put there in a box for defiance, as other people were there to witness that and they can just verify or deny that information.
      And no sane spy is going to be willing to join Wagner on the most deadly part of the frontline and then be 1 step away from death.
      The only way for him to be a spy if he were to be recruited after he escaped Wagner by threatening to kill his mom unless he works for FSB or something like that. But he’s an
      orphan with nothing and nobody and there’s not a lot of leverage you can find on him.

  9. Give it a little time everyone will see his face on the news again because he’s been killed. Such a shame and and such a young life. I wish him well and a safe journey through life.
    STAY SAFE My Russian brother. 🙂🙏🏻🕊⭐🇨🇦✌

  10. Вечером 30 января в топовой новостной программе CNN один из самых известных журналистов США Андерсон Купер выступил экс-командир 1-го отделения 4 взвода 7 штурмового отряда “ЧВК Вагнер” Андрей Медведев, который на многомиллионную аудиторию на весь мир рассказал о пытках и внесудебных казнях в “Wagner” и о причастности лично Евгения Пригожина к созданию этой террористической организации, которая убивает за отказ от участия в войне. Также Андрей рассказал, каким именно образом он смог покинуть РФ и преодолеть целый ряд барьеров и пограничных постов, чтобы в итоге сбежать в Норвегию и запросить политическое убежище и защиту от “кувалды Пригожина”.

    Это первое ТВ-интервью Андрея с момента его побега из РФ, до этого на протяжении более 2 недель он был занят, давая показания миграционной службе, следователям и иным сотрудникам международной правоохранительной системы об известных ему фактах военных преступлений и преступлений против человечности, совершенных российскими подразделениями в Украине. Сразу после CNN поздним вечером Андрей также встретится и дал интервью журналистам норвежского ТВ.

    Огласка преступлений и разоблачение преступных схем Пригожина-Путина имеют важное значение для прекращения войны. Мы делаем то, что можем.

    И анонс. В четверг мы опубликуем 2-часовое интервью с теперь уже экс-командиром одного из подразделений дивизии МинОбороны РФ и офицером Российской армии, который с нашей помощью покинул Россию и решился давать показания о том, как российские полковники и их подчинённые подвергали пыткам и жестокости украинских военнопленных, били и пытали пленных военнослужащих 36 бригады морской пехоты и гражданских, а также простреливали им руки и ноги и ломали носы, выбивая из них “нужные Путину” показания о якобы “нацистах Украины”. Продолжаем🕊


  11. I am pretty suspicious: 1. He gives an interview with CNN revealing his name and face, while we know that Russia does not shy away from killing defectors/traitors even abroad. 2. He looks pretty composed, relaxed and intelligent for an orphan ex-convict, more like a well-trained soldier/officer/agent 3. How does he know that the border with Finland is better guarded than the border with Norway? 4. The story of his escape seems too good to be true, almost Hollywood-like (help from civilians who heard my story, help from a man from Murmansk who found a passport of a man resembling him, REALLY?) And how does a passport of a man similar to him, help him pass the checkpoints? Like I said: I am pretty suspicious

    1. Yeah i caught this too, i think they need to not let this guy out of their site, they need more intelligence on him if they can get it, he seemed way to calm and some of the things he said were weird, not critical at all in fact.

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