VP Debate 2020 preview: Do “undecided” voters exist anymore? | States of America

Are "undecided" voters a myth or reality? Are the presidential debates giving people enough information to go on?
RELATED: Could President Trump back out of future debates if the Commission on Presidential Debates changes the rules?

The first debate of the 2020 general election between President Donald J. Trump and former vice president Joseph R. Biden was a bit of a disappointment, but not in the way many presidential debates are disappointing. This one provided plenty of fireworks. The debate took place on Tuesday night, and by Wednesday afternoon, the Commission on Presidential Debates had sent out a memo stating that they would be making changes to the format to curb participants from interrupting one another.

Phillip M. Bailey discusses with USA TODAY's 2020 Elections editor Annah Aschbrenner the substantive, if any, points of the debate, the coming changes, and gives a preview of how the VP debate will be a vastly different event.

Annah and Phillip also discuss whether these debates are necessary, as the percentage of the electorate that considers itself "undecided" is shrinking rather quickly,

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VP Debate 2020 preview: Do “undecided” voters exist anymore? | States of America


  1. Who cares. Presidents do nothing to MALGA (Make American Lives Great Again) I’m not voting for anyone.

  2. VIVAAAA……TRAUMP👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 VIVA…….👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

  3. try to bye ammo in us to day ? wonder why its all sold out ???  
    The civil war that starts after the election regardless of the winner perhaps ?

  4. I do not know any undecided voters that watched the debate.
    I will vote for Trump no matter what the media says.
    We dont need no fffn debate.
    Obama was the worst President we ever had. Even worse than Carter.

    1. Just because you are firm in your stance doesn’t mean there was no reason for a debate. Seems like you are just more upset with what came of it

  5. Phillip M Bailey looks like some members of Proud Boys. Perhaps he should educate himself before speaking on that. 🤦‍♂️

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