Joan Biskupic, Bradley Heard, and Elie Honig speak with CNN's Jessica Schneider about the voting rights cases before the Supreme Court this term. #CNN #News #CITIZENCNN
Voting Rights & the Supreme Court / CITIZEN by CNN

Joan Biskupic, Bradley Heard, and Elie Honig speak with CNN's Jessica Schneider about the voting rights cases before the Supreme Court this term. #CNN #News #CITIZENCNN
Still thinking of Jesse Dollemore, I do hope he fully recovers, all the best to him.
here is finally!
One citizen, one vote.
“Wait… you have to be a citizen to vote?” – Demotards
hahahaha what many problems? yeah unfair eh…lets let california and NY decide every election and disenfranchise all the other American citizens. …i know… lets pack the courts, lets open the border, lets let non citizens vote, What clowns these democrats are.
Agreed. Get rid of ranked-choice voting.
@Mark yeah 60% of the populace got tired of the abuse of 40% of the populace.
@I’m not your pal friend what in the gibberish are you even talking about?
democrat hysteria! Voting rights not an issue. Citizens only.
Vote once, show ID, clear voteing rolls.
No mass coting ny mail.
Not that hard to understand.
You can’t even spell. MAYBE IQ tests are in order.
Only 12 days left to save democracy. Make your voice heard. Vote!
@Trisha Eaten-Cox Move to Russia traitor muppet.
Red punching coming

I’ll be voting Red to save our REPUBLIC
I can’t wait to see the lefty sky screaming meltdowns when communist Dems lose. It’s gonna be epic.
No one’s Rights are being taken away.
@Save America Vote Republican may I add sth as sb who also has a look into another democratic system? Elections, in a real democracies, have to be universal, direct, free, equal, and secret. Take each of this aspect and ask yourself, why isn’t there a federal law which regulate federal election nationwide (same “play book”/rules, systems etc. etc.) including the question who is allowed to vote. So every citizen (legal age) is allowed to vote, that is such an important right that even the constitution protects it, but in a way, the hurdles are very, very different between the sates.
I talk about the federal, general election (Senate + House + POTUS) not those on state. Justice for alle, for the people – all decisions are finally done by the people (through representatives), at the moment there is a problem.
@Joe Delira By who? Stop believing the
MSM feeds you. You eat it because they call it a T-bone and you don’t even ask for A1.
@BlueAnons are Dumb by the GOP governors
In Harris County Texas. One of the most populated. There can only be 1 drop off box.
In Georgia, it’s illegal to hand out water to voters in line. Shorted early voting hours
@Joe Delira whose rights???
@Joe Delira No they aren’t.
There’s 7 different types of ID that will work in Texas. Why can’t legal citizens get an ID?
@BlueAnons are Dumb
In all fairness.. Christopher Columbus didn’t need a Real ID when he landed here in 1492.
He also wasn’t required to provide a Visa and a boating permit either.
It sets one free.
@Susan Reed
@Mary Lamb Susan Reeds comments don’t show up for some reason but have you seen what she looks like?

@BlueAnons are Dumb
Her appearnce doesn’t matter, she has a sense of humor and appears to be an avid Trump supporter.
Every citizen has identification. The ONLY reason why Democrats call it “voter suppression” is because they want illegal migrants to be able to vote in our elections because they don’t have ID’s so they want people to be able to vote without providing identification. But that could lead to a LOT of fraud like multiple votes for 1 person, illegal migrants voting…
Thank you for your work
The economy is a nightmare. I’m voting republican this year.
Vote against tarded woke pronouns and criminal reform idiocy. That’s reason enough, nevermind inflation and recession lies ..
@Robert V hell yeah baby I will
The president has no power over the price of gas. Any informed citizen knows that.
@DAnuchan oops, sorry I realized that maybe you were saying that the government shouldn’t interfere. If that’s true I apologize. I thought you meant that but it was incomplete with the whole situation. Anyways
@DAnuchan our president has no power whatsoever.. we need a new one that acts.. FJB, I’m voting Republican as well
Thankfully all US citizens have the right to vote
That’s not true. Disenfranchisement of felonies, that have been rehabilitated and payed for their crimes. Can not Vote.
And the Drug War has made a lot of people felons , that just wanted to feel better. With their choice of drugs. Other than deadly tobacco and the most ignorant drug alcohol.
I feel Thomas is a huge problem due to his wife. She is factually unstable due to Trump and he is the guy who is dealing with Trump cases so if that’s not a conflict then I dont know what is. These justices need reformation.
CNN right on democrats cue, i see! nothing to see over here with the economy, crime, illegal immigration, a war we’ve somehow involved ourselves in with borrowed money, absence of a plan for energy. nah, this election is about voting rights
. nice one.
Supreme Court will remove the crazy thief
Is there a single example of someone over 18 without a criminal record in the United States that has been denied the right to vote?
There are some areas that have historically made it hard to vote, especially for minorities. This time there are reports of MAGA supporters who are intimidating voters. Although they’re not preventing voters, intimidation is against the law.
Yeah duh
Tell CNN+ and Don Lemon I said hey and congrats.
Get ID. Go to polls. Present ID. Vote.
“Laws not only provide concrete benefits; they can even change the hearts of men–some men anyway–for good or evil…The hearts of men do not change of themselves.”
~ Thurgood Marshall (1908-1993, American lawyer and Supreme Court Justice
“A majority of this Court signals that it regards racial discrimination as largely a phenomenon of the past, and that government bodies need no longer preoccupy themselves with rectifying racial injustice…I, however, do not believe this nation is anywhere close to eradicating racial discrimination or its vestiges.”
~ Thurgood Marshall (1908-1993), American lawyer and Supreme Court Justice
Voting in the 2020 election was the adult equivalent of writing a letter to Santa Claus.
Oh man, Santa Clause has dementia? I am sad
Biden needs to add AT LEAST four new members to the Supreme Court, and the sooner the better.
With Biden preparing to step down after Nov 8th, what shall happen to his voters? Re-education camps is a good start, but more could be done.