Voting rights hot topic as states propose restrictive election laws | USA TODAY

Voting laws and voter suppression is front and center again as Congress debates the For the People Act.

Voting rights and the For the People Act are front and center as states like Georgia and Florida pass restrictive laws after pandemic expansions.

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#VotingRights #Election #ElectionLaws


  1. What is so restrictive about checking the ID of the person voting? Our voting integrity must be worked out, before, the next election! Citizens only need apply.

  2. If the covid-19 virus was real then why is the China Biden Administration opening the borders?

    1. @Sun Shine Dead always vote democrat… That is why demonRats demand that the dead not be purged from the voter rolls…. That is also why they resist voter ID….

  3. People will be kicking themselves in few weeks if they miss the opportunity to buy and invest in bitcoin

    1. The stock market has kept many on suspense from My prospective, I think investing in cryptocurrency will be a wise choice.

    2. @Johnston Dan
      That won’t bother you if you trade with a professional like Mr Charles Washington

  4. I object to the Equality Act proposed by the Democratic Party.
    The Equality Act is a lie. From the Father of lies, Save Us, O Lord.
    God created mankind in his image; in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.

  5. Blessed be Jesus Christ, King of the Universe.
    I celebrate the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. 
    EWTN News: On a mission to report the truth. God bless the United States of America.

  6. Because even though media try to tell you this was the most secured election we know that is not a fact! Laws that ensure only legally registered citizens vote is not restricted unless you wanted unregistered people to vote .

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