Voting Rights Groups Have An Ally In The Fight Against GOP Voter Suppression | The Last Word | MSNBC

43 state legislatures are considering bills to restrict voting rights, and voting advocates fighting back – pressuring large corporations to stand up against disenfranchisement. Cliff Albright, co-founder of Black Voters Matter, says that just like in the 2020 election, the will of the people will win. “We’re going to out-organize them, we’re going to get this law repealed, and we’re going to expand voting rights all across this country. They can’t stand in the way of the wave of history.” Aired on 04/03/2021.
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Voting Rights Groups Have An Ally In The Fight Against GOP Voter Suppression | The Last Word | MSNBC


    1. Laws can be changed? They may have signed them in, but they can be changed? And, the people in these states, who stand to lose work opportunities? They need to get together and protest Voter Suppression laws!

  1. Need to also pressure the companies of these top richest 1%……they wield the power to turn this around!!

    1. @Sugar Shane isn’t it crazy to watch this transformation right before our eyes?

      The movie idiocracy is brought to life by democrats.

    2. @Jake N Bake they have ditched the working class for the elites. They are fascists, they just don’t know it yet.

    3. What kind of fool wants private corporations toying with our government more than they already do.

    1. Imagine being so dumb… that you think requiring an I.D. for mail in ballots is racist… because somehow minorities can’t get an I.D… from the same terrible government run DMVs… whether you are rich or poor. Imagine being so dumb as to think making illegal to hand out water and food at a polling station is racist (you could maybe…. bring your own water and food like an adult).

  2. *If you ever feel like your vote doesn’t count , please ask yourself why are republicans trying so hard to suppress it* .

    1. @D M DemonRatParty says no need for ID to vote and okay for no IDs when crossing illegally into this country, but “vaccination passport” will be needed by Americans to leave their house? What?

    2. I know you are just being a whiny karen but, just in case, you know you would have the biggest law suit case in US history if your vote was truly suppressed? It would be the largest global event ever. Fortunately, we know otherwise…..its your karen that is the biggest event globally.

    1. @D M . Imagine using ID statistics to suppress votes cause you only serve donors and only get votes with lies about cutting taxes for regular people.
      Imagine believing a party that, for the last 4 decades, used lopsided tax cuts to effectively shift the tax burden towards the middle class and Still keep believing them!!

    2. Ha,ha,ha. Citizens United was a great idea when it was all about denying gays a wedding cake. Now! Not such a great idea eh? Republicans never think ahead!

    3. @Egon Pax And yet it was 5 conservative justices appointed by Bush, GW Bush, and Reagan who all voted that campaign donations from corporations are “free speech,” and it was the 4 justices appointed by Obama, Ford, and Clinton who opposed it.
      Gee, it’s almost as if you have no idea what you’re even talking about. How dumb that makes you look! 😅😂

  3. “They can’t stand in the way ” is right . They’re gonna get run over by people who live in the 21st century .

    1. @Mr Rey Democracy? Georgia is now about as democratic as North Korea. The only difference is the name of the committee that decides the winners.

    2. @Mark Willoughby LOL, you don’t even know what fascism is. Fascism is a far right system of government where a committee of the ruling party determines the winner of elections. See Grand Council of Fascism, Italy 1922-43. Guess what state in the US just passed a law putting their State Legislature into that exact same role? Take your time.

    3. @Jarry Sciligo a gross exaggeration which leads me to believe you are a screaming karen in search of redemption after being fed cow manure for trying to blackmail him with corporations and woke/cancel communism. …….I luv it!!!

    4. @Jarry Sciligo state legislatures have always been in charge of their own election laws. You know what sounds like facism? “How an elite shadow cabal helped fortify the election”.

    1. Imagine being so dumb… that you think requiring an I.D. for mail in ballots is racist… because somehow minorities can’t get an I.D… from the same terrible government run DMVs… whether you are rich or poor. Imagine being so dumb as to think making illegal to hand out water and food at a polling station is racist (you could maybe…. bring your own water and food like an adult).

    2. Well it would make sense since democrats are so racist, wouldn’t surprise anyone even a little bit. 🤦🏽‍♀️

    1. Your corporate leaders helped did they not??? who do you think runs congress??? you seem to be the type that will say anything no matter what your policy is. sort of like a sheep on drugs type or a karen sheep, one of the two….

    2. when the woke karens scream for far too long, its time to put ear plugs in, plow ahead, leave them behind, and cancel them……..

    1. @Tessmage Tessera I didn’t dodge your question. I’m sorry if you are not a democrat. Democrats react to everything emotionally without paying attention to details. Politicians do lie. If they tell you something, try to research it before reacting. I have never seen where voter ID is racist or voter suppression. The poorest countries in Africa that are entirely blacks use voter ID. How black people in America can’t vote with ID is strange. Anyone against voter ID is encouraging election fraud. Blacks use ID to open bank account and every other thing. How they can’t get ID to vote should give you reasons to questions the lies the democratic party is pushing in the Media.

    2. @Tessmage Tessera Again, the bill signed into law doesn’t prohibit Sunday voting. It only prohibit political actors from using water and foods to influence voters who are on the line.

    3. @MRJTV talk about reacting emotionally…I think conservatives better think first before reacting emotionally.

    4. @MRJTV so you think it’s unfair to change your mind about who you will vote for and honestly that it’s that easy to change someone’s mind ?
      You are as out of touch as the monsters you worship.

    5. @Tessmage Tessera The bill doesn’t prohibit food or water in lines, you can bring it with you or election workers can give it to you, just not a rep of either party, the bill doesn’t prohibit voting on Sundays..

    1. Seriously! We need more people voting. People can’t even get water now while waiting in line. How can they not let more people vote? They should split these high traffic precincts. Or add more machines. I’m not sure how people don’t support this.

    2. I assume then you support no ID for anything then. I mean if it’s racist suppression to require ID to vote it’s clearly suppression to show ID to drive, buy alcohol, prove your identity, verify employment and prove you got vaccinated.

  4. Yeah these CEO of these companies in GA.are just saying the right Talking Point Boycott now until you hit there bottom line

    1. @David Patton . Is that sarcasm!? How can an honest person support ID voter laws while congress members are printing up fake IDs?? Disgraceful

  5. People are sick of the information that the Noticias stations provide us. And the information that they don’t let us know about

  6. They need excuses for their failing bottom line because they continue to offend working men and women, these corporations are forcing employees and public to their political needs, we can’t let big government and big corporations to rule us.

  7. Isnt there a word for governments that accept money from corporations to work against the interests of it citizens?

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