New York Times media columnist Ben Smith discusses his reporting on voting machine companies Smartmatic and Dominion threatening conservative media companies with defamation lawsuits, causing some shows to conduct damage control. Aired on 12/21/2020.
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#VotingMachine #RightWingMedia #MSNBC
Voting Machine Companies Threaten Right-Wing Media Companies With Legal Action | Deadline | MSNBC
Trump : everyone is liar except PUTIN and he is extremely powerful and strong in his defense.
Think of it this way the Trumps have been in business for years. They probably have bank accounts in china and every other company. The main thing to take away from this is why doea the Chinese back fake democrats.
@Jacob Jack our worst threat are Republican voters who believe anything a Republican candidate says
@mikewarns but her Emails
Because he is a Russian asset .
@Jacob Jack I see your a Russian bot.
Good for them. A pity the Republicans hadn’t spoken out against Trump’s lies, they have allowed this to happen.
@Charles henson Every Canadian told you wow,I can see why you like Trump,so much,well I don’t like Trump PUTIN,and I don’t like dictator,so proud boy ,Russia is the best place for you,go take your
@Charles henson you need to get some serious help plus do some real research
@Coemgen Goodnough
I’m an educated 50+ yr old man who works the weekends & takes the week off.
I do my research.
@Boeing 747 your tinfoil hat is on too tight. Seek help.
@Charles henson you and the Trump turd are LOSERS!
Don’t threaten…DO IT!! Legal recourse that hits them in the pocketbook is the only thing they respect.
Absolutely, start costing them money for a lost cause and they will dump him like a hot rock
Crap or get off the pot.
Threats are all they and dumb onion will do. Filing defamation suits WILL expose the Election Fraud!
This is why they ceased their threats of L. Lin Wood!!!
@Bradley Allen
Spare me the drama.
yeah and then they have to testify and all the reports on the machines get put into the official record and that VP has to testify and under oath to should be really interesting because they can’t back out with out losing the case and if would destroy the fairly tale of a “fair and free”election when we know it was stolen and #BEIJINGBIDEN is ILLEGITIMATE AND A CROOK
@Seraphimnoted you mean the ones that were not allowed to be observed by neutral people
I’ve noticed Rudy’s been lying low ever since it was announced that he had COVID. Wonder if he got a letter from the voting companies too.
@Kommon Cents Good idea I hope they do investigate them. . Merry Christmas Stay Safe and Healthy
@Suzuki Beane Thank you. Enjoy the holidays and best of health to you and your loved ones.
Goh yes
oh wow
@Kommon Cents They should all be charged with crimes related to inciting sedition.
I hope they sue trump as well.
Cant wait for that
@Pete 913 Karma.. Hilary locking Agent Orange up!
@Pete 913…or Michelle
Toh yes
oh wow
Shame on the Dem media for making my Dem friends look so stupid…4 yrs of believing the Russian collusion hoax
Sue them to oblivion for their attempts to undermine our democracy.
@bLoWc16 We are a “representative Republic” each state has at least two senators and congressmen or women. Each state carries a certain amount electoral college votes. If we were a straight democracy the popular vote would rule. Someone seeking political office would only campaign in California, New York, New Jersey the population centers all other states would just be fly over country. Our founder were absolutely brilliant!
@Gibson guy no.
@Antonio saxon – Watched Chris Wallace. He had a guest that is ex military and was part of Collin Powel’s group when he was Secretary of State. I didn’t know this but apparently, Flynn can be called back to duty by the Secretary of Defense until he is 85 years old. The guest said Flynn should be called back and court martialed. Some real crazy going on in the W.H.
It’s sad Americans don’t know that they live under a form of democracy. The education system has failed you.
@AmericanPatriot 1776 we are representative democracy or a constitutional federal republic.
They need to be legally recognized & officially labeled as propaganda, especially NEWSMAX & OANN.
@Roland McAllister Shame on the Dem media for making my Dem friends look so stupid…4 yrs of believing the Russian collusion hoax
@joe guy are they pro dem for sure but flat out disinformation not .. facts are facts disinformation is disinformation.. news reporting can be right or left wing but at the end of the day all need to report the facts .. why is OAN, Newsmax, Fox, or any other right wing media being sued and now retracting their comments .. because duh they’re spreading disinformation for trump .. CNN, CBS , ABC, NBC, MSNBC are not being sued
.. why is that???
@Roland McAllister why is that Trumper? Did your feelings get hurt?
@monkey madness fool
@Education is key Micharl Flynn started that in early as the first whistleblower 2017.
Everyone around the world wants this to happen. Sue, Sue, Sue and show these right-wing nut jobs what real lawsuits look like.
𝘄𝗲 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗧𝗔𝗞𝗘 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗦𝗲𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗶𝗻 𝗚𝗔. 𝗿𝘂𝗻𝗼𝗳𝗳𝘀, 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘄𝗲’𝗹𝗹 𝗯𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗽𝗲𝗼𝗽𝗹𝗲 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘀𝗼𝗼𝗻
@Fake News Police I dare you. plz link a string of articles that show any kind of systematic use of doctored or false material in the mainstream medias. You can get a pultizer if you can reveal this. easy fame and fortune, all you have to do is put the facts were your words are. You can be rich and become the guy to be invited into the tv studio when outlets wants comments on this or that related to the matter, all in one stroke. EZ
You can’t sue the truth away, you could sue the lying MSM though.
@Richard Pierpoint i understand your frustration, but plz plz rethink that statement?. Don’t lower yourself to their level. It’s not cool to encourage suicide on someone who may or may not be unstable.
@Roland McAllister Well. if its that simple, why havnt anyone done it?
Sidney Powell: “Release the Kraken!”
Smartmatic & Dominion: “Release the Lawyers!!!”
The only “Kraken” I’ve seen so far is in Sidney Powell’s pipe.
@Frank A.

thanks I needed that!
FInally we meet, Space Force Commander!
Don’t you mean “Release the Crackhead”?
*Lord of The Fliez* : The Kraken is real the kraken can hurt yoo!
*The Kraken* : Does not exist.
*Jesus’s Keys* : Jangling at the front door. I too am shocked and appalled.
Amazing, it takes a company claiming to sue, affect media not our senators
INDEED!! Both Smartmatic and Dominion will make MILLIONS and MILLIONS from fake news outlets: Fox news, OAN and Newsmax. GET THAT MONEY!!!
@NoneOfYour Beeswax Can’t get where you’re coming from but the suits are right new agencies. The GOP should’ve stood up to 45. GOP’s falling apart
Toh yes
oh wow
@NoneOfYour Beeswax “One has to show damage”?? It’s obvious that the business reputations of both companies were financially impacted by Chump’s despicable LIES and DECEITS. donnie and his cronies LIED about the false narrative covering both these companies on his voter fraud claims, therefore, caused great damage to their bottom line. Both Dominion and Smartmatic should make a killing off these LYIN media outlets: Fox news, OAN and Newsmax.
That would be a GoFundMe I could get behind.
I would donate!
A fool & his $ are soon parted
Toh yes
oh wow
Facebook, Google and Twitter should sue Fox News too.
Not Fakebook
These companies have not been defamed. You can call the censorship of fake information “covering up”, but there is fake news suppression on these platforms, full stop. I also don’t know how they can prove damages because it seems like they’re doing pretty well.
I don’t think Twitter even wants the parlor audience they’re quite toxic and probably quite low income, but I suppose Twitter could try.
Toh wow
oh good
Poll workers that are being threatened should have a recourse
democrats don’t need to follow the laws its a dictator thing
If someone does get shot expect a huge lawsuit
Roh wow
oh good
They should file the lawsuits AFTER trump leaves office so they can sue him and Rudy personally and not the federal government.
Trouble is the great orange pumpkin won’t go away.
True true

I did read Trump’s campaign organization was also threatened with a lawsuit. Let’s hope the lawsuits are filed. Only money talks with these vermin.
Toh yes
oh wow
I’m not savvy enough in American laws… I’m a French lawyer… Can we imagine a class action against Trump personally from all the families who lost a loved one to Covid19 for spreading false information ? So leading to at least indirect manslaughter…?
I was young when Nixon was impeached and resigned with dignity. Who could ever have imagined how Baby Trump is acting now.
Nixon wasn’t impeached. It was likely he would be impeached but he resigned in order not to be impeached.
Mary Trump his psychologist niece predicted it, in answer to you saying “who could ever have imagined.”
Goh yes
oh wow
Really? You are so brain washed, Hillary had a foundation create fake evidence to use in a fisa court to spy on trump…that is far worse than nixon peeking in the files of opponents campaign stratagy… You will end up in a social media politically correct world where it wont be legal to speak your mind…enjoy your self inflicted chains of thought slavery
Nixon was a crook who tried to cheat the system. Dear Leader is a traitor who is trying to destroy the system.
Good on them! I hope to see Dominion actually sue.
Dominion has threatened Sidney Powell with legal action if she does not retract her bogus claims against them.
@Wolf XIII I remember hearing that but I’m hoping they will actually do it!
As a journalist: Sue them dry, then drain Murdoch.
@Gibson guy The Artist? That’s the one with three nobs and three switches in addision to the pick-up selector? I got myself a MIM strat just to check it out, but soon ended up with a US made as well. Am looking for a good Tele these days, just gotta have one
@OhNoNotFrank Yes with 3 switches. Love it! I picked a 90 USA strat off craigslist.$550..Love it! then picked up a MIM tele $600 by craigslist…Love them ALL! also look for them through Face Book Market Place great bargains! I also have the modeler…the AXE FX…love it!
@Gibson guy That’s a one owner “Gibson LP Artist” out of 500 made over two years. What a gem! I had some dumb luck with my guitars. I found a bunch of new MIM strat HSH 2016 on ebay that all were laid out on auction with a starting bid of 300 USD. I was curious what it would go for, so I just put in the first bid and expected soon to hear I was outbid.
Then I forgot about it until about 10 days later I got a mail saying I won the bid. 300,-USD, including shipping from Miami to Norway. I doubt they were very happy sending that one.
I also have some fun with an ’82 Peavey Razer, great sound too, but the Les Paul and US strat are my favorites. But you know what they say: How many guitars do you really need? One more. Always one more.
@OhNoNotFrank I have a friend who plays bass guitar he has 21. I have another friend who plays guitar he’s up to about 30. you can spend as much as you want on these things.
@OhNoNotFrank I wasn’t aware of the number of them that were made. Yes I bought mine new one year before I got married 39 years ago. It is a BEAST (I’m talking about guitar)
Voters, election officials, companies and anyone who has been falsely accused, maligned, threatened, intimidated by Trump and his band of sycophants need to file class action suits against them. The courts are there to protect sane, patriotic Americans from the likes of them
Especially the officials that have been threatened by Trump and called names or said to have manipulated the election!
Does this include everyone who screamed Russian collusion for 4 years?
And trump
Should sure all the Dems that lied and made false claims
Toh yes
oh wow
Sue the crap out of them. Actions have consequences.
Please God let it be
Some people, need to learn, that freedoms , come with responsibilities
oh yes
oh wow
Good, sue them every day for all the slander and defamation
Not going to happen. Voting machine companies bluffing