Voting By Mail, In Person Split Along Party Lines, Polling Shows | Morning Joe | MSNBC

A majority of Democratic voters prefer to cast their ballot by mail while a majority of Republican voters prefer to do so in person, according to new polling from Politico and Morning Consult. Jake Sherman discusses. Aired on 08/05/2020.
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Voting By Mail, In Person Split Along Party Lines, Polling Shows | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. M A Thanks for the link. Wow isn’t that a prime example of propaganda. That is incredible. Nothing but fanning the flames of fear and paranoia of those who have been filled by the hate, bitterness and rage of the main stream media. Thanks for the link. What a great example of modern political propaganda.
      Whenever we see this we must be constantly reminded of the warnings from WikiLeaks that the main stream media is in bed with the corrupt and entrenched political class and the globalist.

    2. My fellow Americas and true
      Patriots, we cannot allow Donald Trump to steal the upcoming election, and I
      believe there are four keys to preventing this:

      1. Verify your voter registration status!!

      County clerks in Republican districts across the country
      fraudulently purge voter rolls of legitimate Democrat voters prior to each


      In the 2014 mid-term election, I arrived at my local polling station
      only to discover I was no longer registered to vote, even though I had been a
      resident of my county and living at the same address for seven years. I was
      forced to cast a “provisional ballot,” which I suspect was not counted in the
      final vote tally. Since then, I have always verified my voter registration
      status well ahead of upcoming elections to ensure I have time to re-register in
      case of any Republican shenanigans.

      2. Vote early.

      In Republican states, there
      will no doubt be attempts to suppress voter turnout in Democratic districts by
      limiting the number of polling stations and reducing polling hours. This will
      likely be under the guise of protecting voters and polling workers from
      Covid-19 exposure. Laws no doubt vary by state. In Texas, voters must vote at
      their designated polling location on Election Day. However, during the early
      voting period, voters can vote at any open polling location in their county of
      residence. This makes it more difficult for Republicans to target Democratic
      districts for poll closures and restricted hours. Find the early voting laws
      for your state, and vote as early as possible. This will point you in the right

      3. Use no-excuse absentee voting in states
      where it is available. “No excuse absentee voting” means you can request an
      absentee ballot from your state or county election official for any reason. Currently,
      29 states offer no excuse absentee voting, including the most crucial swing
      states: Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin. If your state is
      on this list, request an absentee ballot and mail it no later than October 20th
      to ensure it is received and counted:

      4. Please do not waste your vote.

      Yes, my fellow Americans, I am also frustrated by the two-party system, and I
      understand the appeal of underdog third-party candidates. You must realize,
      however, that a vote for a third-party candidate is effectively a vote for
      Trump. Don’t believe me? Just look at the numbers. Two states, Florida and
      Wisconsin, tipped the Electoral College for Trump in 2016. Trump won Florida by
      113,000 votes and Wisconsin by a mere 23,000 votes. The top two third-party
      candidates, Gary Johnson and Dr. Jill Stein, captured 271,000 combined votes in
      Florida and 137,000 combined votes in Wisconsin. According to exit polls, the
      overwhelming majority of these votes were from disenfranchised Liberal voters
      who refused to vote for Hillary Clinton. Like many of you, Joe Biden is not my
      preferred candidate. “Liz 2020” was my dream ticket. Nevertheless, we
      must be united in taking back our country and making America sane again. Please
      share this message as often as possible from now to Election Day.

      Say “NO” to another four years of fascism.

    3. I have to disagree with your advice about voting early. What happens if you vote for candidate early and then two or three days later you find out that he is embroiled in scandal and controversy. Perhaps Joe’s sexual assault allegations will be supported or his financial ties to Communist China will be exposed. We has our chance with the Trump Russian thing and that fell apart. The revolutionary communist party of the USA just announced support for Joe Biden, not Trump. The head of the communist organization recommended that all of their members vote for Joe. This could be a severe game changer for some Americans.
      You talked about trying to prevent fascism, While communism is far removed from fascism, it is still government control of business industry and people.This is one of the dangers of voting early because anything can happen in politics such as this communist support for Joe..
      I strongly agree that people should check their voter registration status. Make sure your residency is correct make sure your identification is correct make sure you have not been lost in a system that is controlled by both Democrats and Republicans.
      Vote American, support the constitution.

    4. So we don’t get results same day… SO What, we have waited this long to get rid of the orange pimple, we can wait a couple of days, so they can do it right and not rush it.

    5. @T. R. Campbell “It is a serious issue”
      Without any evidence for it and people who were trying to prove it was real were unable to find any significant examples. It’s a non-issue being used to push voter suppression.

  1. That’s because 40% of Americans have bought into a cult of personality. All hail Mango Mussolini 🤦‍♂️

    1. @R L T How about Trump calling Yosemite Park, yo-semites Park yesterday? At least Biden can still read 😂😂

    2. @Chad Clanton If you want to do a gaffe tit for tat between Trump and Mr. Biden Magoo….you’re screwed Chadley. Not a prayer.

    3. My fellow Americas and true
      Patriots, we cannot allow Donald Trump to steal the upcoming election, and I
      believe there are four keys to preventing this:

      1. Verify your voter registration status!!

      County clerks in Republican districts across the country
      fraudulently purge voter rolls of legitimate Democrat voters prior to each


      In the 2014 mid-term election, I arrived at my local polling station
      only to discover I was no longer registered to vote, even though I had been a
      resident of my county and living at the same address for seven years. I was
      forced to cast a “provisional ballot,” which I suspect was not counted in the
      final vote tally. Since then, I have always verified my voter registration
      status well ahead of upcoming elections to ensure I have time to re-register in
      case of any Republican shenanigans.

      2. Vote early.

      In Republican states, there
      will no doubt be attempts to suppress voter turnout in Democratic districts by
      limiting the number of polling stations and reducing polling hours. This will
      likely be under the guise of protecting voters and polling workers from
      Covid-19 exposure. Laws no doubt vary by state. In Texas, voters must vote at
      their designated polling location on Election Day. However, during the early
      voting period, voters can vote at any open polling location in their county of
      residence. This makes it more difficult for Republicans to target Democratic
      districts for poll closures and restricted hours. Find the early voting laws
      for your state, and vote as early as possible. This will point you in the right

      3. Use no-excuse absentee voting in states
      where it is available. “No excuse absentee voting” means you can request an
      absentee ballot from your state or county election official for any reason. Currently,
      29 states offer no excuse absentee voting, including the most crucial swing
      states: Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin. If your state is
      on this list, request an absentee ballot and mail it no later than October 20th
      to ensure it is received and counted:

      4. Please do not waste your vote.

      Yes, my fellow Americans, I am also frustrated by the two-party system, and I
      understand the appeal of underdog third-party candidates. You must realize,
      however, that a vote for a third-party candidate is effectively a vote for
      Trump. Don’t believe me? Just look at the numbers. Two states, Florida and
      Wisconsin, tipped the Electoral College for Trump in 2016. Trump won Florida by
      113,000 votes and Wisconsin by a mere 23,000 votes. The top two third-party
      candidates, Gary Johnson and Dr. Jill Stein, captured 271,000 combined votes in
      Florida and 137,000 combined votes in Wisconsin. According to exit polls, the
      overwhelming majority of these votes were from disenfranchised Liberal voters
      who refused to vote for Hillary Clinton. Like many of you, Joe Biden is not my
      preferred candidate. “Liz 2020” was my dream ticket. Nevertheless, we
      must be united in taking back our country and making America sane again. Please
      share this message as often as possible from now to Election Day.

      Say “NO” to another four years of fascism.

    4. @Real American Thanks for your address to the nation….to your fellow “Americas” LOL. Our Nation can not endure a change to a place-holder candidate who is afflicted with a mental disability and is being controlled by a committee of Marxist Socialists. This will not happen and Joe Biden will be defeated by Donald Trump.

    1. ​@Thomas Cunningham Only 5 States – Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi require an excuse now after 11 former ‘excuse’ States extended eligibility for no excuse.
      So far 8 States plus D.C. are sending all *verified* _eligible_ _registered_ _voters_ ballots *without* request (5 of the States – Washington, Oregon, Utah, Colorado and Hawaii – are designated 100% vote by mail and California (not permanent just COVID 19-related only), Vermont (permanent), Nevada (permanent) and D.C. (permanent) passed legislation recently to do the same).
      All other States (37 in total) do not require an excuse and must _request_ a ballot (identical to absentee except the requesters are not ‘absent’) and must be *verified* _eligible_ _registered_ _voters,_ and these ballots have a “mailing address on request which makes it traceable”.
      Furthermore, in the 8 States plus D.C. where the ballots are sent automatically without a request, those people are *verified* _eligible_ _registered_ _voters_ and these ballots have a “mailing address on request which makes it traceable” (um, how do the Elections Offices get the ballots to these *verified* _eligible_ _registered_ _voters_ ? They all have _mailing_ _addresses_ in the multiple government databases used to develop the *verified* _eligible_ voters list (caveat: the list will also have eligible but unregistered voters who must register first before receiving a ballot, they will not be sent a ballot automatically, they must request one)).
      So, to be clear, every single ballot sent out either automatically or by request (literally absentee or not absent) will have addresses and will be traceable and only to ” *verified* _eligible_ _registered_ _voters_ “.
      The homeless or ‘no fixed address’ people also have options [National Homeless and Low Income Voter Registration Program] – these ballots too will have addresses and are traceable.

    2. @VP A-Team Rather extend the voting time for a week or days than mass mailing. More sense to keep current system and expand time frame. Way better option. Democrats want the chaos and excuses. Debates need to be moved up if mass mailing also. Most votes would be already mailed before they see Biden answer any hard questions

    3. @VP A-TeamU actually think that US postal workers and state and federal workers can compete this? These are same people that held up unemployment cause back log. No ty!!!! Extend voting for couple days or weeks and keep the same format. NY a small district that voted in June just found out today is unacceptable. Democrat chaos!!!

    4. @Thomas Cunningham Funny that you think you have some sort of way to make that happen, Biden is no fool like trump is, he wont take the the bait and he wont give trump the bone he wants!

    1. lol.. we know who is terrified.. the lawless dems..look at the dems ran like a 3rd world cities

    2. Oh bunker boy is afraid all right. He’s afraid the Dems take the Senate and the presidency away but hey, it is what it is!

    1. @jhhayes we all know there will be fraud..the dems illegals that hide in the dems sanctuary cities will vote..

    2. @jeff mcgowan , how old are you, 10? Sounds like Donald has you scared and paranoid, lol
      Last voting FRAUD was committed by Republicans in North Carolina.
      Donald is a cheater in all aspects of life, especially the last election. That is why he is so paranoid of cheating and fraud, lol

    3. ​@jeff mcgowan “illegals” can’t get on the *verified* eligible voter list; therefore, cannot vote. They will not be listed in the National Vital Statistics System as being born in the U.S. and they will not be listed in the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) database as achieving citizenship: therefore, they will not be recognized as an eligible voter.

    4. There must be something the People could do, to stop Trump from delaying the absentee ballots. Now people need to stop Trump from interferring with the election. Trump is creating problems. He wants to sabotage the people’s rights to vote. It’s not fair to the people.

    1. @M D I agree. It’s hard to wrap my head around anyone who would watch him talk, gesture, and deflect and think he cared about justice or anything else but himself. He has been isolated in his life, apart from the working class for so long that he can’t even pronounce “Yosemite” correctly. Didn’t his parents ever take him on a road trip to see the rest of America?

  2. Trump to reporter on the phone: “We have to stop this voting by mail, it is so corrupt… Hold on… Honey, have you mailed my ballot?”

    1. You talking about Biden? He can’t tell his wife from his sister! Both of them are good about changing his Depends though…

    2. @M A Strange, yesterday I just figure out who the Trump trolls were, Jewish. They are from Israel. The wording they use was exactly the words the Trump trolls are using. Put 2 and 2 together. I was blind, but now I can see!

  3. In the meantime, Putin chuckles every time he thinks that America is still wondering if Trump is a Russian agent. “Why make Donnie an agent,” he thinks, “when there’s Fox News.”

    1. Not Putin: Netanyahu. Check out journalist Whitney Webb @_WhitneyWebb she has done extensive research on an l s r a e I i firm called C y b e r e a s o n (ties to Kushner) that has been setting up scenarios for an election disaster where Trump refuses to leave office, millions protests and Martial Law is declared…Honestly: please read✌️👇

    2. @Parslow Pongbert Neither would I. He’s definitely making Putin’s life a lot easier– and ours more difficult. The problem is that so many Americans are hooked on Fox News propaganda hook, line and sinker and think Trump really is “the chosen one.” That’s just flat dangerous, not to mention pure lunacy. Take care.

  4. Start mailing in your ballots as early as possible so that there is no mail crunch the week before Nov. 3rd.

    1. I don’t trust trump postal service and will drive an extra mile to drop off my early ballot directly to the voting center or wait to drop it off at the local ballot box on November 3rd.

    2. I just put the primaries off to the last minute yesterday. What a line! I’m voting the day I get my next ballot. Want them to see this wave coming.

    3. Darth Duane —can’t wait for my long awaited 2020 ballot in the mail either.

      Forget the blue Wave, I feel the BLUE TSUNAMI is coming. 🌊🌊🌊

      We need an overwhelming BLUE ballots in the tune of 100+millions to FLUSH THE TURD out of the WH and clean out the disgusting GOP enablers

    1. @A Republic If You Can Keep It. When the possibility of North Korea developing ICBMs was previously mentioned to him, didn’t he say it was OK if NK nuked California ?

    1. @Richard Brautigan I would disagree that I pretend that. I am hoping and counting on that.
      History should show that Republican senators sold their souls and beliefs to Trump..They were willing to forget all their own values because they were afraid of a weak spoiled little brat.😁

    2. @A Republic If You Can Keep It. a dead fish nailed to a board would get my vote if it meant trump was out of office, plus its polices would make more sense, and could probably string words together better 😉

    3. @Elmosweed I can at least respect that, I disagree I think trump has killed the party for good, BUT i do respect those who back the country regardless of party. That is how it should be…I want ALL trump minion cultist out off office. I will never vote for any republican that serves right now…Romney MAYBE, but I didnt like him when he ran last time, so doubt it. I do respect him more now…but im old enough to remember more then just a couple elections lol AARP sends me junk mail now. I am getting old I hate lt… have a good one.

    4. At least Pres Trump is alive. Joe Biden died of Covid 19 in June. All you see now is a 3D hologram staggering around forgetting where he is and spraying his usual gaffes…That’s good enough for the Dems, but Republicans & Independents are getting suspicious!

    5. @freebirdpv and you are sure trump is alive? I say that is a fake trump actor brought in because the man totally collapsed mentally years ago.
      See anyone can make up any story.. that is why trump does it….you cant PROVE it is wrong, even though you know it is….
      Now put the tin hat back on.

  5. Republicans are literally afraid of a large voter turnout that’s why Trump makes false claims and allegations about fraud that are simply unfounded. Vote Joe

    1. @Highly Medicated Who do u think got the “credit card” bills through? Letting credit card companies to charge 15% or 20%. When banks interest is maybe 5%? Joe Biden

    2. @Ancel Rick If every state votes entirely by mail it would be a recipe for disaster. Should be a combination of absentee, mail in for seniors & those with under lying conditions, at least two weeks early voting, then voting election day. Every state is different.

    3. @Thomas Cunningham like I just said I cannot consciously vote for someone who puts my black people in jail with that BS crime bill. I don’t know what credit cards have to do with this. But if you think interest on a credit card is too high. Don’t get a credit card

    1. @Noles fan89 I can’t wait for the Trump supporters to waddle back to their trailer parks and stop dragging our country down.

    2. @Noles fan89 you see what they WANT you to see..come and talk to the REGULAR ppl of FL NOT WEST PALM BEACH..Boca RATON..AND THOSE PLACES

    1. Thinking President Trump wants an honest election that does not take weeks to determine a winner! New York is still trying to determine who won it’s primary after 6 weeks. Are you bragging about that???

  6. It’s a set up getting his people to vote in person then say that the mail in Democratic votes are fraudulent. Geeesh he thinks everyone is stupid

    1. @janet clough No, let him keep talking his incoherent ‘word salad’: his mouth is his shovel as he digs his own (election) grave. He’s alienating some of his base (the centrist Republicans – like my wife and her family used to be until 2016), just reaffirming the ‘never trumpers’ and inspiring the Democratic voters to be more determined to vote him out. Speak! Mr ‘President’, Speak!

  7. It’s truly astonishing how quickly Republican voters fall in line with the positions espoused by their leaders.

  8. “This will be the most rigged election in history.”, says the guy that begged 3 different countries to help him commit election fraud.

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