NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh says he didn't want to allow the Liberals to blame the opposition for plunging Canada into a pandemic election.
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Did he say “spendemic”
I can’t wait to see everyone’s comments in a short while
. Lemme get my popcorn ready
@Nicole Best
Awesome, don’t give them a dime!
Wait for them to get deleted
@Nicole Best
At least it’s not Kool-aid!
Hurry before they get deleted.
I’m too stoned on Thai Gold.
This country is run by circus clowns.
@wasup fool

Not even close, Justin is 1000X better than Harper and his CONs!!
@Bruce Trappleton circus clown….
@Joe Reid You are a literal simpleton. Goodbye.
I guess someone like you would know what a clown is when you see one.
Don’t make fun of yourself — sweetie. not nice
Like you, clown.
Singh has lost all credibility, it makes sense though: he’ll do anything to be like Trudeau.
@hardy83 Yep. I love how we pretend that this isn’t a two party system.
Expand your thinking.
Think Parliamentary politics.
He just saved you from a Liberal majority bud, they would’ve won in a landslide
Everyone is for sale at the right price….some far more cheaply than others.
If only there was some other electoral system that could even the balance of power out…
Not surprised… Before the election he straight up said he would side with Trudeau no matter what if it was against Conservatives… The ignorance and bias is real..
@CplLe52irRC it’s exactly what the constituents voted for. I’m not NDP but I understand politics is opinion based and every Canadian is entitled to theirs no matter what it is.
@Susan Teeter Not me! I voted NDP for the party to be able to make up it’s own mind and represent the constituents under the NDP banner, not the Lieberal’s! If they’re continually going to cave to the Lieberal’s idealism, my vote is wasted.
Isn’t that the exact same thing the Conservatives say and do against the Liberals? They all do it, that is politics. So ignorance and bias is real by all parties then. Maybe one day we won’t have democracy and we will be governed by a group called Happy Canada Party or some along those lines. Kind of scary.
No one wants another conservative running the country
I would not give my vote to the PCs either anyone but them
Jagmeet forgot the part about how his party is 30 million dollars in debt and can’t afford an election because they’ll lose so many seats.
All the more reason to have an election now.
How do parties make money? Ca someone explain please?
@Ahmed Mostly through donations, where individuals donate and receive tax-credits or membership fees, where you pay to be a member of a certain political party and are able to vote in party leadership elections.
@Evan Morrison thanks! Seems like a decent system actually. Better than corporations and organizations “donating”.
@TCV12 how? no seriously hwo would Trudeau win a majority in this time?
Singh likes his cushy job. He is in no hurry to lose it.
I was referring to the number of seats the NDP won.
2004- 19 seats
2006- 29 seats
2008- 37 seats
2011- 103 seats
2015- 44 seats
2019- 24 seats
So as I said, 2019 under J. Singh, the NDPs worst performance since 2004
@J Parish not with the WE scandal following Trudeau.
@0880 Zero The CEO and VPs of oil companies give themselves crazy benefits and salaries……
@twelvepack101 I’m tired of our corrupt government that won’t answer even one question. That’s not democracy. That’s a dictatorship.
Trudeau must go.
Can you do better? id love to see you try or just leave and dun come bk
Singh already said during the 2019 debates that if he was Prime Minister he would literally never agree with the conservatives on anything, ever. At least he’s keeping one of his campaign promises lmao
Exactly. Mindless thing to say when you’re supposed to pretend to represent Canadians. So in other words, conservatives negotiate something rational that would benefits all (miraculously) and hes gonna disagree? Nice logic singh or whatever his name is
He represents the party of labour in Canada, so its literally his job to oppose the party of business.
@Dan Vetor cons have become too polarized, I would’ve voted con if they were decent, no offense. Now I’m liberal.
@Ray Weiss Thinking like that is why the Americans still haven’t gotten a new covid relief bill.
They’re all in cahoots. Theatre actors. Some of them literally.
If Trudeau stopped suddenly in the halls of Parliment, do you think he’d taste Jagmeet Singh?.
Politics is for the feeble
@Jerry bookkeeper Why would that be? If you don’t have an answer please say, “I don’t have an answer.”
Shame on Singh, what a gutless move. And this is why the NDP will remain irrelevant at the polls.
Irrelevant at the poles but they hold all of the power! What a terrible system…
@wais_45 they were very relevant was jack laton was the leader of the ndp
Jak off is what he is
@Pepper Shaker Doubt it will….looks like a big win with a majority government rated at 90% a certainty
Gotta like all the posts declaring how irrelevant the NDP are……not sure what you just watched but I saw a leader of a party NOT fall into the same trap the Liberals did when they got their non confidence vote on Harpers Conservatives and an election in 2011. That election saw Harper get his majority government. All you Conservative clowns are so sure you will get to form government that you are willing to risk a majority Liberal government should you be wrong? Christ your narrow understanding of the situation is hilarious
You’re a coward Singh… you’ve endorsed the most corrupt government this country has ever seen.
@warren gress Yeah you sound like a paid Chinese troll, get out of here, what kind of Canadian takes offense to “bud”
No Canadian, that’s who.
Actually, Harper was more corrupt.
@J Parish How much free money are you getting a month from Truturd?
Birds of a feather.
To be honest, the LPC under Chretien were quite corrupt too… not sure if they are worst now, but certainly not far behind.
he knows they will lose seats, this guy is a joke
we don’t need an election right now. the country voted for a minority liberal government and these clowns need to make it work
Stay salty righty. lol
Can’t wait for the comments to get deleted. Usually that’s what happens
Yep, I’m keeping their moderators in a job.
We can’t have civil society if we don’t censor wrong think
Conspiracy nutter. Grow up.
Jack Layton was a bulldog. This guy is a little hamster.
If only he lived to knock Harper out instead of Trudeau……..
Yes, Layton made them stay on their toes. The quality of everything has gone downhill.
I am sure he is rolling in his grave looking at how Jabmeat is not standing up to this corruption!!!
@Ted Legault Bro you share last names with one of the biggest losers in my province, don’t start talking about names
Jack Layton was “given” cancer.
weak clown
Missing an s at clown; they both are
Be the change You want to see
Yes! If There’s a will – always a way.
They will always use covid as an excuse!!!!! There all puppets
So the party that came in fourth place in the election has all of the power? Great system….
He just lost any chance of me ever voting for him.
well, he just gained my vote.
And my mothers for a matter of fact.
@Picturetaker Was considering. But clearly he is too spineless. Anyone who trusts or supports a corrupted liar like Trudeau doesn’t get any respect from me.
@Justin W Wowee
“we’re not going to give the liberals the elections they want” so we’re going to vote with the liberals