Two United States Senators are accused of selling millions in stock after receiving information on the coronavirus. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, an author of the 2012 Stock Act to prevent insider trading in Congress, joins MSNBC’s Ari Melber to discuss the reported misconduct from her colleagues on Capitol Hill. (This interview is from MSNBC’s “The Beat with Ari Melber, a news show covering politics, law and culture airing nightly at 6pm ET on MSNBC. ). Aired on 03/20/2020.
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Virus Scandal: Senators Accused Of Profiting Off Coronavirus Info | MSNBC
When this is over I hope people take a good look at the American system. There’s more than one virus active. Greed is also debilitating.
tarrah irwin how did I forget to reply to this point? Capitalism is built upon the workers voluntarily being employed by someone who found an answer for demand to succeed in the voluntary decisions of private purchasers. Monopolies are not free market they are a violation of the separation of powers that follow the individuality of nature we all should respect. We should all fix that together and start the process with the already agreed upon law of the Constitution we don’t always follow. A bigger Marxist monopoly of potentially all private decision in market and property will not only bring the problems of monopoly that exist today, but all the potentials of abuse of unquestioned power beyond what’s already been corrupted by too few with too much. I want America to mean freedom again.
We no longer use an abacus anymore, people! Laws passed in 1959 may no longer be relevant in 2020, but are still referred to. For example, laws referring to employment/employer/employees are outdated and really don’t include Provisions for independent workers.
I’ve heard and seen comments all over the Internet about how the general public believes that terms should be limited for members of Congress and Senate. Have any Candidates that you’ve had to vote for in the past few years ever brought that idea up? I bet not. So how do you go about getting that changed? Do members of Congress and their (minor) children still get free health insurance and free college education (and other little perks)? Isn’t their salary enough? I personally think that once elected, they’re not so concerned about what their voters want anymore.
It’s really sad that America has come to this . Greed . That’s all it is.
I want see it in my lifetime I’m sure, but things have needed to change in Washington for years.
maybe not two weeks.
@Leonel Ventura see
That’s what life is mainly about, M.O.N.E.Y. . . .
GOP = Greed Over People
Good one!!!
Don’t forget Government Of Putin. KAG! Kremlin Approved Government!
Diane Feinstein also did this. MSNBC won’t tell you that a Democrat is also guilty of this
@A.G Wrong again. Her trades were conducted under a blind trust. Which Trump refused to do. She is not in control of the money. Ever get tired of being wrong?
The eight Senators who voted against the coronavirus relief package on Wednesday.
Marsha Blackburn (R-TN)
Jim Inhofe (R-OK)
James Lankford (R-OK)
Mike Lee (R-UT)
Rand Paul (R-KY)
Ben Sasse (R-NE)
Tim Scott (R-SC)
Ron Johnson (R-WI)
All republicans.
Keep these eight deplorables in your memories come November. They voted against you, so it’s only right that you vote against them.
Debbie Nina Boc at least, at the end; he chose the right! In the famous word of lieutenant Colonel Vindman. Right matters!
Fancy Brooks

Marsha Blackburn voted against even here.Does she votes for anything?
Diane Feinstein too! She’s a Democrat!
This is scary stuff when man doesn’t help mankind!
It’s just a slimier version of inside trading.
Martha Stewart went to jail for it & never put anyone’s life at risk.
Torches & Pitchforks, please.
They should have the door kicked down of their offices dragged out like the criminal SCUM they really are. What they did is wrong just WRONG
very well said , a virus of this magnitude is a weapon of people of destruction .90% of the people of the united states , know there incompetent . lets make it 100% the question is how many of them are involved . there is a saying, they think they could .they never stop to think weather they should .
US corporations sold out America, and now we are dying because of it:
Well but she s a woman…a “valuable employee ” even.
And you thought these grifters got themselves elected to SERVE the people?
HAHAHA etc..
What about his children and their spouses??? Understand the Kushners made between 25 and 50 million on stock after the tax cut was passed, and they were pushing for the bill to be passed.
You should be asking to see Dian Finstines tax accounts. She just sold her whole portfolio. But this fake news guy isn’t going to tell the people that. You should look at Maxine Waters paper trail as well. Let’s not forget Nancy Palosi and Adam Schiff
Yeah John Bishop, conveniently leaving some of those career crooks out of this report. Can you imagine DiFi is nearly 138 years old, a millionaire, and still involved in money making scandals.
@John Bishop yeah just like your hero Trump use the “what about” argument to deflect the TRUTH. The question is why is Trump the ONLY President not to disclose his tax returns or put his assets in a blind trust.
Just ANSWER that question FIRST!!!!
Don Greenlee wow, That’s what you’re worried about? our president’s taxes? Did you ever ask yourself how it is that all of these senators and representatives are millionaires? They are paid $140,000 salary a year. If you want to see some tax returns you should look at Nancy Pelosi Diane Feinstein Maxine Waters and so on. I suppose you think it’s OK to Weaponized the agencies of our nation to attack a political party also. Maybe you should look at what was going on with Christopher steel John Brennan James Comey and Loretta Lynch Bill Clinton Adam Schiff peter struck Lisa page the list is very deep
When you elected a clown, the clown gonna bring the circus
YEA! The are all in the circus! its a muppet show, and never forget Scooters’ uncle owns the theater!
Dems network

Dems did nt do nothing 

if looooks like duck acts like a duck, so it must be duck
Greed will eat America
He must resign Today or we will force him Out of his seat, this is a federal crime during a pandemic.
Me thinks you will have to vote him out of office, for sure he will not resign, too ignorant and self interested.
Have a Senate Trial with the Head Kangaroo John Roberts presiding
Include Dems Nancy Pelosi and Susan Davis and the others.
@Electoral College Enslaved Alumni didn’t we do that already
@irgski you need to pull your maga hat over just a tiny bit so your trashole gets shaded from the view of the other children in the daycare.
Republicans are and have always been crooks in the last 20+ years!
Citizen’s United must be reversed and Kavanaught and Gorsuch should recuse themselves from the bench.
“HONEST POLITICIANS” – now there is an oxymorom if ever there was one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Genie: “Can change that wish? How about letting the sun rise from the west instead?”

It’s not that there aren’t honest, or at least relatively honest politicians in the world. It’s just that with so much money in US politics, and American culture being so centred around greed, there’s really no honest politicians in the US. Well except for maybe Bernie, which is one reason why the establishment of both parties hate him, and completely resist the idea of him being given any sort of chance to gain more influence.
“Lock them up”…springs to mind…….(but then again, this is the US, what do you expect…?)
I don’t expect much.
Get a load of the ‘pump and dump’ scheming going on in the trump administration! … that is the open blatant hyping of stock while surreptitiously selling at the same time. trump and the people around him are as corrupt as they come.
all of those Republicans are of a higher crime and distortion of anything there involvements. we would of had these diseases come out more around the time when Democrats had controlled our country. but only know in a election year this has came out. something very fishy going on here.
problem is this government does NOT work for the people
It never did! You are the Indians now! Poetic Justice!
The people are not in charge. What say do we actually have with anything.
People are not corporations! Silly taxpayer.
Corporations are people
@Fossil Diver As Fascist as Apple pie
These crooks, no matter what party they’re in, need to be indicted for insider trading!!!!!!!!!!!!
They have been doing it for over my lifetime on the surface.
@Kurt Barlow Finally, somebody that sees what is happening. Thank you. The people endorse the behaviors they have tolerated.
@Fifer McGee And thats the problem, you think there is something better to replace them with.
They won’t. They should, but they wont.
You failled to name that political party that you are talking about. It is the Republican party, as they are the ones that are currently in power.
I had always heard that profiting during a national emergency is one of the most heinous crimes, and is punishable by imprisonment and fines!
Scalawags; carpetbaggers
Havent seen any heinous crimes brought to justice at the top…some henchmen
John De Lamontaigne smh trump made money off 9/11 so our justice system sucks
This is only true when it concernes someone else. The USA is the hypocritical capital world wide.
These senators aren’t aimply accused – they actually liquidated their stocks. It’s the record
Keep in mind
Theses ‘ Senators
Are the one’s
Who Saved
Donald Trump.
‘ High Crimes ‘
Evelyn Holmes don’t forget Diana Feinstein was involved to
The money aspect of this is criminal. Hiding the expected impact of this virus from the public is downright evil.
Well this is just the real American way, personal profit, at any expense.