Dr. Marc Boom, CEO of Houston Methodist in Houston, discusses the dramatic rise in patients since Memorial Day and why he is urging the public to wear masks when outside. Aired on 07/07/2020.
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Virus Is 'Spreading Rapidly' Through Houston, Says Doctor | Morning Joe | MSNBC
we got no covid-19 in new Zealand. it is great not to have to worry. and life is pretty much back to normal. if it was not for my concern for all my American friends i would be happy. stay safe and wear a mask be indoors if you can.
You had one new case 3days ago
@CaliforniaNewYork CaliforniaNewYork ok..
@CaliforniaNewYork CaliforniaNewYork you had 7,000.000 3 days ago
@CaliforniaNewYork CaliforniaNewYork OK FYI all the cases you see reported are returning Kiwis who have tested positive whilst in managed border entry isolation.
All our clusters are closed and there has been no detected community spread for 67days.
All entries to NZ are released from isolation after 2 weeks and tested negative.
CaliforniaNewYork CaliforniaNewYork We’ve had a number of new cases but they are all returning NZers and they have been caught at the border. We haven’t had any community cases for a long time.
When you listen to Republican politicians rather than science professionals, this is the tragic result.
Get your health advice from doctors and nurses not GOP politicians.
Lloyd Acton Like Cuomo did? Lmfao
@Thomas Cunningham Your grasp of the English language is staggering.
@cableaddict on a phone yes 100%. I don’t proof read but it’s understandable. I will send to u to correct next time.
@Sharon Mickey if u delay care which many young people do is more the reason.
Perhaps now that covid19 has RSVP’d Donald J Trump’s invitation he should explain why every other LEADER on the face of the earth has done a much better job of understanding and dealing with a highly contagious deadly airborne virus than himself.
He did too stupid to be able to explain himself.
@angela harper No he just lost because the moron Bolsonaro who called it “a little flu” just tested positive.
@vandboeffelstill – lower % of cases and deaths per cap than usa, but brazil may get closer; luckily their citizens started believing science and doctors a bit sooner than usa did
@angela harper Yes it is a sad sort of competition to take part in. Brazil has a younger and not so obese population as USA, so that might help them, but their health system is much worse.
Interesting that 2 of the 3 “world leaders” mentioned above (Trump, Bolsonaro, and Bozo Bojo) have had or have covid-19. Bozo was dangerously ill, in intensive care. We don’t know how Bolsonaro will do. Changed Bozo’s attitude for a few weeks, but it didn’t last, unless I missed something.
Trump hasn’t killed someone on 5th avenue and gotten away with it. He’s killed 131 thousand Americans and counting and gotten away it.
I don’t support him, but how is he guilty ?
It’s going to take Biden to go in and clean up Trump’s mess.
Wonder Wonderful its going to take ALL OF US TOGETHER. I’m looking forward to it. #biden2020. Let’s just be a country again!!!
@Nurse Blacke Bernie would be best !!! But anything to win the Whitehouse I guess
Richard G you know they’re going to give Bernie some major power! Come on now—-we’ve all learned our lesson! I voted for Bernie in our primary.
Trumps criminal incompetence got us here , only our vote will get us out.
@T. R. Campbell,

the waffling waffler.
Waffle on all you like boy.
No amount of waffling gonna save that traitor dog Trump.
Marcus Garvey Clearly Reagan took a page from our JFK tax plan. Reagan showed the tax breaks for lower and middle income Americans cause a greater positive affect than Lower taxes for the upper class earners.
@T. R. Campbell waffling again there.
Higgs Boson This thread is being terminated because of silliness.
@T. R. Campbell Your drivel is hypnotically nonsensical – your cliches crowd one another like ants in a traffic jam. The FAKE president was a wretched president and a wretched human being BEFORE the virus – and even then, economists were predicting an immanent recession. I hardly watch ANY tv, so your feeble put-down is a non-starter. If you actually believe the economy is going to get “super-charged” between now and Nov 3, remember that at the present level of unemployment, over 250,000 jobs will have to materialize EVERY SINGLE DAY between now and then just to get back to where the economy was already slowing down, and this in a rapidly spiking virus environment. Not gonna happen, in other words. You are a cultist, and your cult leader is TOAST, thank God…
He still can’t bring himself to say trump should be wearing a mask and not make it political
Mamluk because a leader sets an example fool, even though he is a POS and useless him promoting health standards most of the modernized world is doing seems to be the least he could do now. Y’all let him talk about race and etc distracting from the fact people are dying for no reason especially minority communities. Forget his NASCAR bs he will be gone soon in November if y’all aren’t dumb but this virus will be here till next year
@Jonah Falcon ok
He needs to also call out Abbott
He doesn’t want to embarrass Trump voters. He wants everybody or as may as possible to wear a bloody mask.
Look on the bright side, the more the Republicans deny the Corona virus, the more get sick and die, the smaller the party gets.
There is more than just death… There is also the people surviving, but with permanent lung injury… Are those track?
@Corey Anton Thanks. Shared with friends an co-workers.
@TRU_FAN GameOf_FOOTBALL You could still wear a mask.
A reusable mask needs to be changed every 3-4 hours due to humidity accumulation… I have several at this point, including a few homemade ones… Better than nothing.
Yeah! Hey Texas, put a mask on, would ya please?
Trump, is chinking away at Obamacare, which included, pre-existing conditions
Trumpcare….a jug of bleach
Has any of you got the idea that it feels like Emperor Nero playing the violin while Rome burns?
Replace the fiddle by golf clubs and tweets… But spooky close.
A sociopath is running a pandemic…..
Great title for a true story thriller
What could go wrong?
I agree. Can we vote him out?
Trump hides being a defense line of tested people… Another sign of his cowardice
@Gar Sm love your sarcasm!
Hope the trolls that reply get this virus and get KO’d big time. Tag em and bag em! Take the trash out before it starts stinking up the place.
@Mr Curly Let me guess. You’re a democrat. You want people dead.
@Jeff Gibson I personally believe in Darwin… Sheer stupidity has its rewards.
@Alain Savard I say, is that the same Darwin who wrote “On the Origin of the
Species By Means of Natural Selection for the Preservation of Favored Races”? Even Darwinists admit that the fossil evidence never happened.
‘Lack of discipline as a society’. America you need to learn that.
Unfortunately, that discipline and delay of gratification doesn’t support capitalism and the wealthy elite.
@Vic J Got that right. A President without empathy doesn’t help either. What a shocking mess. Least he’s dealing with it – sending out racist tweets(!).
@Vic J Or we can just say being “smart” and staying tf safe is a big part of the solution…You did hit on the head with the ugly wealthy elite,though.
The virus is moving rapidly through the entire country…
A shift towards younger, healthier COVID patients also occurs when most of the older, susceptible people have already died.
@ken rudge
It IS random, but when the older people are dying off, the only people left for the virus to be RANDOM in are the young people.
@facite non victimarum if all older people had been wiped off the face of the earth I would agree with you… But the plain simple facr is, fortunatley older people have common sense.. Younger ones don’t give a f//k
@ken rudge
You’re conveniently changing your story now. We’re talking about statistics here, check Mario’s original comment and your reply to it.
@facite non victimarum Thank you for understanding and pointing out the deeper meaning to my words. These people will attempt to justify the UNJUSTIFIABLE using ANYTHING they can get their hands on, no matter how illogical it may be.
The only reason it’s been highlighted unlike before is that older people are using there sense hence numbers are lower where as younger people are not using thiers.. I do understand what your saying… But a shift can be for other reasons alternate to yours…
My wife is a nurse at a large Houston hospital with an accelerating Covid 19 census. She is so disheartened and extremely worried when witnessing ever increasing irresponsible behaviour by so many younger and even older people in the community. At the current rate it will be increasingly difficult to care for all these people slamming the emergency rooms and nursing units, and ICU’s at her facility . People, wake up and follow the guidelines ! And if you become ill and require hospitilization, please remember those frontline healthcare workers who are placed at risk daily because of high risk activities by those who seem not to care.
Well…when they have a President telling them that “its %99 harmless”…you cant blame them so much. They hear contradicting advice and conspiracy theories from a president that stops allowing the scientists, doctors and epidemiologists to talk publicly.
@Kimberly Galanti no matter how young, unless under 15, i would expect them to know who is more trust-worthy, science or trump
If they the cult they should turn them away from the hospital if the catch coved.
Keep safe admiration for your wife from the uk
@angela harper one would hope so….absolutely…but its not happening that way.
If only we had some warning that this was going to happen.
**cough New York cough**
Cough.. Europe… Cough..
Cough… China… Cough…
This might not have happened if the governor hadn’t listened to Trump instead of the medical professionals!
Medical professionals have no tools for counting the number of people killed by the lockdown. The public needs to study economics, not medicine. Trump is a trained economist.
@Jeff Gibson sure he is! If he was he sure failed at it too! Geez another failure of Trump’s!
@Marilyn Reallon He studied economics at the Wharton School. Where did you study economics?
Houston is on fire! Because of criminal Republicans, we’re going to see this happen countrywide.
I looked in my epidemiology textbook. There is no such an entry as “on fire”. You’re just making that up to sound cool.
@Jeff Gibson Works for me. I live in Houston and fire maybe an understatement . More like Boom!!

I saw something where people were saying wearing a mask is against God how stupid can people be so
@Craig Crawford Thank you for saving time and admitting what you are. Feeble attempt with the most transparent deflection. The mirror isn’t your friend.
@Todd Rocket ROTFLMAO More ad hominems from you. You just can’t actually stay on topic can you? You’re constantly playing Static by Bad Reception.
@Craig Crawford You have said absolutely nothing of value. Again, the mirror is not your friend.
@Todd Rocket Why do ignoramus’s like you assume people can’t read all the posts in a thread? You said absolutely nothing of substance in any reply to me except ad hominems and the like. Grow up.
@Craig Crawford I see you require attention. I’m sad for your parents, they must be ashamed of your existence. “Ad hominem” must be the most recent thing you’ve “learned”. Keep it up. You’ll find all kinds of words to show us…
“Make mask wearing cool?” Omg US, you’ve gone off the cliff in idiocy. What about wear a mask or go to jail?
Good point. Its the easiest thing ever, that and keeping a distance. But oh nnoo, they go partying or flatout refuse….. usa is paying the price, thats for sure.
@Dregoth The entire USA is paying the price for a minority of covidiots. Unfortunately the president is one of them.