1. I like Dr. Fauci approach, we won’t be able return to a “normal” society anytime soon, keep politics aside and write this in your memory, this virus already changed the world, you just don’t know it yet

    1. What idiot thinks Fauchi is an expert in anything, he’s nothing more than a trump mouthpiece. You are a fool.

  2. Reporter: when will kids be back at school?

    Mike Pence: A long, long time ago, on a dark and stormy night…

    1. Spring Bloom exactly lol that’s why he’s misinterpreted by the media. His wording isn’t good but we with an actual brain and common sense understand what he’s trying to say. The fact trump doesn’t know how to put words together to clearly put out what he’s trying to say leaves room for the media to use his words against him.

    2. @MrHistory 808 I understand when Trump talks…..I have a 4 year old nephew so I understand the dialect.

    3. edmc1000 So why is it when he reverses a question to any reporter they’re left speechless? Lol they cut those parts out and you, being the sheep you are, buy into the media😂

    4. @Don Pepe because they can’t believe how fucking stupid he is and that they are asked to answer the question that they asked the president. Also what questions are you referring to that leaves the big bad media speechless?

    1. Bruh he’s stating facts about real word problems and not politics and u say “nobody believes u buddy”. That just shows how naive u actually are. It’s pathetic.

    2. @Sir Reo Inochi Do a little research on this man named Donald Trump, he will make you change your mind.

    3. @KC Gunz He protected cigarette corporations…..He said it does not cause cancer…..How can you defend these horrible digusting creatures?

  3. Mike pence what when will school start… “Now this is a story all about how my life got flipped upside down

  4. CNN: “Virus expert predicts when kids will return to school”

    Virus Expert: “There is no prediction”

    1. @Deadly Delight88 “I voted for Hillary and you’re dumber than I am”😂😂😂😂that had me dying😂humble burn!!!! 10 points for you, sir, ma’am or toaster, I don’t want to assume your gender!😂😂

  5. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. I put my mud boots away and pulled out my waders. The crap just keeps coming from these so called briefings.

    1. Waders! I share your frustration, friend, but your choice of words also tickled me. Be safe and well.

  6. As far as i am concern…
    I’d rather have my kids home. knowing they are safe with me and no other kids or adult is sneezing, coughing or etc on them!….they are my kids and they can learn from me also…..so much credit to all teachers creating all the work for them. Many blesdings to them!😍😊

  7. Fauci: “this is not going to disappear”….Trump: “Come April, when things heat up…it will vanish”

    1. Sam Home mosquitoes 🦟 will be back during the summer… I believe it’s going to get worst that’s my opinion. I might be wrong hopefully

    1. prschuster , short answer , those that are vulnerable will need to be isolated which follows the Sweden model

    2. prschuster
      Short answer?! I’d love to know what his long answer would be (not). More waffle than Birds Eye🤨

  8. Maybe change the title to:
    “Vice President Pence speaks of his teacher-mother-wife, and no one predicts when school might resume.”

  9. All he had to say was: “Let me direct this question over to Fauci”. That was the only correct answer or simply “I don’t know”.

    1. Cynthia Rosario but he didn’t directly answer the question not pass it off all the damn time, that just proves that he doesn’t know anything he dodged the question completely

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